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Recent sightings


We try to include most records sent directly to us and we collect records from many other sources. As a news site, there will inevitably be errors included - in identification and in compilation. This site does not constitute an official record; this is published annually in the Shetland Bird Report, using records which have been formally submitted and assessed by local and national committees.


Species in red are national (BBRC) rarities. 
Species in orange are local/Scottish rarities.


18th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Short-eared Owl at Bastavoe.  

South Mainland:  50 Sanderling, 6 Knot and 41 Common Gulls noted at Scord Beach, Sumburgh Airport.   Quail at Hillwell.  â€‹



17th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

WhalsayBlack-throated Diver at Skaw Voe.   

South Mainland:  Unidentified large raptor headed north towards Boddam mid morning.  Common Swift at Ocraquoy.  Quail at Hillwell.   Pacific Swift still north of Virkie towards Clevigarth.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Risso's Dolphin reported off Dalsetter (3).



16th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  2 Short-eared Owl at Mid Yell.  

North Mainland:  6 Common Swift at Eshaness Lighthouse.  

Central Mainland: 5 Common Swift over Sands of Sound, Lerwick.  

South MainlandGull-billed Tern still at Scatness.  Pacific Swift north of Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Risso's Dolphin seen at heading south at Sandsayre (15), also from Skerries ferry (10), and later at Grutness (4).  A Pod of Orca seen from south Skerries from the ferry.  â€‹



15th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  White-tailed Eagle over Lumbister.  

South MainlandPacific Swift first seen between the last house on Eastshore Road, and Point of Tangpool, Virkie before slowly heading northwards with 4 Common Swift.   Gull-billed Tern still present at Loch of Gards, Scatness.   Common Swift at Sumburgh Hotel.  


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Risso's Dolphin off Noup of Noss.  



14th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Central Mainland:  2 Willow Warbler at Clickimin.  

South Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Hillwell.  Gull-billed Tern back at Loch of Gards, Scatness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Risso's Dolphin off Noup of Noss.  



13th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  6 adult and 3 juvenile Sand Martin at Breckon.  

South MainlandGull-billed Tern was relocated at Loch of Gards, Scatness, where it remained all day, before returning to Pool of Virkie in the evening.  â€‹



12th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

South MainlandGull-billed Tern at Pool of Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  8 Porpoise of Score Point, Bressay.  2 pods of Risso's Dolphin (3:5) from Eshaness lighthouse.  3 Risso's Dolphin from Sumburgh Head.  2 Minke Whale past Sumburgh Head.  


Insect Sightings:  Scoparia ambigualis, a micro moth, was found at Otterswick, only the first ever record for Yell.  



11th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

South Mainland:  Common Swift at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:  9+ Risso's Dolphin at Melby, Sandness.  



10th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

No news today.  


Insect Sightings:  Eudonia lacustrata, micro moth, found on Foula, only the 2nd Shetland record of this species.  



9th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

FetlarWhite-billed Diver off Houbie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Un-identified pod of dolphin off north end of Hascosay, Yell.  Minke Whale off Mousa, and another at Leebitton.  



8th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Common Scoter on the sea at Burrafirth.    

Central MainlandBlack-throated Diver at entrance to Dales Voe.  2 Common Swift over Clickimin.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale off Sumburgh Head, another at Skaw, Whalsay.  Pod of Orca spotted from Northlink Ferry within 3 mile of Fair Isle, and later seen from the island.  



7th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  5 Great Northern Diver between Otterswick at Aywick.  

Bressay:  Singing Blackcap at Voehead.  

Central Mainland:  2 White-tailed Eagle over Lunnasting.  3 Swift over North Lochside.  

South MainlandBlack-throated Diver at Quendale.  Pintail at Hillwell.  


Cetacean Sightings:  2 Minke Whale off Sumburgh Head.  



6th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Sooty Shearwater and 26 Storm Petrel past Hermaness between 11am and 2pm.  

Yell:  32 Whimbrel at Vatsetter.  Short-eared Owl at Gossabrough.  

Central Mainland:  2 Swift at Clickimin Broch.  

South Mainland:  Ruff at Setter, flew towards Noss.  Quail at Hillwell.  â€‹



5th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  4 Collared Dove at Valyie.  Grey Wagtail over Hall

Yell:  4 Sand Martin at Breckon.  Iceland Gull at Mid Yell.  Chiffchaff still Hillend.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale at Sumburgh Head.  



4th July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Grey Wagtail over Halligarth.  

Yell:  Red-breasted Merganser with brood of 9 ducklings at Cullivoe old marina.  Sand Martin at Breckon Beach.  Iceland Gull at Mid Yell.  

West MainlandNight Heron over Mid Dale, flying east towards Sandness Road.  

Central Mainland:  House Martin and 2 Swift at Clickimin.  Fledged Robin at North Road, House Martin at Sea Road, and 2 Grey Heron high over, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Sedge Warbler singing at Mail, Cunningsburgh.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Correction:  A pod of Orca were picked up off Harmarsness, Fetlar, before tracking south off Yell to Burravoe, then re-sighted off Lunna, Vidlin before heading south towards Dury Voe.  Minke Whale off Levenwick, and off Boddam, and 2 off Sumburgh Lighthouse.  Pod of Risso's Dolphin off Levenwick Cliffs.  



3rd July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Grey Plover at Voesgarth.  Bar-tailed Godwit at the Houb.  Summer Plumaged Great Northern Diver at Haroldswick.  

North Mainland:  Swift and Black-throated Diver SW of Gluss Isle.  

Central Mainland:  2 Swift at Clickimin.  

South Mainland:  Common Crossbill at Hillwell.  Swift at Spiggie.  Common Redpoll at Brakefield Road, Sandwick.  Greenshank at Boddam.  


Cetacean Sightings:   No 27's pod of Orca were sighted off St Ninian's Isle before heading northwards up into Cliff Sound, then around Hamnavoe, towards Reawick, Skeld and last sighting off Silwick.  



2nd July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstHobby at Westing.  

Yell:  Iceland Gull on playing field, at Mid Yell.  

Fetlar:  Swift at Tresta.  

North Mainland:  Black Redstart at Calder Geo, Eshaness.  

Central Mainland:  Great Northern Diver at Voxter bay.  Lesser Whitethroat at North Road, and Longland, Lerwick.  House Martin at Seafield Road, Lerwick. 

South Mainland:  18 Sand Martin at north end of Spiggie Loch.  


Cetacean Sightings:   6-7 Risso's Dolphin off Noss and off Knab, Lerwick.  Minke Whale at Burravoe, Yell.    



1st July 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Sedge Warbler at Halligarth.  Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.  

Yell:  2 Sand Martin at Kirk Loch and at Cullivoe. 

Fetlar:  Red-backed Shrike in Manse Garden.   

Central Mainland:  2 Redpoll and Willow Warbler at Clickimin.


Cetacean Sightings:   7 Risso's Dolphin at East Side of Sumburgh Head.  9 Risso's Dolphin at Funzie Bay, Fetlar. 8 Risso's Dolphin off Score Point, Bressay.  4 Orca seen off Sandness, heading towards Mu Ness.  



