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30th April 2019

Whalsay: Black-throated Diver at Skaw.


Bluemull Sound: Black-throated Diver west of Linga.


Yell: Bullfinch, 2 Reed Buntings and 15 Bramblings at Cullivoe. Common Redpoll at Sellafirth.


South Mainland: 3 Garganey and Little Grebe at Hillwell. Rook at Spiggie. Lesser Whitethroat at Scousburgh.


Unst: Hawfinch, Greenfinch, Long-eared Owl, Greenshank, Redwing, Lesser Whitehroat, 12 Pintail, 2 Linnets, 5 Tree Pipits, 2 Reed Buntings, 3 Shoveler and 14 Wood Pigeons at Baltasound. Whinchat and Redstart at Haroldswick. Knot at Heogland.


Central Mainland: Cuckoo at Catfirth.



29th April 2019

Whalsay: Wryneck at Skaw.


South Mainland: 3 Garganey at Hillwell. Greenfinch at Sandwick.


Unst: 2 Ring Ouzels at Lamba Ness. Ring Ouzel, Green Sandpiper, Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, Redwing and 2 Tree Pipits at Northdale. Black-tailed Godwit at Belmont. Greenshank, Greenfinch and 4 Bramblings at Baltasound. Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat at Burrafirth. Pied Flycatcher, Pink-footed Goose, Sparrowhawk, Whinchat, 2 Bramblings and 3 Siskins at Norwick. Pied Flycatcher, Goldcrest, Linnet, 4 Tree Pipits, 2 Reed Buntings and 7 Bramblings at Haroldswick.


Yell: Grey Plover at North Sandwick. Pied Flycatcher at Mid Yell.


West Mainland: Wood Warbler at Aith. Tree Pipit, Brambling, Sparrowhawk and 2 Sedge Warblers at West Burrafirth.


Central Mainland: Cuckoo at Catfirth.


Noss: Short-eared Owl.




27th April 2019

Whalsay: Serin at Brough. Pied Flycatcher at Challister.


Noss: Short-toed Lark.


Central Mainland: Waxwing and 2 Reed Buntings at Sandgarth. 3 Hawfinches at Brae. Hawfinch at Voe. Wood Warbler at Burn of Scudillswick, South Nesting. Osprey found dead at Sound, Lerwick.


Unst: Marsh Harrier, Whinchat and Grey Wagtail at Skaw. Osprey, Hawfinch and Long-eared Owl at Norwick. Ring Ouzel at Northdale. Iceland Gull, Redstart and 2 Reed Buntings at Uyeasound. Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher and 3 Fieldfares at Hermaness. 3 Long-eared Owls, Kestrel, Jackdaw, Sparrowhawk, Common Redpoll, Whinchat, Goldcrest, Linnet, 2 Redstarts, 5 Reed Buntings, 2 Tree Pipits, 3 Pied Flycatchers, 2 Redwings, 3 Shoveler, 2 Siskins, 2 Chaffinches, 2 House Martins and 3 Lesser Whitethroats at Baltasound. Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick. Kestrel at Sotland.


South Mainland: Yellow Wagtail, Scandinavian Rock Pipit, Black-tailed Godwit, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Jack Snipe at Sumburgh Hotel. Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Fieldfares at Grutness. Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Reed Buntings at Hoswick. Pied Flycatcher and Brambling at Swinister Burn. Common Sandpiper at Mail, Cunningsburgh.


Fetlar: Pied Flycatcher and Redstart at Brough. Sand Martin and 2 Whinchats at Aithbank. Rook at Funzie.




26th April 2019

Robins, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Song Thrushes all widespread today.


Whalsay: Serin at Brough. Wryneck and Grasshopper Warbler at Skaw.


Out Skerries: Wryneck, Long-eared Owl, Yellow Wagtail, Sedge Warbler, 2 Tree Pipits, 2 Redstarts and 2 Whinchats.


South Mainland: Brent Goose and Common Sandpiper at Grutness. Yellow Wagtail, Redstart and Lesser Whitethroat at West Voe of Sumburgh. Whinchat at Quendale. Redstart and 2 Ring Ouzels at Mossy Hill. Short-eared Owl at Bakkasetter. Tree Pipit and Goldcrest at Geosetter. Redstart and 6 Reed Buntings at Noss, Spiggie. Redstart and Lesser Whitethroat at Culsetter.


Unst: Long-eared Owl, Tree Pipit, Pied Flycatcher, Sand Martin, 10 Bramblings, 3 Shovelers and 3 Siskins at Baltasound. Sedge Warbler and Linnet at Haroldswick. Peregrine and Reed Bunting at Norwick. Whinchat and Redstart at Sotland.


Yell: 2 Pied Flycatchers at Heatherdale.


Bressay: Lesser Whitethroat at Gorie. 7 Reed Buntings at the Noss jetty.




28th April 2019

Robins, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Song Thrushes all widespread again today.


Noss: Short-toed Lark.


South Mainland: Wryneck at Maywick. Greenfinch, Brambling, Chaffinch, Siskin, 2 Linnets and 4 Reed Buntings at Hoswick. Pied Flycatcher and Lesser Whitethroat at Swinister Burn. Pied Flycatcher at Scousburgh.


Unst: Lapland Bunting at Lamba Ness. 2 Hawfinches, 2 Long-eared Owls, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Siskin, Redstart, Whitethroat, Dunnock, Fieldfare, Greenshank, Kestrel, Lesser Whitethroat, Pied Flycatcher, 2 Redwings, 4 Reed Buntings, 8 Tree Pipits, 21 Wood Pigeons, 14 Bramblings, 5 Common Redpolls, 2 Goldcrests and 3 Linnets at Baltasound. Long-eared Owl, Peregrine, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat, Common Sandpiper, Dunnock, Goldcrest, Kestrel, Lesser Whitethroat, 8 Bramblings, 3 Redstarts, 6 Reed Buntings, 2 Siskins, 2 Sparrowhawks, 2 Tree Pipits and 4 Wood Pigeons at Norwick. 3 Ring Ouzels, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Redstart, Dunnock, Long-eared Owl, Redwing, Sparrowhawk, Yellowhammer, 2 Tree Pipits and 3 Reed Buntings at Haroldswick. Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, Pied Flycatcher and 5 Tree Pipits at Northdale. Redstart, Dunnock, Wood Pigeon and 3 Bramblings at Skaw. 2 Redstarts and 3 Tree Pipits at Uyeasound.