29th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:   Iceland Gull still at Laxa Burn.  

Fetlar:  Swift at Aithness.  Fieldfare at Feal Burn.    

Papa Stour: 3 European Bee-eater on the island.

Foula:  2 Nightjar at Ham.  

Central Mainland:  House Martin in Commercial Street, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  2 Common Swift at Pool of Virkie.  



30th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Osprey at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.   

Fetlar: Franklin's Gull at Mires of Funzie.  

Central MainlandHobby near Voe, 5 Crossbill at Loch of Voe plantation.  Short-eared Owl at Swinister.  Swift and Goldeneye at Clickimin.  

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull and House Martin at Spiggie.  Short-eared Owl at Virkie.  2 Common Swift Pool of Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  14 Risso's Dolphin off Sumburgh.  



28th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Osprey north over Easter Loch.  

Yell:  Bar-tailed Godwit at Laxa Burn.  2 Redpoll and 2 Wood pigeon at Hillend, Mid Yell.

FoulaNightjar, singing Marsh Warbler and Grey Wagtail at Ham.   

North Mainland:  House Martin at Eshaness.  Fieldfare at Sullom Plantation.  

Central Mainland:  Velvet Scoter with large Eider flock by Trondra/West Burra bridge.  

South Mainland:  Swift at Virkie.   Manx Shearwater off east side of Sumburgh Head.  



27th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 



Central Mainland:  

South Mainland:  4 Swift over north Spiggie Loch.  5 Swift at North Town. 6 Black-tailed Godwit near Croft House Museum, Boddam.  Quail at Hillwell, plus Shoveler with 4 ducklings.  Common Whitethroat at Sumburgh Head.  



26th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Black-tailed Godwit calling over Ordaal.   

Yell: 2 Sand Martin at Kirk Loch, Culliove.  Grey Heron at Sand Water, Gutcher.  Iceland Gull at Laxa Burn.  Short-eared Owl at Gloup.  

Whalsay:  Quail calling at Brough.  

North Mainland:  2 Common Sandpiper at Gunnister Voe.  

Central Mainland:  

South Mainland:  Quail and Grey Heron at Hillwell.  Shoveler at Grutness.


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Risso's Dolphin off Sumburgh Head, and off Noss.  Minke Whale off Bressay Lighthouse.   Male Orca, Hulk and Nott, were in Fair Isle today.  



25th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  Cuckoo at Hillend, Mid Yell.   

Foula: Spotted Flycatcher, Marsh Warbler, and Lesser Whitethroat at Ham Yard.  First juvenile Grey Heron.  

Central Mainland:  Osprey high over Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Marsh Harrier at Brow.  Quail and Wood Pigeon at Hillwell. Swift at Grutness.  



24th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2 Common Swift at Uyeasound. 

WhalsayHoney Buzzard at Skaw. 

Foula:  3 Swift, 2 House Martin and Short-eared Owl.  

Central Mainland:  11 Black-tailed Godwit south over Lunna House.  

South Mainland:  Common Swift at Sumburgh Head.  



23rd June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Skerries:  3 Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Lesser Whitethroat, Dunnock, Grey Wagtail, and Siskin on the island.  

Foula:  Snow Bunting and Lesser Whitethroat.  

Central Mainland:  Swift at Ness of Sound.   Corncrake, Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting at Loch of Tingwall.  

South Mainland: 8+ Long-tailed Duck at St Ninian's Tombolo.  A Honey Buzzard seen over Dalsetter, was later seen over Sandwick.  Quail at Hillwell.  Sandwich Tern, Tree Sparrow and 6 Sand Martin at Quendale.   Marsh Harrier over Brow Loch.   30 Knot at Pool of Virkie.  Swift at Grutness.  Quail calling at Clumlie.  



22nd June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Marsh Warbler at Daisy Park, Baltasound.  Sandwich Tern at Haroldswick.  Storm Petrel off East Hill, Swift over Skaw, and Sandwick Tern at Norwick.  

Yell:  Marsh Warbler singing at Camb.  

Fetlar:  Qual at Everland Road.

Foula:  Red-backed Shrike, Blackcap and Lesser Whitethroat on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Marsh Warbler singing at Clickimin and Helendale House, also 3 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat and Willow Warbler.  Sandwich Tern over Tesco's.  Corncrake calling at Loch of Tingwall.   

South Mainland:  Quail calling at Sumburgh Hotel.  Quail east of Hillwell.  Honey Buzzard at Maywick.  16 Sanderling at Scord Beach.  Marsh Harrier at Setter.  20 Knot at Virkie.  Short-eared Owl at Scatness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale 1km out from The Lookout, Sumburgh Head, and again later in the afternoon from the foghorn.  



21st June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Foula:  4 Manx Shearwater and 2 Storm Petrel from Foula ferry.  

Central Mainland:  4 Swift past Loch of Trondavoe.  2 Swift past Wethersta.  Willow Warbler singing at Brae Community Woodland.  Swift south over Scatsta.  Blackcap singing at Stromfirth.  3+ Hawfinch (1 singing), Cuckoo, Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing at Kergord House.  

Mousa:  Swift over the Broch.  

South Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Setter.  Marsh Warbler and 2 Swift at Boddam.  



20th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

FoulaTemminck's Stint at Shoadals.    

Central Mainland:  Marsh Warbler singing and 7 Siskin at Clickimin.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Orca seen off Burravoe, in Yell.  Minke Whale feeding at the back of Noss.  


Mammal sightings:  Nathusius's Pipistrelle again at Bakkasetter.  



19th June 2024

No sightings of note today



18th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Waxwing at Cullivoe plantation.  Short-eared Owl Gossaburgh.  

Central Mainland: Marsh Warbler singing at north end of Clickimin Loch.  

South Mainland:  10 Long-tailed Duck at St Ninian.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale off Giant's Leg, Bressay.  Part of 27's pod were sighted in Sullom Voe, before heading into Mavis Grind, then exiting Sullom Voe heading northwards. 



16th June 2024

Bird Sightings:

Fetlar:  Brambling and Common Whitethroat at Feal.  

Out Skerries:  Lesser Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Sparrowhawk, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Swift and Kestrel.  

Central Mainland:  2 Siskin at Eswick, South Nesting.  

South Mainland:   2 European Bee-eater over Swinister Burn.  Tree Sparrow at Quendale.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale off Bressay.



17th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Grey Wagtail over Hermaness.  

North Mainland:  2 Barnacle Geese at Eshaness Lighthouse.  

South MainlandHobby at Clevigarth.  Quail calling at Quendale dunes and at Hillwell, Scaup also there.  Marsh Warbler at Virkie Willows.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Breaching Humpback Whale seen 2km out from Eshaness.  



15th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Crossbill at Valyie.  

Fetlar:  Cuckoo at Funzie mires, and Crossbill at Feal.  

Central Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat singing at Law Lane, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Great Northern Diver at Sand beach.  29 Goosander at Weisdale Voe.  14 Whooper Swan at Hulma Water.  

South Mainland:  Hawfinch at Geosetter.  Golden Oriole at Maywick.  Sandwich Tern, and Waxwing, and 2 Blyth's Reed Warbler singing at Virkie Willows.  Scuap and Quail at Hillwell.  Greenshank and 6 Barnacle Geese at Spiggie.  Kestrel at Bigton.  



14th June 2024

No sightings of note today 


13th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Red-backed Shrike and Spotted Flycatcher at Valyie.  Marsh Warbler in song at Halligarth, and Daisy Park, Baltasound.  

Yell:  White-tailed Eagle at Lochs of Lumbister.  

Foula:  Manx Shearwater seen from Ferry.  Nightjar still at Ham.  

Central Mainland:  Marsh and Icterine Warbler at Sandgarth, Dale.  

South Mainland:   Golden Oriole at Maywick.   Marsh Harrier and Quail at Hillwell.  11 Common Scoter north past the east side of Sumburgh Head.  Greenshank at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of White-beaked dolphin were off north of Mousa.  Minke Whale at Bard, Bressay.  3 Risso's dolphin off Eshaness lighthouse, with another 8 off Levenwick cliffs.  



12th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Bluethroat at Shore Station, Burrafirth.  

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler and Icterine Warbler still at Funzie Willows. 

North MainlandBlack-throated Diver in North Collafirth bay.  

Foula:  4 Storm Petrel from mailboat.  

Central Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat at Peerie Oversund Park, Sound, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  2 Black-throated Diver at Brindister, West Burrafirth.  

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull at Sumburgh Farm.  Temminck's Stint at Pool of Virkie.  2 House Martin at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Risso's dolphin seen just south of Lerwick, along side Bressay before moving towards Noss.  Minke Whale also in the area.  



11th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler and Icterine Warbler still at Funzie Willows. 

Central Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat at Peerie Oversund Park, Sound, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull at Sumburgh Farm.   Curlew Sandpiper at Pool of Virkie.  



10th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler and Icterine Warbler still at Funzie Willows. 

Central Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat at Peerie Oversund Park, Sound, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull at Sumburgh Farm.    



9th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Shore Lark at Skaw.  Ring-necked Duck at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler and Icterine Warbler at Funzie Willows. 

FoulaNightjar and Garden Warbler still at Ham.  

West Mainland:  Goosander at Bridge of Walls.  

Central Mainland:  Blackcap singing at Sandgarth, Dale.  Kestrel at Uradale, Scalloway.  Red-breasted Flycatcher at Helendale, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Short-eared Owl at Sumburgh Airport.  



8th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Ring-necked Duck at Dam Loch, Uyeasound. 

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler at Funzie Willows. 

Central Mainland:  Red-breasted Flycatcher moved to Helendale, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Displaying Siskin at Swinister and Blackcap singing at Brakefield Road, Sandwick.  


Cetacean Sightings:  2 Risso's and 1 White-beaked Dolphin seen from The Outlook at Sumburgh Head.  



7th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Ring-necked Duck at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  Quail calling at Northdale.  

Fetlar:  Savi's Warbler at Funzie Willows. 

Central Mainland:   Icterine Warbler still at Burravoe, Brae. Singing Red-breasted Flycatcher at Andrewstown Brae, Sparrowhawk at Helendale, and Honey Buzzard over, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:   12 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie Loch, and a group of 17 Whimbrel over flying north.  



6th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Curlew Sandpiper at Small Waters.  Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.  

FetlarSavi's Warbler at Funzie Willows.  

FoulaNightjar and singing male Rosefinch at Ham.    

South Mainland: Quail calling at Longwell, Cunningsburgh.  Ring-necked Duck at Scatness pool.  


Insect Sightings:  The stowaway Giant Leopard Moth has hatched from it's pupa today at Law Lane, Lerwick.  


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Risso's Dolphin SE Yell at Geo of Gardins.  .  



5th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Curlew Sandpiper at Small Waters.  3 Black-tailed Godwit at Baltasound.  

Yell:  Glaucous Gull still at Cullivoe pier.  

Whalsay:  Icterine and Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  

Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler at Burravoe, Brae.   Cuckoo at Kergord.  Marsh Warbler at Clickimin Loch and Reed Warbler at North Loch Drive, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Congregational Church, Skeld.  

South Mainland:  Sparrowhawk at Swinister Burn.  


Cetacean Sightings:  3-4 Risso's Dolphin heading north past Dalsetter, South Mainland.  



4th June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Red-backed Shrike near Norwick.  2 Black-tailed Godwit at The Houb, Baltasound.  Quail calling near Lund.  12 Barnacle Geese at Uyeasound.  Curlew Sandpiper at Small Waters.  

Yell:  Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe Pier.  

FoulaBlyth's Reed Warbler in song along with Melodious Warbler at Ham.  Manx Shearwater off South Ness.  

Central Mainland:  2 Icterine Warbler at Burravoe, Brae.  Marsh Warbler at Sandgarth, Dale.  Garden Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Reawick Congregational Church, Skeld.  

South Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike west of Clumlie.  Ring-necked Duck and Marsh Harrier at Hillwell.  


Insect Sightings:  Argyresthia conjugella micro moth at Burravoe, Brae today - 8th record for Shetland.  



3rd June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: White-billed Diver south past Skolla Wick, Muness.  Red-backed Shrike at Brakefield Crescent, Baltasound.  

Yell:  Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe Pier.  2 Red Grouse at Bolla Hill, West Sandwick.  

Fetlar:  Red-backed Shrike at Tresta.  

NossThrush Nightingale on the island.  

FoulaMelodious Warbler at Ham.  

Central Mainland:  Icterine Warbler at Brae.  Cuckoo at Clickimin, and Reed Warbler at North Loch Drive.  

South Mainland:  Richard's Pipit at Noness, Sandwick.  Quail singing overnight at Bakkasetter.  Ring-necked Duck was a Scatness, and at Hillwell.  Sandwich Tern, 4 Knot and 4 Goldeneye at Virkie.  4 Long-tailed Duck and Common Scoter at West Voe, Sumburgh.  



2nd June 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Quail still singing at Halligarth.

Central Mainland:  2 Black-tailed Godwits and 4 Knot at Scatsta. Sparrowhawk at Catfirth.

South MainlandRing-necked Duck still Hillwell. Marsh Harrier at Quendale. Marsh Harrier at Loch of Brow. Quail still sing at Swinister.


Cetacean Sightings:  

4 Risso's Dolphins off Sumburgh Head, and 6+ just South of Noss.



1st June 2024

Bird Sightings:

Unst Golden Oriole singing at Halligarth, also Sedge Warbler, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel and Quail. Lesser Whitethroat at Clingera. Little Stint at Easting Beach.

Yell: Sand Martin at Cullivoe.

Fetlar: Hobby at Aithness.