Central Mainland: Waxwing, Black Redstart, Common Redpoll and 2 Wood Warblers at South Nesting.


West Mainland: Lesser Redpoll at Aith.


North Mainland: Coot at Sinna Water.




24th April 2019

Widespread arrival today of Robins, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs.


West Mainland: Black Kite at East Burrafirth. Dunnock at Sandness.


Whalsay: Long-eared Owl, Tree Pipit and 3 Ring Ouzels at Skaw. 2 Ring Ouzels at Newpark. Pied Flycatcher at Vatshoull. Also, 71 Chiffchaffs, 19 Willow Warblers, 30 Blackcaps, 7 Reed Buntings, 5 Redstarts, 4 Goldcrests, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, 42 Robins and 2 Siskins on the island.


South Mainland: Common Crane and Yellow Wagtail at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. 2 Tree Sparrows at Quendale. Whinchat at Geosetter. Reed Bunting, Redwing, Song Thrush and 3 Redstarts at Brake. Redstart, Reed Bunting and Lesser Whitethroat at Culsetter. Sparrowhawk at Bakkasetter. Reed Bunting at Brow Marsh. Common Sandpiper, Coot, 2 Shovelers and 2 Reed Buntings at Hillwell. Redstart at Ireland. Pied Flycatcher at Bigton. Common Tern and Sand Martin at Scatness. Sand Martin at Virkie. Whitethroat and Siskin at Scousburgh.


Central Mainland: Wood Warbler, Ring Ouzel and Pied Flycatcher at Kergord. Hawfinch at Sandgarth. Ring Ouzel, Redstart, Grey Wagtail, 3 Pied Flycatchers and 6 Song Thrushes at Frakkafield. Scaup at Loch of Tingwall.


Unst: 2 Hawfinches, Long-eared Owl, Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Redwings, 3 Siskins, 5 Wood Pigeons and 2 Song Thrushes at Norwick. Mistle Thrush at Stove. Long-eared Owl, Lesser Redpoll, Rook, Fieldfare, 6 Bramblings, 3 Shovelers and 3 Siskins at Baltasound. Sedge Warbler, Fieldfare and Song Thrush at Haroldswick. Redstart at Ungirsta. 2 Redstarts at Northdale. Kestrel and Wood Pigeon at Burrafirth.


Burra: Redwing and 5 Bramblings on East Burra.


Bressay: 7 Bramblings at Voehead.




23rd April 2019

Unst: Osprey and Ring Ouzel at Northdale. Sparrowhawk and 2 Willow Warblers at Norwick. Willow Warbler, Wood Pigeon and 2 Grey Wagtails at Skaw. Carrion Crowand 3 Willow Warblers at Haroldswick. 2 Willow Warblers at Burrafirth. 6 Bramblings at Baltasound.


Central Mainland: Common Crane flew over Staney Hill, Lerwick. Song Thrush at Wadbister.


South Mainland: Common Crane at Spiggie. Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat and Willow Warbler at Culsetter. Redstart and Whitethroat at Quendale. 2 Iceland Gulls at Hillwell. Brent Goose and 2 Gadwall at Scatness. Dunnock and Blackcap at Geosetter. Siskin at Scousburgh.


Yell: 2 Bullfinches and 12 Bramblings at Cullivoe. Common Redpoll at Windhouse. Reed Bunting at Ulsta. Carrion Crow at Burravoe.


Whalsay: Grasshopper Warbler at Skaw; also Redstart and Garden Warbler on the island.




22nd April 2019

South Mainland: Black Kite at Cunningsburgh from 09:45 to 09:50, and then flying south over Sumburgh Hotel at 14:25. Common Crane at Bakkasetter and later Hillwell. Brent Goose and Stonechat at Grutness. 6 Black-tailed Godwits at Sumburgh Farm. 4 Pintails and 4 Shoveler at Scatness. Siskin and Brambling at Sandwick.


Yell: 2 Bullfinches and 11 Bramblings at Cullivoe. House Martin and 4 Sanderlings at Gossabrough.


Unst: Yellowhammer at Haroldswick. 2 Hawfinches and Common Redpoll at Norwick. Grey Wagtail at Skaw.


Central Mainland: 2 Goldfinches at Law Lane, Lerwick. Sparrowhawk at Black Gaet.


Fetlar: Jackdaw and Carrion Crow at Funzie. 2 WiIlow Warblers at Hamars Ness.




21st April 2019

Unst: 6 Hawfinches at Norwick. Yellowhammer, Long-eared Owl, Hawfinch, Rook, Jackdaw, Song Thrush, 2 Reed Buntings, 5 Siskins, 12 Bramblings and 3 Willow Warblers at Baltasound. House Martin and Carrion Crow at Haroldswick. Arctic Skua at Burrafirth. Rook at Uyeasound.


Yell: Bullfinch, Yellowhammer, Willow Warbler and 14 Bramblings at Cullivoe.


Whalsay: Goldfinch, 2 Long-eared Owls and 2 Common Redpolls at Skaw. Greenshank at Symbister. Sparrowhawk at Grunitaing.


South Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Peregrine at Virkie. Goosander at Boddam. Willow Warbler, Blackcap and 3 Bramblings at Bigton. Blackcap, Willow Warbler and 4 Bramblings at Bakkasetter. 6 Bramblings and 5 Fieldfares at Culsetter. 2 Bramblings at Noss, Spiggie. Arctic Skua at Mousa Sound.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick. Hawfinch at Sandgarth. Siskin at Wadbister.


West Mainland: Long-eared Owl, Willow Warbler and 13 Common Redpolls at Sand.




25th April 2019

Robins, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Song Thrushes all widespread today.


Unst: Wryneck, Redstart, Kestrel, 2 Reed Buntings and 2 Whinchats at Burrafirth. Ring Ouzel and Yellowhammer at Norwick. Yellowhammer at Haroldswick. Whinchat, Stonechat, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Reed Buntings at Skaw. Tree Pipit at Northdale. Redstart at Baliasta. Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Bramblings and 3 Siskinsat Baltasound.