Central Mainland:  Marsh Warbler still singing at Clickimin Loch and a Garden Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick. Cuckoo, 3 Crossbill, 2 Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and a Blackcap at Kergord 

South MainlandRing-necked Duck still Hillwell, also 2 Marsh Harrier. Short-eared Owl still around Sumburgh Airport. Quail still at Swinister. Wood Sandpiper at Levenwick. Marsh Warbler still at Sumburgh Head.



31th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Quail still singing at Halligarth. 

Central Mainland: 3 Crossbill at Burn of Sound, Marsh Warbler at Clickimin Loch and Reed Warbler at North Loch Drive, Lerwick.

West Mainland: 9 Goosander and a Goldeneye at Weisdale.    

South Mainland: Bluethroat and Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Head. 2 Black-tailed Godwit, Spotted Flycatcher and Blackcap at Grutness. Icterine Warbler at Levenwick. Icterine Warbler at North Road, Boddam. 6 Barnacle Geese and 4 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie.


Cetacean Sightings:  

Minke Whale south of Bard of Bressay. c20 Risso's Dolphins also off the Bard of Bressay. 



26th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw (2), Valyie (3), Westing(4), Baliasta (2), Halligarth (2), Setter's Hill Estate (2), Hunter's Wood (4), Haroldswick, Unst;  Basta, Bugarth, Yell; Out Skerries (7); Fetlar;  North Collafirth, North Mainland; Burn of Gremister (2), Anderson High School, Clickimin, Central Mainland; Melby, West Mainland;  South Voxter, Hoswick, Swinister Burn, Fleck, Fladderbister, Hillwell, Quendale Mill, Sumburgh Hotel, South Mainland; 

Marsh Warbler reported at Mandeville, Uyeasound, and Halligarth, Norwick, Unst: Camb, Hillend, Yell; Hillswick, North Mainland;  South Voxter, Swinister Burn (2), Fladderbister, Hillwell, Sumburgh Farm (2), South Mainland;

Icterine Warbler reported at Norwick, Unst: Gutcher, Cullivoe, Hillend, Yell; Out Skerries (8): Fetlar; Whalsay; Trondra, Burravoe in Brae, Hayfield House (2), Clickimin (2), Central Mainland; Melby, West Mainland;  South Voxter, Bigton, Orca and Swinister Burn (3), Quendale, Hillwell, Sumburgh Trees, South Mainland; 


Unst:  2 Turtle Dove at Valyie. Reed Warbler and Goldfinch at Norwick.  Osprey at Snarravoe.  Golden Oriole at Hunter's Wood.  Bullfinch, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Golden Oriole and 2 Goldfinch at Halligarth.  Glaucous Gull over harbour, and Honey Buzzard over Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Sparrowhawk over Mid Yell Voe.  

Out Skerries: Corn Bunting , Nightjar, Common Rosefinch,  and Common Swift on the island.  

Foula:  2 Rustic Bunting on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Reed, Sedge and 2 Garden Warbler at Clickimin, with 2 Goosander overhead.  

West Mainland:   Crossbill at Sandness.  

South MainlandRed-footed Falcon briefly at Swinister Burn, also a Nightjar, Kestrel, Common Rosefinch. Swift at Sandwick. 3 Crossbill at Geosetter. Hobby at Boddam, and later at Bakkasetter. Golden Oriole and Reed Warbler, Turtle Dove, and Hen Harrier at Quendale.  2 Sedge Warbler and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell. Common Rosefinch at Exnaboe.  3 Common Swift and Black Redstart at Sumburgh Head.  2 Goldfinch and Sedge Warbler at Sumburgh Farm.  Long-eared Owl at Toab.  3 Goldfinch at Virkie Willows.  4 Barnacle Geese and 6 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen in Yell Sound heading NW late in the day.  



27th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Burrafirth, Northdale, Halligarth, Valyie (2), Baliasta and Skaw, Unst; Funzie, Aithness, Fetlar; Out Skerries (7); Gremista, Billister (dead), Central Mainland; Sumburgh, Quendale (2), Exnaboe (3), Dunrossness, Sandwick (3), Hillwell, Scatness, Maywick (3), South Mainland.

Marsh Warbler reported at Baliasta (2), Unst; Out Skerries; Sumburgh, Scatness, Exnaboe, Clevigarth, Sandwick (2), Maywick, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Daisy Park (2), Baliasta, Unst; Burravoe (2); North Mainland; Sandness, West Mainland; Out Skerries (8); Marrister (2), Whalsay; Sound (2), Swinning, Central Mainland; Maywick, Levenwick, Geosetter, Sandwick, Cunningsburgh (2), Quendale (2), South Mainland.


Unst:  Curlew Sandpiper at Easting Beach. Spotted Flycatcher and Hen Harrier at Northdale. Brambling at Millfield. Spotted Flycatcher at Baliasta and Pied Flycatcher at Skaw.

Fetlar: Sedge Warbler singing at Tresta.

YellBlyths Reed Warbler at Burravoe. 

Out SkerriesNightjar still, Tufted Duck, and similar migrant numbers to yesterdays counts. 

Bressay: Montague's Harrier East of Cruister Hill. 

North Mainland:  Garden Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff at Burravoe, Brae. 

Central MainlandRed-rumped Swallow East of Vidlin then flew East. 3 Bar-headed Geese at Laxfirth. 

West Mainland:   Hawfinch, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap Lesser Whitethroat and 2 plus Redpoll sp. at Sandness.  

South Mainland: Hen Harrier, Turtle Dove, Sedge Warbler, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler at Quendale. Common Rosefinch and Whinchat at Boddam. Spotted Flycatcher and Garden Warbler at North Town, Exnaboe. Tree Sparrow at Sumburgh Farm.  6 Barnacle Geese over Hillwell. 5 Black-tailed Godwits at Spiggie. Drake Pintail at Scatness. Osprey North over Sumburgh Hotel.


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca (single animal) went past Sumburgh Head and lost to the West beyond Horse Island. 2 Risso's Dolphin went North past Westing, Unst. 5 Orca lingered off Hermaness for a few hours moving slowly South,



28th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw, Halligarth, Unst; Foula (2); Fetlar (2); Swining, Lunna,  Pullars Quarry, Central Mainland; Clumlie, Hillwell, Sumburgh Farm (2), Sandwick, South Mainland. 

Marsh Warbler reported at Wind House, Yell; Foula (2); Voxter, Clickinmin Loch, Central Mainland; Scatness, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Wind House, Cullivoe (2), Yell; Foula; Brough, Whalsay; Brae, North Mainland; Sound, Clickimin Loch, Swinning, Central Mainland;  Maywick (3), Quendale, Levenwick, Bigton (2), Sandwick, South Mainland


UnstGreen-winged Teal flew South from Alma. Osprey at Snaravoe, 9 Swallows at Skaw. Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Sparrowhawk at Valyie.

Yell: Honey Buzzard and Lesser Whitethroat at Cullivoe. Willow Warbler at Windhouse.

Out Skerries: Turtle Dove

Foula: Nightjar at Ham. 2 Swift over Ristie and Goosander, Rosefinch, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Redwing, Canada Goose and Pink-footed Goose also on the island.

Bressay: Montague's Harrier still just South of Gunnista.

Central Mainland:  Reed Warbler at Clickimin Loch. 2 Crossbill over Sound. 4 House Martin at Lower Voe. Osprey South over Girlsta. 

West Mainland:   Grey-headed Wagtail at Norby.

South Mainland: Golden Oriole and Common Sandpiper at Dalsetter. Hobby flew over Mainlands, Dunrossness. Lesser Whitethroat at Levenwick. Turtle Dove, Hen Harrier, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler and a Reed Warbler at Quendale. 2 Reed Buntings at Bakkasetter. A Red-throated Pipit flew South, 2 Garden Warbler and a Spotted Flycatcher along Maywick Valley. Pair of Pintail at Scatness. House Martin South over Noness.


Cetacean Sightings:  

Three Orca, one Bull, seen from Toft - Ulsta ferry heading North. 


Other Wildlife Sightings

Basking Shark seen from Good Shepherd 12 miles South of Sumburgh,


29th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Thrush Nightingale at Millfield. Honey Buzzard still in Uyeasound area. Icterine Warbler singing behind Baltasound Post Office. Red-backed Shrike at Burrafirth. Marsh Warbler and Sedge Warbler at Halligarth. Short-eared Owl at Hermaness and Haroldswick. Kestrel at Little Heog. Red-backed Shrike at Uyeasound Hall. Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.Icterine Warbler still Daisy Park.

Yell: Quail at Tittynans Hill.

Fetlar: Montague's Harrier flew over Funzie. Red-backed Shrikes at Baelens and Tresta. Icterine Warbler at Aithness.

Out Skerries: Turtle Dove, 2 Marsh Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, 4 Red-backed Shrike, 5 Icterine Warbler, 10+ Spotted Flycatcher and 8 Garden Warbler.

WhalsayBlack-throated Diver and Carrion Crow at the golf club.

Foula: Short-eared Owl at Ristie.

North Mainland: Icterine, Marsh and 2 Garden Warblers singing at Hillswick. 

Central Mainland:  Honey Buzzard flew South over Sullom Voe Terminal. Hawfinch at Kergord.

South Mainland: 2 Honey Buzzard together at Quendale, also Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler and Icterine Warbler as well as a Hobby between Quendale and Hillwell.  Ring-necked Duck still at Hillwell, also 6 Shoveler, Spotted Flycatcher, Garden and Sedge Warbler in area. Golden Oriole still at Dalsetter. Quail singing at Swinister. Red-backed Shrike and Icterine Warbler Bigton. Red-backed Shrike and Pied Flycatcher at Geosetter. 2 Swift and 4 House Martin at Sumburgh Head. Sedge Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher at Maywick.11 Black-tailed Godwits at Spiggie. Short-eared Owl at St. Ninians. Red-backed Shrike at Rerwick. 


Cetacean Sightings:  

4 Orca heading South off Cluster, Fetlar. 8-12 Risso's Dolphins South of Bressay Light. Unidentified Dolphin pod between Toft and Ulsta. An unidentified Whale species was seen going North West past Whalsay golf course. 7-8 Minke Whales lunge feeding 5km of Eshaness.


30th May 2024

Bird Sightings:

Unst: Common Sandpiper at Uyeasound. Icterine Warbler along Hamar Road. Quail singing at Brakefield Methodist Kirk. Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.

Fetlar: Red-backed Shrike at Fetlar ferry terminal.

Whalsay: Icterine Warbler at Marrister. Also Spotted Flycatcher.

North Mainland: Scaup at Braewick. 2 Icterine Warbler at Burravoe and 1 at the Communtiy Wood, Brae.

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Stromfirth. 2 Shelduck at Sandgarth. Marsh Warbler at Clickimin Loch, Lerwick. 

West Mainland:   Lesser Whitethroat at West Burrafirth

South MainlandHoney Buzzard flew around the South End late morning. House Martin, 2 Red-backed Shrike and a Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Head. Red-backed Shrike, Quail, Sparrowhawk and 2 Garden Warblers along Swinister Burn. Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler and Brambling at Hoswick. Ring-necked Duck still and Marsh Harrier at Hillwell. 5 Black-tailed Godwit at Scatness. 


Cetacean Sightings:  

A small group of Risso's Dolphins were seen South of Bressay by the South-bound passengers on the Northlink Ferry. 4-5 Harbour Porpoises were seen heading to Bressay from the Ness of Sound.


25th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Northdale (6), Norwick (2), Halligarth (2), all Unst:  Gutcher (2), Yell;  Head of Ronas Voe, North Mainland: Melby, Tresta, West Mainland;  Moss Bank, Wethersta in Brae, Sea Road, Burn of Gremister, Lerwick, Wester Quarff (2), Central Mainland; Cunningsburgh, Levenwick (2), Noness and Swinister, Sandwick, Geosetter, Spiggie Loch, Hillwell, Quendale (2) South Mainland;

Marsh Warbler reported at Haroldswick Pool,  Norwick (2), Unst: Hillend, Mid Yell;  Skaw, Whalsay;  Hillswick, North Mainland;  Anderson High School, Burn of Sound, Gulberwick Kirk, Central Mainland; Levenwick, Bigton, Geosetter, Quendale, Scatness, Sumburgh Farm (2), South Mainland.  

Icterine Warbler reported at Norwick, Cameron Cottage, all Unst; Gutcher, Cullivoe (2), Yell: Funzie, and Aithness, Fetlar:  Marrister, and Skaw, Whalsay;  Mossbank, and Sound, Lerwick, Central Mainland;  Leebitton, Quendale (2), Geosetter, Sumburgh Farm and Hotel, Grutness, Scatness (3), South Mainland.  


Unst:  4 Swift at Hermaness.  16 Barnacle Geese past Skaw.  Whinchat, and Green-winged Teal and Grey-headed Wagtail at the mires, Northdale. Swift at Saxa Vord.  Brambling, Swift, 2 Turtle Dove and Bluethroat at Millfield, and Sedge Warbler, and 2 Goldfinch, Norwick.  Crossbill at Baltasound. Honey Buzzard and Osprey touring the island.  Cuckoo and Great Reed Warbler at Haroldswick.  Golden Oriole  and Sedge Warbler at Halligarth.  

Yell:  Hen Harrier at Gutcher,  Sedge Warbler at Cullivoe.  Golden Oriole and Kestrel at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  2 Swifts on the island.  

Foula:  Rustic Bunting on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Osprey and Swift at Voe.  Golden Oriole at Kergord, Nightjar at Weisdale Chapel.  Velvet Scoter at Loch of Stromfirth.  

West Mainland:  2 Magpie in Sandness.  

South Mainland:  Wood Sandpiper at Levenwick.  4 Barnacle Geese and 7 Swift at Noss, Spiggie.  Little Stint at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow over Brow Marsh. Sandwich Tern at Dalsetter.  Golden Oriole, Marsh Harrier, Turtle Dove, and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Redstart at Sumburgh Head.  Manx Shearwater 3 miles south of Sumburgh Head, from the Good Shepherd.  