South Mainland: Garganey, Ruff, House Martin and 3 Sand Martins at Hillwell. Hen Harrier at Rerwick. Ring Ouzel at Compass Head. Yellow Wagtail at Sumburgh Hotel. Kestrel at Sumburgh Farm. Brent Goose and Reed Bunting at Scatness. Common Tern at Virkie. Common Sandpiper at Grutness. Redstart and Sparrowhawk at Scousburgh. Whitethroat and Redwing at Geosetter. 3 Tree Pipits at Setterbrae, Spiggie. Tree Pipit and 5 Reed Buntings at Noss, Spiggie. Redstart, Fieldfare and Dunnock at Mossy Hill. Redstart and Lesser Whitethroat at Culsetter. Redstart at Durigarth. Green Sandpiper, Tree Pipit and 2 Fieldfares at Blett, Skelberry. Green Sandpiper at Gulberwick. Dunnock at Sandwick. Woodcock at Swinister Burn. Lesser Whitethroat and Pied Flycatcher at Hoswick.


Whalsay: Black Redstart, Long-eared Owl, Grasshopper Warbler, Common Sandpiper and 2 Ring Ouzels at Skaw. Hawfinch at Marrister. Kestrel at Vevoe. Also, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, 118 Robins, 21 Blackcaps, 7 Redstarts, 2 Goldcrests, 3 Pied Flycatchers, 5 Reed Buntings and 2 Whinchats on the island.


Central Mainland: 2 Ring Ouzels at Eswick. Hawfinch at Voe. Kestrel at Wormadale. Ring Ouzel and 2 Tree Pipits at Jubilee Park, Lerwick. Pied Flycatcher, Reed Bunting, Dunnock and Brambling at Sandgarth.


Bressay: Ring Ouzel, Fieldfare and Redwing at Crueton. Siskin and 8 Bramblings at Voehead.




20th April 2019

Unst: Black Kite flew south over Norwick at 10:00; also 3 Hawfinches at Norwick. 3 Hawfinches, Yellowhammer, Long-eared Owl, Linnet, Blackcap, Dunnock, Siskin and 3 Shovelers at Baltasound. Willow Warbler at Skaw. Carrion Crow at Haroldswick.


Yell: Yellowhammer, Blackcap and 6 Bramblings at Cullivoe. Blackcap at Gloup. Dunnock and Brambling at Heatherdale.


Fetlar: Grasshopper Warbler at Strandburgh.


South Mainland: Black Redstart and Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Hotel. Iceland Gull, Sand Martin and Song Thrush at West Voe of Sumburgh. WiIlow Warbler at Grutness. 2 Bramblings at Bakkasetter.


Whalsay: Yellowhammer at Hamister. Long-eared Owl at Skaw.


Central Mainland: 5 Pintails at Skellister.



16th April 2019

Unst: Hawfinch, Long-eared Owl, Jack Snipe, Dunnock, Linnet, Sand Martin and 3 Swallows at Baltasound. Willow Warbler and 4 Long-eared Owls at Norwick. Sparrowhawk at Burrafirth. Pintail at Haroldswick. 2 Common Redpolls at Northdale.


Whalsay: Long-eared Owl and Sparrowhawk at Skaw. Sparrowhawk at Midfield.


North Mainland: Hawfinch at North Roe.


South Mainland: Goldfinch, Blackcap, Brambling, Siskin and Song Thrush at Bakkasetter. Blackcap at Culsetter. Woodcock at Geosetter. Dunnock at Skelberry. Wood Pigeon at Sumburgh Hotel.


Central Mainland: Common Redpoll at Sandgarth. Greenfinch at Wadbister.




15th April 2019

Unst: Tundra Bean Goose at Baltasound. 2 Long-eared Owls at Northdale. Long-eared Owl at Norwick. Canada Goose x Barnacle Goose hybrid at Haroldswick. Grey Wagtail at Skaw.


West Mainland: Hawfinch at Reawick.


Whalsay: Glaucous Gull at Vatshoull.


Central Mainland: Greenfinch at Strand. Greenfinch at Wadbister.


South Mainland: 2 Pintails at Boddam. Brambling at Bakkasetter.


Yell: Brambling at Mid Yell.




17th April 2019

South Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Ring Ouzel, 3 Willow Warblers and 3 Song Thrushes at Quendale. 2 Black-tailed Godwits and 7 Jackdaws at Hillwell. Willow Warbler at Bakkasetter. Blackcap at Grutness. 2 Pintails at Boddam. Dunnock at Scousburgh. 2 Bramblings at Cunningsburgh. Swallow at Toab.


Yell: Hawfinch and 3 Swallows at Cullivoe.


Central Mainland: Yellowhammer and Greenfinch at Strand. Greenfinch at Wadbister.


Bressay: Yellowhammer and Song Thrush at Voehead. Swallow at Crueton.


Unst: Reed Bunting at Skaw. Jackdaw, Siskin, Brambling, 3 Shovelers and 2 Swallows at Baltasound. 2 Linnets at Norwick. 2 Song Thrushes and 6 Swallows at Burrafirth.




18th April 2019

Widespread arrival of Chiffchaffs, Robins and Wheatears today.


Unst: Great Grey Shrike at Northdale. Hawfinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Siskin and 3 Shovelers at Baltasound. Hawfinch and Blackcap at Burrafirth. Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Willow Warbler and Dunnock at Norwick. Carrion Crow at Haroldswick.


Whalsay: Long-eared Owl, Black Redstart and Sand Martin at Skaw.


South Mainland: Ring Ouzel and Blackcap at Quendale. Hawfinch, Willow Warbler and Sand Martin at Bigton. Willow Warbler, Sparrowhawk and Jack Snipe at Virkie. Willow Warbler at Toab. Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. Pintail at Boddam. Goldfinch at Ocraquoy. Dunnock and Siskin at Scousburgh. Brambling at Skelberry. Willow Warbler and Rook at Bakkasetter. 2 Willow Warblers and 2 Blackcaps at Culsetter.

Yell: Hawfinch at Breckon.


Central Mainland: Mistle Thrush, Brambling, Carrion Crow, Song Thrush, 3 Jackdaws, 3 Fieldfares and 5 Wood Pigeons at Kergord. Tree Pipit, Sparrowhawk, Blackcap, Redwing, Slavonian Grebe and 4 Wood Pigeons at South Nesting. 10 Jackdaws at Hillhead, Lerwick. Siskin and 3 Bramblings at Wadbister.


Trondra: 2 Hawfinches.




19th April 2019

Central Mainland: White-tailed Eagle at Laxfirth. 2 Garganey and 3 Sand Martins at Loch of Benston. Siskin and 3 Bramblings at Wadbister.


Unst: Yellowhammer, Greenfinch, Linnet and 4 Bramblings at Baltasound. Hawfinch at Norwick. Sand Martin and House Martin at Haroldswick. Whimbrel at Skaw. 2 Wood Pigeons at Northdale.