Cetacean Sightings:  At least 3 Orca moving south past Muness, Unst.  



23rd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstGreen Warbler again, and 2 Icterine, Garden, and Wood Warbler, and Red-backed Shrike at Valyie, Norwick. 

Yell:  2 Red-backed Shrikes and Icterine Warbler at Otterswick.  4 House Martin at Mid Yell.  Red-backed Shrike at Basta. 

Fetlar:  Rosefinch at Aith and Tresta, 6 Icterine and Marsh Warbler, 6 Red-backed Shrike on the island.

Whalsay:  4 Icterine, Wood, and Reed Warbler, Bluethroat and Red-backed Shrike at Skaw.  2 Marsh Warbler at Grunitaing.  Red-backed Shrike at Isbister.   

Out Skerries:  4 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh, Icterine, Garden Warbler on the island.  

Noss: Icterine, Bluethroat, 3 Red-backed Shrike, Cuckoo and Thrush Nightingale on the island.    

Central Mainland: 2 Red-backed Shrike at South Voxter, Brae.  25 Goosander at Loch of Stromfirth.  3 Swift over Tingwall Loch, and Scaup there too. Swift over Law Lane, Icterine at Hayfield House and at Swarthoull, Sound, and Marsh Warbler at North Loch Drive, and Red-backed Shrike at West Hall,  Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Icterine, Bluethroat at Dale of Walls, with Red-backed Shrike at Mid Dale. Rustic Bunting and Marsh, Reed and 2 Garden Warbler at Cruisdale, and Red-backed Shrike at Bousta, with Marsh and Icterine Warbler singing at Turrifield, all Sandness.  

South Mainland:  6 House Martin, 2 Bluethroat and Red-backed Shrike at Noness, and Hobby, Wood Warbler and Whinchat at Sandwick, Wood Warbler at Levenwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Swinister Burn, Mail, Cunningsburgh and Levenwick beach. 2 Red-backed Shrike at Boddam. Rosefinch at Ellister, and Hobby at Maywick. Icterine Warbler at Orca Inn, Bigton, Maywick Valley (2), Clumlie Loch (2), Geosetter, Loch of Spiggie, Noss Farm (2), and Spiggie Hotel, with Red-backed Shrikes at Maywick Valley (2), Geosetter and Culsetter.  Turtle Dove, Reed and Icterine Warbler at Quendale Mill, and Ring-necked Duck in the dunes.  Waxwing at Dalsetter.  Bluethroat, 4 Icterine Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow and Bluethroat at Toab, and Bluethroat, 3 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Icterine Warbler and Nightjar at Exnaboe.  Bluethroat, Icterine, Wood, and Reed Warbler, 2 Swift at Scatness.  Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Farm, and Swift, Icterine, and Bluethroat at Sumburgh Hotel.  Red-backed Shrike and Rosefinch at Sumburgh Head trees.  



24th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw (2), Norwick (3), Shore station, Northdale (2), Millfield, Heritage Centre (2), Baltasound (3), Haroldswick, and Halligarth, all Unst; North-a-Voe (2), Gutcher, Basta, Windhouse, Mid Yell (2), Burravoe, all Yell;  Fetlar (5); Whalsay (8); Out Skerries (10); Noss (3); Dale, and Dale of Walls, Burn of Aith (2), West Mainland: Hillswick, North Mainland;  Eswick in South Nesting;  Dale, Brae Community Woodland (2), Gremister, Ladies Drive (3), and Staney Hill, Ladies Drive (2) Burn of Sound, Lerwick, Central Mainland:  Swinister Bun (2), Spiggie (2), Levenwick (2), Boddam (2), Hillwell, Quendale (3), Scatness, Exnaboe, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Skaw, Baltasound, Norwick (3), Haroldswick (2), all Unst; Hillend, Cullivoe, Yell; Aithness, Fetlar;  Whalsay (2); Out Skerries (12); Noss (3);  Michaelswood, West Mainland;  Scatsta Farm, Ladies Drive, Lerwick; Hoswick, Bigton (2), Clumlie, Boddam, Geosetter, Virkie, Sumburgh Farm (2), Sumburgh Head, Exnaboe (2), Scatness (5) South Mainland;

Marsh Warbler reported at Skaw (2), Norwick (2), all Unst; Noss;  Sandness, West Mainland; Scatsta Farm, Peerie Oversund Park, Ladies Drive, Lerwick, Central Mainland; Levenwick, Grutness, Hillwell (2), Quendale, Sumburgh Farm,  Scatness, South Mainland.  


Unst:  Turtle Dove, Black Redstart, Bluethroat, Wood Warbler and Hawfinch at Norwick.  Osprey over Burrafirth.  Rosy Starling at Valyie, Norwick and Haroldswick.  2 Goldfinch, Sedge Warbler, Golden Oriole at Halligarth, and Waxwing at Baltasound.  

Yell:  2 Common Scoter at Mid Yell Voe, 2 Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting and Golden Oriole at Hillend, and at North-a-Voe, Mid Yell.  

FetlarWoodchat Shrike at Leagarth. Kestrel at Aith.  

Whalsay:  Bluethroat and Sedge Warbler, Cuckoo and 7 House Martin on the island.  

Out Skerries:  2 Swift, 2 Redstart, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Long-eared Owl, Wood Sandpiper, 6 Garden Warbler and 9 Spotted Flycatcher on the island.  

Noss: Sedge Warbler and 3 Bar-headed Geese on the island (relocated from Lerwick Harbour earlier).  

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail at Lower Voe.  2 Goosander in Weisdale Voe.  

South Mainland: Honey Buzzard and Rosefinch at Sandwick.  Little Stint and Whinchat at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow and Cuckoo at Quendale.  4 Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Coot and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Redstart and 2 Garden Warbler at Sumburgh Head.  Rosefinch, Bluethroat at Scatness.  


Mammal Sightings:  2 Nathusius Pipistrelle flying around Bakkasetter, South Mainland.   4 Risso's Dolphin by South Nesting.  Minke Whale off Mousa Sound.  



22nd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstGreen Warbler at Valyie, Norwick.  

YellThrush Nightingale at Moarfield, Cullivoe.  

Out Skerries:  Icterine Warbler on the island.  

Whalsay:  Icterine Warbler at Skaw.  

FetlarWoodchat Shrike at Aithness.  Bluethroat at Mires of Houbie, with Icterine and 4 Red-backed Shrikes also present.   

NossThrush Nightingale, Marsh Warbler, Bluethroat and 3 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Central Mainland: Icterine and Golden Oriole at Burravoe, Brae.  Icterine Warbler at Frakkafield.  Honey Buzzard over Longland, Lerwick.  

South MainlandHobby near Levenwick.  Icterine and Marsh Warbler at Orca Inn, Hoswick. Icterine Warbler at Swinister Burn, Sandwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Clumlie Cake Fridge.  Icterine Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. Eastern Subalpine Warbler at Hillwell.  Bluethroat and Icterine Warbler at Sumburgh Hotel, also Sumburgh Farm, Toab, Boddam (2), Quendale Mill,   Turtle Dove and Reed Warbler at Quendale Mill.  Marsh Warbler at Virkie.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen off the Noup of Noss.  