Yell: 2 Yellowhammers, Hawfinch, Siskin and 4 Bramblings at Cullivoe.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull, 10 Jackdaws, 10 Sand Martins and 2 Little Grebes at Hillwell. Greenshank, Whimbrel, Willow Warbler and Blackcap at Bakkasetter. Goosander at Spiggie.


Fetlar: Willow Warbler and Wood Pigeon at Feal.




13th April 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Tresta.


Whalsay: Smew at Vatshoull. 2 Barnacle Geese at Brough.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe, Iceland Gull and Sand Martin at Spiggie; also an unconfirmed report of a Taiga Bean Goose there. 2 Hawfinches at Cunningsburgh. Greenshank and Swallow at Virkie. Green Sandpiper at Swinister Burn. Sparrowhawk, Wheatear and Swallow at Grutness. Brambling at Bakkasetter.


Unst: Hawfinch, Greenland White-fronted Goose, Barnacle Goose and Canada Goose x Barnacle Goose hybrid at Baltasound. Long-eared Owl, Woodcock, 2 Siskins, 18 Bramblings and 7 Song Thrushes at Norwick. Grey Wagtail and 2 Sparrowhawks at Haroldswick.


Yell: Long-eared Owl at West Sandwick.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Brae.




14th April 2019

Unst: Tengmalm's Owl at Norwick; also Swallow, 2 Bramblings and 3 Wood Pigeons there. Long-eared Owl and 3 Hawfinches at Baltasound. Carrion Crow at Westing. Swallow at Burrafirth.


Whalsay: Hawfinch at Symbister. Pink-footed Goose at Burns.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Brae. Dunnock at North Road, Lerwick. Linnet at Frakkafield.


South Mainland: Swallow at Quendale. Brambling and Wood Pigeon at Bakkasetter.


Yell: Wood Pigeon and 2 Bramblings at Cullivoe.


North Mainland: Swallow at Gluss.




12th April 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Tresta; also a Swallow there.


Unst: Red-flanked Bluetail at Burrafirth; also Stonechat and Swallow there. Long-eared Owl, Sand Martin and 18 Wood Pigeons at Baltasound. Black Redstart and Common Redpoll at Haroldswick. 2 Greenfinches and 12 Bramblings at Norwick. Glaucous Gull at Uyeasound. Swallow at Skaw.


Whalsay: Smew at Vatshoull.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Iceland Gull at Spiggie. Yellowhammer at Hillwell. Iceland Gull at Sumburgh Farm. 2 Hawfinches and Brambling at Bakkasetter. Brambling at Scousburgh.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Scalloway. 6 Bramblings at Weisdale.




11th April 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Tresta.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Hawfinch and Brambling at Bakkasetter. Goldfinch and 2 Wheatears at Grutness. Brambling and 2 Dunnocks at Toab. Song Thrush at Geosetter.


Unst: Common Rosefinch, Greenfinch, Common Redpoll, Dunnock, 3 Long-eared Owls, 17 Wood Pigeons, 2 Bramblings and 2 Siskins at Baltasound. 2 Long-eared Owls at Haroldswick. Blackcap at Ungirsta. 2 Snow Buntings at Easting. Wheatear at Caldback.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch and Greenfinch at Scalloway. Greenfinch at Mossbank.




10th April 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Tresta.


South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Hoswick. 2 Hawfinches and Kestrel at Bakkasetter. Hawfinch and Marsh Harrier at Scousburgh. Short-eared Owl at Sumburgh Head. Goldfinch, Wheatear, White Wagtail and 2 Grey Wagtails at Grutness.


Unst: Hawfinch at Norwick. Black Redstart, Snow Bunting, Pintail and Wheatear at Haroldswick. Glaucous Gull, Jackdaw, Song Thrush and 3 Pink-footed Geese at Baltasound. 2 Snow Buntings at Easting.


Yell: Hawfinch at Burravoe. Hawfinch at Cullivoe. Water Rail and Dunnock at Gutcher.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Scalloway. Carrion Crow at Sella Ness.



9th April 2019

South Mainland: 2 Hawfinches, Sparrowhawk and Song Thrush at Bakkasetter.


Unst: 3 Long-eared Owls, Dunnock, Barnacle Goose, Brambling and 2 Common Redpolls at Baltasound. Iceland Gull and Sanderling at Skaw. Greenfinch and Sparrowhawk at Norwick. Carrion Crow and 2 Bramblings at Haroldswick.


Central Mainland: Wheatear at Brough. Pintail at Trowie Loch. Slavonian Grebe at Vassa Voe. 2 Slavonian Grebes at Gletness.


Yell: Dunnock at Gutcher.



8th April 2019

Unst: Common Rosefinch, Long-eared Owl and Greenfinch at Baltasound.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Scalloway. 4 Jackdaws at Kergord. Pintail at Grunna Water.


South Mainland: Goldfinch at Sumburgh Head. Song Thrush at Bakkasetter.


Yell: Dunnock at Gutcher. Wood Pigeon at Cullivoe.




7th April 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Little Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Iceland Gulls at Grutness. Snow Bunting and 2 Dunnocks at Scatness.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Scalloway.


Unst: Siberian Chiffchaff and Common Redpoll at Baltasound.


Yell: Snow Bunting at Breckon. Dunnock at Gutcher.




5th April 2019

Small arrival of Chiffchaffs today, along with more Robins, Goldcrests and Chaffinches.


South Mainland: Goshawk at Geosetter. Marsh Harrier at Scousburgh. Common Rosefinch and 2 Bramblings at Cunningsburgh. Hawfinch and Linnet at Bakkasetter. Common Redpoll at Sumburgh Head. Sparrowhawk at Fladdabister.


Central Mainland: 2 Hawfinches at Wadbister. Hen Harrier at Loch of Voe. 2 Greenfinches and Brambling at Scalloway, and a Long-eared Owl found dead there. 2 Slavonian Grebes at Lingness. Slavonian Grebe at East Voe of Skellister.


Unst: 2 Long-eared Owls and 3 Tree Sparrows at Baltasound. Long-eared Owl at Norwick. Snow Bunting at Burrafirth. Grey Wagtail at Watlee.




6th April 2019

Unst: Tundra Bean Goose, Pintail and Carrion Crow at Haroldswick. 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Hamar. Greenfinch at Norwick. Long-eared Owl, Jackdaw, Common Redpoll, Sparrowhawk and 2 Pink-footed Geese at Baltasound.