21st May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Marsh Warbler, Red-backed Shrike, Golden Oriole and Waxwing at Houlland.  Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Sedge Warbler at Skaw.  Red-backed Shrike at Millfield, and Valyie, with 2 Icterine and Hawfinch also there, Norwick.  Sedge Warbler at Halligarth.  Red-backed Shrike at Haroldswick, Baltasound and at the Houb.   

YellThrush Nightingale at Cullivoe.  

Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler at Greenfield Place, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Osprey over Cunningsburgh.  Icterine Warbler at Scatness, and Bakkasetter. 


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Orca were seen for a number of hours within Lerwick Harbour.  



20th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Marsh Warbler at Valyie, Norwick.  Red-backed Shrike and Marsh Warbler at Haroldswick.  Bullfinch, Sedge Warbler and Long-eared Owl at Halligarth

Yell:  Garden Warbler at Cullivoe.  

Noss:  Hen Harrier over the island towards Bressay. 

Bressay:  Garden Warbler at Voehead.   

North MainlandBlack-throated Diver at Ronas Voe.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Njugals Water and Kergord.  

West Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Park Hall.  

South Mainland: Ring-necked Duck, Coot, Wood Sandpiper, and Sedge Warbler  at Hillwell. Red-backed Shrike at Quendale Mill.  Red-breasted Flycatcher (deceased) at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Risso's Dolphin at Levenwick.  Minke Whale off Sumburgh head.  



19th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Wood Warbler, 3 Red-backed Shrike at Skaw, and 2 at Norwick. Turtle Dove, Icterine, 2 Sedge and Marsh Warbler, Tree Sparrow too at Halligarth.  Goldfinch at Cameron Cottage.  Sandwich Tern, Marsh Warbler and Red-backed Shrike at Haroldswick.  Glaucous Gull south past Skaw.  

Yell:  Golden Oriole and Garden Warbler at Hillend, Mid Yell.  2 Red-backed Shrike at Breckon and Gutcher.  Icterine Warbler at Camb.  Sedge, Marsh and Garden Warbler at Basta.   

Out Skerries:  2 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart, Crossbill and decreasing numbers of common migrants on the island.  

Whalsay:  Icterine Warbler and 6 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Fetlar:  Red-backed Shrike at Aithbank, Feal and Aith.  

Central Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Uradale.  Short-eared Owl at Laxo.  Marsh Harrier at Toft. Hen Harrier over Girlsta Loch.  Red-backed Shrike at West Hall, 5 Crossbill at Burn of Sound, Marsh, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Greenfield Place, Lerwick.  Long-eared Owl at Gulberwick.  

South Mainland:  2 Red-backed Shrike at Billister.  Black-tailed Godwit at Swinister, and Red-backed Shrike at Sandwick.  Kestrel at Cunningsburgh, and Skelberry, Boddam.  Red-backed Shrike at Fleck.  Red-backed Shrike at Setter, Spiggie.  Ring-necked Duck, Wood Sandpiper, Marsh and Sedge Warbler at Hillwell. 2 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Reed Warbler at Quendale.  Icterine Warbler at Hestingott.  2 Red-backed Shrike and 2 House Martin at Sumburgh Head. 


Cetacean Sightings:  12+ Risso's Dolphin off Aithsetter.  Minke Whale from Out Skerries Ferry.  Risso's Dolphin off Eshaness and off the Bard at Bressay.  



18th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstShore Lark at Holm of Skaw.  Hen Harrier at the Houb, and 2 Red-backed Shrike, Baltasound.  Marsh Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike at Millfield, Norwick.  Another Hen Harrier and Turtle Dove at Haroldswick.  Kestrel at Saxa Vord.  

Yell: Garden Warbler at Cullivoe and at Belleview, Mid Yell.  Golden Oriole at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  5 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler and Blue-headed Wagtail on the island.

Fetlar:  2 Red-backed Shrike at Aith and 1 at Funzie Mires.   

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail at Voe.  5 Crossbill at Helendale, and Hawfinch at North Loch Drive, Lerwick.  

North Mainland:  3 Common Scoter at Hillswick.  

South Mainland: Red-backed Shrike at Sannick, Voxter and Cunningsburgh.  Cuckoo at Levenwick beach.  Red-backed Shrike at Channerwick, Fleck, and at Spiggie House, 2 at Virkie.  Little Bittern at Brow Marsh, Bakkasetter.  Ring-necked Duck and Marsh Warbler at Hillwell.  Marsh Harrier, Iceland Gull, 7 Red-Backed Shrike and Sedge Warbler at Quendale.  7 Barnacle Geese, Common Rosefinch, Cuckoo, Peregrine, 2 Red-backed Shrike and Sedge Warbler at Scatness.  Garden Warbler and Short-eared Owl at Grutness.  Marsh Harrier at Hoswick.  Red-backed Shrike at Boddam Voe.  


Of interest:  ~64 Red-backed Shrikes were reported across Shetland yesterday.  Fair Isle also recorded 32.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale off Mousa.  Pod of Orca off Mousa, and off Sumburgh Head.  Risso's Dolphin off Noss.  



17th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Major influx of Red-backed Shrikes today in Shetland.  Here's a breakdown of sightings...  

Unst:  Singles at Skaw, Ordale, Northdale, Valyie, at the Brewery, Sotland, Baltasound, Balisata, and Burrafirth, 2 at Haroldswick. 

Whalsay: 2 at Skaw and 2 at Vevoe.  

Out Skerries:  4+ on the island.  

Fetlar:  Single at Baelens.  

Central Mainland:   Singles at Scatsta Farm, Mossbank, Swining, Frakkafield, 

West Mainland:  Single at Sandness.  

South Mainland: Singles at Gulberwick, Hoswick, Greenmow, Ireland, Rerwick, Bigton, Fleck, Boddam, Mossy Hill, Geosetter, Culsetter, Setter, Williamsetter, Scatness, Grutness, 8+ at Quendale, 2 at Hillwell, and 2 at Mainland's Shop.


Other notable sightings for today:

Unst:  Wryneck at Valyie.  Marsh Warbler at Kirkaton, Baliasta, and at Cameron Cottage.  2 Sandwich Tern at Haroldswick.  Kestrel at Westing turning.  Red-breasted Flycatcher at Baliasta.  White-billed Diver off Sound Grunay.  

Yell:  Marsh Warbler at Cullivoe. Cuckoo at Mid Yell.  Kestrel at Sand Water, Hen Harrier at Breckon.  Garden Warbler at Camb.  

Whalsay:  Marsh Warbler at Skaw.  Marsh Warbler at Arisdale burn.  

Fetlar:  Bluethroat at Aith Bank,  Hawfinch at Tresta, and Marsh Warbler at camping bod.  

Out Skerries:  Blue-headed Wagtail on the island.  