South Mainland: Marsh Harrier at Rerwick. Great Tit at Geosetter. 2 Little Gulls at Henry's Loch, Quarff. Hawfinch at Hoswick. Hawfinch at Bakkasetter. Brent Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Dunnock at Toab. Wood Pigeon at Culsetter. Chiffchaff at Grutness.


Yell: Short-eared Owl at Sellafirth.




3rd April 2019

West Mainland: White-tailed Eagle and Common Scoter at Tresta. Great Skua at West Burrafirth.


South Mainland: Hawfinch at Quarff. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Wheatear at Boddam. Pink-footed Goose at Dalsetter. Chiffchaff at Bakkasetter. Rook at Toab.


Unst: 3 Long-eared Owls and 12 Wood Pigeons at Baltasound. Stonechat and Scandinavian Rock Pipit at Haroldswick. Snow Bunting, Carrion Crow and Chaffinch at Westing.


Central Mainland: Snow Bunting and Pink-footed Goose at Lerwick.


Whalsay: 3 Chaffinches, 2 Robins, Goldcrest and 2 Chiffchaffs at Skaw.


Out Skerries: Chiffchaff, 2 Robins and 4 Chaffinches.




4th April 2019

Small arrival of Chaffinches, Goldcrests and Robins at several sites today.


South Mainland: Hawfinch at Scousburgh. Hawfinch at Skelberry. Common Redpoll at Sumburgh Head. 3 Snow Buntings at Grutness. Grey Wagtail at Wester Quarff.


Yell: Hawfinch and Wood Pigeon at Cullivoe.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick.


Unst: 3 Long-eared Owls at Baltasound.


Foula: 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese, Stonechat, Glaucous Gull, Chiffchaff, Peregrine, Grey Wagtail, 2 Snow Buntings, 3 Wheatears, 2 Sparrowhawks and 100 Redwings.


West Mainland: Chiffchaff at Sand.




2nd April 2019

Unst: Wheatear and Stonechat at Haroldswick. 2 Chiffchaffs at Norwick. Snow Bunting at Westing. Water Rail at Baltasound.


West Mainland: Wheatear at West Burrafirth.


South Mainland: Little Grebe and Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Bar-tailed Godwits at Virkie.


Yell: Snow Bunting at Cullivoe. Chaffinch at Gutcher.


Central Mainland: Grey Wagtail and Pink-footed Goose at Lerwick.



1st April 2019

Central Mainland: 6 Snow Buntings, 5 Bramblings and 9 Chaffinches at Lerwick.


Unst: 2 Peregrines at Haroldswick.


Yell: 3 Snow Buntings at Breckon.




31st March 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch, Siskin, Brambling and 2 Chaffinches at Cunningsburgh.


Unst: Wheatear at Colvadale. Goldcrest and Pink-footed Goose at Norwick. Snow Bunting and White Wagtail at Lund. 2 Snow Buntings at Uyeasound.


Bressay: 4 Wood Pigeons at Keldabister.




27th March 2019

No news received today.




26th March 2019

Yell: Long-eared Owl at West Sandwick.




28th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie.


North Mainland: 3 Snow Buntings at Eshaness.




29th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Iceland Gull and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Virkie. Sparrowhawk at Skelberry. Chiffchaff at Bakkasetter.


Unst: Chiffchaff at Baltasound.


Central Mainland: 12 Chaffinches at Voe.




30th March 2019

Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Mossbank.


West Mainland: 2 Wood Pigeons at Sand.




24th March 2019

Unst: Iceland Gull at Uyeasound. 2 Snow Buntings at Westing.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull at Spiggie. Iceland Gull at Bigton.


Central Mainland: Pied Wagtail at Girlsta.




23rd March 2019

Unst: Peregrine, Carrion Crow and 12 Snow Buntings at Westing.




22nd March 2019

Whalsay: Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk at Hamister.


Unst: 2 Glaucous Gulls and 2 Iceland Gulls at Haroldswick. Iceland Gull at Westing.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull and 2 Coots at Hillwell.


Central Mainland: Water Rail at Scalloway Road, Lerwick.




21st March 2019

Unst: Long-eared Owl and 4 Snow Buntings at Baltasound.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Lerwick.


Yell: Jack Snipe at Burravoe.


West Mainland: Common Scoter at Melby.


South Mainland: Goldcrest at Bigton.




25th March 2019

South Mainland: Chiffchaff and Chaffinch at Bakkasetter.


Unst: Great Skua at Haroldswick.




20th March 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch and Brambling at Cunningsburgh.


Unst: Glaucous Gull and 3 Iceland Gulls at Norwick. Iceland Gull at Westing.



16th March 2019

North Mainland: Snowy Owl at Loch of Burraland.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay.


Unst: Scandinavian Rock Pipit at Norwick.




15th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Pied Wagtail at Bakkasetter.


Unst: Tundra Bean Goose, Barnacle Goose and Water Rail at Baltasound. 2 Water Rails at Haroldswick.




17th March 2019

North Mainland: 3 Snow Buntings at Eshaness.


West Mainland: Common Scoter at Melby.


Central Mainland: 6 Bramblings and 10 Chaffinches at Sound, Lerwick.


Unst: 'blue' Fulmar past Lamba Ness.




18th March 2019

Yell: Common Buzzard at Mid Yell.


South Mainland: Great Tit and 7 Chaffinches at Bigton.


North Mainland: Sparrowhawk at North Collafirth.


Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Girlsta.




19th March 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch, Brambling and 3 Chaffinches at Cunningsburgh. 2 Gadwall at Hillwell.


Unst: Chiffchaff and Wood Pigeon at Norwick. 2 Rooks at Skaw.




13th March 2019

No news received today.



14th March 2019

North Mainland: Snowy Owl at Ronas Hill.


Whalsay: European White-fronted Goose at Vatshoull.


South Mainland: 2 Chaffinches at Cunningsburgh. Chaffinch at Skelberry.




12th March 2019

Unst: Tundra Bean Goose at Baltasound. Iceland Gull and Song Thrush at Norwick.




28th February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta.


North Mainland: Snowy Owl at Ronas Hill.


Unst: Coues's Arctic Redpoll, Lesser Redpoll and 10 Common Redpolls at Baltasound.


Bluemull Sound: White-billed Diver, Iceland Gull, 2 Velvet Scoters and 17 Common Scoters.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver and Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Lerwick harbour. Sparrowhawk at Sandgarth.




11th March 2019

Unst: Jackdaw at Baltasound. Pied Wagtail at Haroldswick.


Central Mainland: Song Thrush at Burnside, Lerwick.




10th March 2019

South Mainland: Iceland Gull at Spiggie. Iceland Gull at Hoswick.


Unst: Scandinavian Rock Pipit and Pied Wagtail at Haroldswick.



9th March 2019

No news received today.



8th March 2019

Unst: White-tailed Eagle at Baltasound; also 2 Rooks there. Iceland Gull and Pink-footed Goose at Westing.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Glaucous Gull at Spiggie. Iceland Gull and 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick. Great Tit and Reed Bunting at Bigton. Coot at Hillwell.


North Mainland: 4 Woodcocks, Pink-footed Goose and 15 Snow Buntings at North Roe.


7th March 2019

Yell: White-tailed Eagle at West Sandwick.


Unst: Glaucous Gull at Haroldswick.


Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Skellister.




5th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh.


Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. Iceland Gull at Lerwick harbour.


Unst: House Martin at Baltasound.


West Mainland: Long-eared Owl at Tresta.




6th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay.




3rd March 2019

Yell: White-tailed Eagle at West Sandwick. 25 Snow Buntings at Breckon.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Stonechat at St Ninian's Isle. Great Tit at Bigton.

Unst: House Martin at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Lerwick harbour. Shoveler and 18 Knot at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.




4th March 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver and Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. Little Auk at East Voe of Skellister. 8 Slavonian Grebes at Gletness. Scaup and Pintail at Loch of Benston. 40 Snow Buntings at Voe.


Unst: House Martin at Norwick. Reed Bunting at Haroldswick.


Yell: Snow Bunting at Breckon.




2nd March 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta.


Unst: Coues's Arctic Redpoll and 3 Common Redpolls at Baltasound. House Martin at Norwick.


North Mainland: Common Buzzard at South Collafirth.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese, Barnacle Goose and 2 European White-fronted Geese at Sandwick. Water Rail at Gulberwick.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay. 2 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Long-eared Owl and 2 Greenfinches at Sandgarth.



1st March 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick. Common Scoter at Scatness. Brent Goose and Pink-footed Goose at Old Scatness.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver and Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. 3 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour.


Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Baltasound.


North Mainland: Peregrine and 47 Snow Buntings at Ronas Hill.




27th February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta; also Long-eared Owl there.


South Mainland: Pied-billed GrebeMediterranean Gull, Goldfinch, Water Rail and 2 Stonechats at Spiggie. 17 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Barnacle Goose and 2 European White-fronted Geese at Sandwick. Goldcrest and Water Rail at Virkie.


Unst: Stonechat at Norwick. Velvet Scoter and 19 Common Scoters at Skuda Sound.


Fetlar: Stonechat at Funzie.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 3 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. 2 Slavonian Grebes at Vassa Voe.




26th February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta; also 5 Slavonian Grebes at Tresta Voe.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Mediterranean Gull at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 3 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Pintail at Grunna Water.




24th February 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Stonechat at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver, Velvet Scoter, 2 Iceland Gulls and 3 Snow Buntings at Quendale Bay. Stonechat and 3 Snow Buntings at West Voe of Sumburgh. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese, 2 European White-fronted Geese and Pink-footed Goose at Sandwick. Iceland Gull at Leebitton. Iceland Gull at Clumlie. 2 Scaup at Hillwell. 14 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 5 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. 8 Bramblings and 10 Chaffinches at Sound, Lerwick. Scaup at Loch of Benston. Pintail at Gletness. 4 Wood Pigeons at Catfirth.


North Mainland: Stonechat at Ollaberry.




23rd February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Bixter.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Mediterranean Gull at Fleck. Black-throated Diver and Velvet Scoter at Quendale Bay. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick. Iceland Gull at Clumlie.


Unst: 3 Tundra Bean Geese and European White-fronted Goose at Baltasound. Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gulls at Westing. Glaucous Gull and Pintail at Uyeasound. 2 Iceland Gulls at Norwick. Rook at Haroldswick.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 5 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Greenfinch at Sandgarth. 3 Chaffinches at Stendaal, South Nesting.




22nd February 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese, 2 European White-fronted Geese, Barnacle Goose and Pink-footed Goose at Sandwick. Iceland Gull at Leebitton. Snow Bunting at Sumburgh Head.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Pintail at Grunna Water. Pintail at Trowie Loch, South Nesting.


West Mainland: Iceland Gull at Bridge of Walls.


Unst: 3 Iceland Gulls at Uyeasound.


Fetlar: 3 Snow Buntings at Aithbank.




21st February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Bixter.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Kumlien's Gull at Scatness. 21 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Scaupat Hillwell.


Central Mainland: 5 Iceland Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick. Pied Wagtail at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick. 2 Woodcocks at Upper Kergord. Chaffinch at Weisdale.


Unst: 3 Tundra Bean Geese and 2 Iceland Gulls at Uyeasound. Iceland Gull at Westing. Jackdaw and Water Rail at Baltasound. Dunnock at Norwick.


Yell: Goosander at Gloup. 4 Snow Buntings at Cullivoe.




20th February 2019

South Mainland: Kumlien's Gull at Scatness.


Yell: Glaucous Gull at Gutcher. Goosander and Water Rail at Cullivoe.


West Mainland: Long-eared Owl at Tresta.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Lerwick harbour.



16th February 2019

Burra: House Martin at Burland, Trondra.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Little Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Bewick's Swans at Clumlie. Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton. Brent Goose and 6 Song Thrushes at Sumburgh Farm. Lesser Black-backed Gull at Virkie.


Unst: Iceland Gull at Westing.


Central Mainland: Pied Wagtail at Shetland Catch, Lerwick. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick. Pintail at Skellister, South Nesting.


Yell: 4 Goosanders at Sellafirth.


Foula: 4 Snow Buntings.




15th February 2019

Unst: grey morph Gyr Falcon at Westing.


South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton. Hen Harrier at Boddam.


Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Pintail at Skellister, South Nesting.


West Mainland: 2 Water Rails at West Burrafirth.





17th February 2019

West Mainland: Swallow at Norby.


South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton.


Yell: 40 Snow Buntings at Cullivoe. 3 Chaffinches at Sellafirth.


Central Mainland: 4 Bramblings and 8 Chaffinches at Sound, Lerwick.




18th February 2019

Foula: Swallow at Ham.


South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton. Iceland Gull at Clumlie.


Central Mainland: 3 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour.


Yell: 15 Snow Buntings and 2 Chaffinches at Breckon. Chaffinch at Cullivoe. 3 Chaffinches at Sellafirth.




19th February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Bixter.


Unst: Glaucous Gull at Lamba Ness.


Central Mainland: 2 Snow Buntings at Sullom Voe Terminal. Pintail at Grunna Water, South Nesting.




13th February 2019

Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe.


Unst: Iceland Gull at Westing.




14th February 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull and 3 Iceland Gulls at Lerwick harbour. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.


Whalsay: 20 Snow Buntings at Skaw.




12th February 2019

Unst: Iceland Gull at Norwick.


South Mainland: 18 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Whalsay: 15 Snow Buntings at Skaw.




11th February 2019

Unst: Little Auk and 2 'blue' Fulmars past Lamba Ness. 3 Tundra Bean Geese at Uyeasound. 2 Tundra Bean Geese and Barnacle Goose at Baltasound. Iceland Gull and Pink-footed Goose at Westing. European White-fronted Goose at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Greenfinch and 2 Chaffinches at North Road, Lerwick.


Whalsay: 21 Snow Buntings at Skaw.




10th February 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Sparrowhawk, Song Thrush and 3 Chaffinches at Hoswick.


Yell: 4 Sanderlings at Gossabrough.



9th February 2019

Central Mainland: 2 Glaucous Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick. Glaucous Gull at Gremista.


Unst: Glaucous Gull at Haroldswick.


West Mainland: Coot and Pink-footed Goose at Norby.



8th February 2019

No news received today.




7th February 2019

Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Baliasta. Iceland Gull at Underhoull. Barnacle Goose at Baltasound.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull and 2 Snow Buntings at Sandwick.


West Mainland: Coot at Norby.




5th February 2019

South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Ireland. 3 Snow Buntings at West Voe of Sumburgh.


Unst: Little Auk and 'blue' Fulmar past Lamba Ness. 12 Snow Buntings at Norwick. Water Rail at Baltasound.




6th February 2019

Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Lerwick.


South Mainland: 12 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.




3rd February 2019

West Mainland: White-billed Diver at Skelda Voe.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe, Little Grebe and 6 Scaup at Spiggie. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton. 9 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Central Mainland: 30 Snow Buntings at Voe. 3 Chaffinches at Brettabister.


Fetlar: Water Rail at Funzie.




4th February 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and 5 Scaup at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Rerwick. 19 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe. Sparrowhawk at Loch of Clickimin.


Unst: Iceland Gull at Underhoull. Velvet Scoter and 12 Common Scoters at Skuda Sound, Uyeasound. Velvet Scoter at Huney. Song Thrush at Baltasound.




2nd February 2019

West Mainland: White-billed Diver at Skelda Voe.


South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Bigton. Hen Harrier at Virkie. Water Rail at Ocraquoy.



1st February 2019

Unst: Iceland Gull at Loch of Heogland.




25th February 2019

West Mainland: Tengmalm's Owl at Lea Gardens, Tresta.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh.


Whalsay: Stonechat and 3 Common Redpolls at Midsetter. Stonechat and Puffin at Skaw.


Central Mainland: Pintail at Grunna Water. Pintail at Loch of Benston. 53 Chaffinches at Brough, South Nesting.




31st January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe, Little Grebe and Glaucous Gull at Spiggie.


Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Baltasound. Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull and 2 Glaucous Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.




27th January 2019

Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe. Jackdaw at Kergord. Pink-footed Goose at Loch of Tingwall.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull and 6 Snow Buntings at Sandwick.




26th January 2019

Unst: Iceland Gull at Underhoull. 15 Snow Buntings at Upper Sotland.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Shetland Catch, Lerwick. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.


South Mainland: Common Scoter at Hoswick. Barnacle Goose at Sandwick.


Fetlar: Water Rail at Funzie.




28th January 2019

Central Mainland: Red-necked Grebe and White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay. Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Hen Harrier at Channerwick. Iceland Gull at Leebitton. 10 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Brent Goose at Old Scatness. 2 Snow Buntings at West Voe of Sumburgh. Snow Bunting at Grutness.


Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese and Barnacle Goose at Baltasound.




29th January 2019

Central Mainland: Red-necked Grebe at South Nesting Bay. 2 Iceland Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.


South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh.


Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese and Barnacle Goose at Baltasound. European White-fronted Goose at Norwick. Pink-footed Goose at Westing.




30th January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Brent Goose at Old Scatness. 8 Snow Buntings at Grutness.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay.


Unst: Snow Bunting at Hermaness.




24th January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Little Grebe at Spiggie.


Yell: 3 Chaffinches at Sellafirth.




23rd January 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Water Rail at Ocraquoy.


Unst: 2 Glaucous Gulls at Norwick.


Yell: 5 Goosanders and 4 Chaffinches at Sellafirth.


Central Mainland: 2 Goosanders at Laxo.




22nd January 2019

Unst: 2 Glaucous Gulls at Westing. Iceland Gull at Norwick. 4 Common Scoters at Haroldswick.


Fetlar: Water Rail at Funzie.




21st January 2019

Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe.


Unst: 2 Glaucous Gulls at Haroldswick. Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth. Iceland Gull and 4 Goosanders at Uyeasound. Iceland Gull at Westing. 20 Snow Buntings at Caldback Hill. Song Thrush at Baltasound.




25th January 2019

Unst: Glaucous Gull at Norwick. Iceland Gull at Haroldswick.


South Mainland: Iceland Gull and 5 Snow Buntings at Sandwick.




20th January 2019

Central Mainland: Smew and Scaup at Vassa Voe.


Unst: 15 Glaucous Gulls and Peregrine at Norwick. 5 Glaucous Gulls at Burrafirth. Iceland Gull at Underhoull.



16th January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 16 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Common Scoter at Hoswick. Barnacle Goose at Sandwick.


Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Lerwick harbour. Shoveler and 2 Gadwall at Pullar's Loch. Lerwick.


Unst: Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.


Fetlar: Water Rail at Funzie.




15th January 2019

Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. 11 Jackdaws at Kergord.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 16 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Brent Goose and European White-fronted Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Water Rail at Virkie. Shoveler at Scatness.


Unst: Long-eared Owl and Glaucous Gull at Baltasound. Glaucous Gull at Norwick.




17th January 2019

Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Baltasound. 2 Glaucous Gulls at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Shoveler and 2 Gadwall at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.




18th January 2019

Central Mainland: Smew at Loch of Benston/Vassa Voe. 30 Snow Buntings at Loch of Benston. Carrion Crow at Veensgarth.


Unst: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Baltasound. Glaucous Gull, Long-eared Owl and Woodcock at Norwick. Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.


South Mainland: Water Rail at Ocraquoy.


Yell: 2 Song Thrushes and 2 Chaffinches at Sellafirth.




19th January 2019

Central Mainland: Smew and Scaup at Vassa Voe.


Unst: Iceland Gull and 3 Glaucous Gulls at Norwick. Snow Bunting at Saxa Vord. 4 Chaffinches at Northdale.


West Mainland: 2 European White-fronted Geese at Aith.


South Mainland: Water Rail at Cunningsburgh. Barnacle Goose at Sandwick. 2 Snow Buntings at Grutness.




13th January 2019

Unst: Coues's Arctic Redpoll at Baltasound; also Sparrowhawk and 18 Chaffinches at Baltasound. 2 Little Auks, Iceland Gull, 2 Glaucous Gulls and 7 'blue' Fulmars past Lamba Ness. Glaucous Gull at Norwick.


South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Glaucous Gull, 16 European White-fronted Geese, Pink-footed Goose and Peregrine at Spiggie. Glaucous Gull and European White-fronted Goose at Scatness. European White-fronted Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Common Redpoll at Boddam. Common Scoter and Chaffinchat Hoswick. Sparrowhawk at Swinister Burn.


Central Mainland: 2 Goosanders at Laxo.




14th January 2019

Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at South Nesting Bay. Little Egret at Voe.


South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Water Rail at Ocraquoy.


Unst: Little Auk, 3 Glaucous Gulls and 3 'blue' Fulmars at Lamba Ness. Glaucous Gull and Herring Gull x Glaucous Gull hybrid at Norwick.




12th January 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Iceland Gull at Sandwick. Common Scoter at Hoswick.


Unst: Iceland Gull and 5 Glaucous Gulls at Norwick. Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.


Central Mainland: Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.




11th January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Brent Goose and European White-fronted Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Glaucous Gull, Gadwall, Shelduck and Shoveler at Scatness. 2 Snow Buntings at West Voe of Sumburgh.


Bluemull Sound: White-billed Diver and Glaucous Gull.


Unst: Common Scoter at Loch of Belmont.


Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Catfirth. Common Scoter, 2 Pintails and 34 Chaffinches at South Nesting. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.




10th January 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. European White-fronted Goose at Scatness. Little Grebe at Spiggie.


Unst: Glaucous Gull at Ungirsta. Jackdaw at Baltasound.


Central Mainland: Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.



9th January 2019

West Mainland: Green-winged Teal at Culswick.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 3 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver off Housabister, South Nesting; also 2 Pintails, 2 Slavonian Grebes, Brambling and 115 Chaffinches at South Nesting. 2 Goosanders at Laxo.


Unst: 3 Tundra Bean Geese at Muness. Water Rail at Baltasound.



8th January 2019

South Mainland: 2 Bewick's Swans at Clumlie. 2 Iceland Gulls at Scatness. 2 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.


Unst: 3 Iceland Gulls and 2 Glaucous Gulls at Norwick. Glaucous Gull, 'blue' Fulmar and Great Skua past Lamba Ness. Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. 17 Snow Buntings at Upper Sotland.


Bluemull Sound: Glaucous Gull.


Central Mainland: Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.




7th January 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Glaucous Gull, 2 Iceland Gulls and 2 Shelducks at Boddam.


Unst: Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gulls at Norwick.


North Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Stenness.


Whalsay: European White-fronted Goose and 3 Pink-footed Geese.


Central Mainland: 2 Pintails at South Nesting.




5th January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie.


Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe. Scaup at Loch of Benston. Scaup at Loch of Stavaness. Pintail at Gletness. Pintail at Grunna Water. 16 Chaffinches at Brough, South Nesting.


Unst: 2 Iceland Gulls at Uyeasound. Sparrowhawk and 2 Chaffinches at Baltasound.




6th January 2019

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch at Cunningsburgh. Brent Goose at Sumburgh Farm. 3 Snow Buntings at Grutness. 11 Pink-footed Geese at Scatness.


Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe. Scaup and Pintail at Loch of Benston. Pintail at Gletness. Pintail at Grunna Water. 6 Knot at Breiwick, Lerwick. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.


Unst: 4 Long-eared Owls at Baltasound. 3 Goosanders at Loch of Watlee. Pintail at Easter Loch, Uyeasound.


Whalsay: 3 Pink-footed Geese at Brough. Water Rail at Marrister. Carrion Crow at Skaw.




3rd January 2019

South Mainland: 2 Bewick's Swans at Levenwick. Brent Goose at Sumburgh Farm. 5 Snow Buntings at Sumburgh Head. Snow Bunting at Bakkasetter.


Central Mainland: Little Egret at Voe. Sparrowhawk at Wadbister.


Unst: 4 Goosanders at Uyeasound.




4th January 2019

South Mainland: 2 Bewick's Swans at Clumlie. Black Redstart at Hillwell. Brent Goose at Sumburgh Farm.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver off Kirkabister. Little Egret at Voe. Pintail at Gletness. Woodcock at Sandgarth. Shoveler at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.


Unst: Tree Sparrow and Velvet Scoter at Baltasound.


Yell: Common Scoter at Loch of Littlester.




2nd January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Bewick's Swans at Clumlie. 22 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta. Brent Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Hen Harrier at Cunningsburgh. Woodcock, Shoveler, Shelduck and 2 Gadwall at Scatness.


Central Mainland: White-billed Diver off Kirkabister. Little Egret at Voe. Siberian Chiffchaff and 2 Jackdaws at Kergord.


Unst: 2 Glaucous Gulls at Lamba Ness. Iceland Gull, Woodcock, Song Thrush, Carrion Crow and 7 Chaffinches at Norwick. 12 Chaffinches at Baltasound.



1st January 2019

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Great Tit at Bigton. Long-eared Owl at Virkie. Short-eared Owl at Scatness.


Unst: 3 Tundra Bean Geese at Clivocast. 3 European White-fronted Geese at Muness. Barnacle Goose at Baltasound. 2 Iceland Gulls, Glaucous Gull and 2 'blue' Fulmars past Lamba Ness.


West Mainland: Knot at Sandness.



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