Bressay:  Singing Blackcap, Redpoll, and Sedge Warbler at Voehead.  Singing Willow Warbler at Crueton.  

Central Mainland:  Greywagtail at Swining.  Marsh Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEuropean Bee-eater initially at Hestingott, then relocated to Sumburgh Head.  Marsh Warbler at Hoswick Burn.  Nightingale trapped at Hillwell was identified as a Thrush Nightingale. The Nightingale, in Greenmow, Cunningsburgh, as also been identified at Thrush Nightingale.  Marsh Warbler at Hillwell pumping station and another at Grutness.  Icterine Warbler at Sandwick, at Exnaboe and at Hestingott.  Marsh Harrier and 2 Marsh Warbler at Quendale.  Kestrel at Toab.  Stock Dove at Sumburgh Farm.  Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Head.  Sedge Warbler, Marsh Warbler and Garden Warbler at Grutness.  



Cetacean Sightings: Minke Whale seen from Skerries ferry not far from Muckle Skerry.  Pod of Orca off the Holm of Skaw, Unst heading east past Norwick and Clibberswick.   



16th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

With favourable winds continuing, more migrants have arrived today - notably a large number of Shrikes.  

Unst:  Icterine Warbler at Shore Station.  Red-backed Shrike at Setter's Hill Estate and at North Dale.  Bonaparte's Gull at Skaw.

Yell:  Red-backed Shrike and Cuckoo at Hillend.  

Whalsay:  Red-backed Shrike at Skaw and at Vevoe.  

Fetlar: Rosefinch at Tresta.  Marsh Warbler at Aith camping bod and Funzie Willows.  Red-backed Shrike and Nightjar at Feal Burn.  

Out Skerries:  Marsh Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

North Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at North Roe.  

West Mainland:  Sedge Warbler at Dale of Walls.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo and Long-eared Owl at North Staney Hill, Icterine Warbler at Lerwick Power Station, Red-backed Shrike and Black Redstart at Gremister Farm, Lerwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Wester Quarff.  

South Mainland: 2 Red-backed Shrike, 2 Icterine Warbler and Common Nightingale at Greenmow, and Red-backed Shrike at Hellli ness,  Cunningsburgh.  Cuckoo, Red-backed Shrike at Swinister Burn, and another at Scousburgh.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick.  2 Red-backed Shrike at Brow Marsh.  Grey Plover and Red-backed Shrike at Dalsetter.  Ruff at Spiggie Loch, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, Green-winged Teal and Wood Sandpiper at Setter Marsh, Spiggie.  Common Nightingale and Red-backed Shrike at Hillwell.  Red-backed Shrike at Quendale.  Red-backed Shrike at Eastshore, Virkie.  Black Redstart at Toab.  Red-backed Shrike, Cuckoo and Marsh Warbler at Scatness.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca pod passed north by Skaw, Whalsay, seen from Fivla ferry.  



15th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Sedge Warbler at Shore station.  Bonaparte's Gull at Norwick.  Icterine Warbler at Millfield.  Yellowhammer at Halligarth.  2 Quail at Haroldswick.  

Yell: 17 Tree Sparrow at Cullivoe.  Marsh Harrier over Bluemull Sound.  

WhalsaySubalpine-type warbler at Marrister.  

Out Skerries:  Kestrel and decreasing numbers of common migrants on the island.  

Noss:  Bluethroat on the island.  

Bressay:  Hen Harrier at Gorie.  

North Mainland:  Carrion Crow at Swinister, North Mavine.  

West Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Stanydale, Bridge of Walls.  

Central Mainland:   Tree Sparrow at Burravoe, Brae.  2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Longland, and Sedge Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.   

South Mainland:  2 Cuckoo at Swinister Burn.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick.  Ring-necked Duck at Wood Sandpiper at Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Grutness Pool.  


Insect Sightings:  Painted Lady Butterfly in Out Skerries.  



14th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstBonaparte's Gull at Norwick Beach.  Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick.  Green-winged Teal at Baltasound.  

Yell:  14 Tree Sparrow still in Cullivoe.  Singing Willow Warbler at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  Bluethroat, Crossbill, Icterine Warbler, Hawfinch, Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge and Garden Warbler of note on the island.  

Whalsay:  Wood Sandpiper at Skaw.  

FetlarNightjar at the Manse, Red-backed Shrike at Tresta, and Red-necked Phalarope on the island.   

Foula:  Bluethroat and Flava Yellow Wagtail on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo in Kergord.  Sparrowhawk at Norbister, Burra.    

South Mainland: Short-eared Owl at Cunningsburgh, and later at Bigton.  Cuckoo at Hoswick Burn.  Marsh Harrier in aerial display over Setter, Sandwick.  Greenshank and Whinchat at Clumlie.  Pallid Harrier at Channerwick, and later at Levenwick.  Black-necked Grebe at Hillwell.  Cuckoo and Sandwich Tern at Scatness.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Between 3 and 6 Orca were seen late afternoon, on east side of Sumburgh Head, heading northwards.  


Insect Sightings:  The beginnings of a large influx of migrant Sliver Y moths has begun with multiple sightings across Shetland.  This moth flies by day, as well as night, feeding on whatever flowers it can find.  



13th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Red-backed Shrike at Skaw.  Stock Dove at the mires, and 11 Tree Sparrow both at Norwick. Hawfinch at Brewery.  

Yell:  14 Tree Sparrow at Cullivoe.  Carrion Crow at West Yell. Cuckoo at Windhouse.  3 Tree Sparrow and 10 Siskin at Hillend, Mid Yell. 

Whalsay:  Bluethroat at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Garth, South Nesting.  Cuckoo calling at Kergord.

West Mainland:  2 Knot and 14 Dunlin at Sand Beach.   

South MainlandPallid Harrier seen at Levenwick and Setter, Sandwick.  Wood Sandpiper flew out of Sumburgh Hotel towards the Head.  Hobby at Grutness.  



12th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 2 Carrion Crow at Police House, Baltasound.  Garganey at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell: 3 Tree Sparrow at Hillend.  14 Tree Sparrow and Carrion Crow at Cullivoe.  2 Red Grouse near the Ward of Otterswick.  Kestrel south of Arisdale Burn.  

Whalsay: Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  European Bee-eater at Tripwell.  

Out Skerries:  3 Wryneck, Sedge and Icterine Warbler, Long-eared Owl, Reed Bunting, Merlin and 3 Arctic Tern of note on the island.  

NossCommon Nightingale on the island.   

Central Mainland:  3 Tree Sparrow at Vidlin plantation.  Waxwings and Woodcock freshly dead at Kergord.  Notable count of 84 Razorbill off Mair's Pier, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Levenwick.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick. 2 Little Stint and 5 Knot at Spiggie Hide. Marsh Harrier at Setter Marsh.  Ring-necked Duck still at Hillwell.   7 Carrion Crow at Quendale Mill.  



11th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Shorelark at Skaw headland.  Short-eared Owl at Valyie and Skaw, 20 House Martin also there.  Hen Harrier, Pintail and Sandwich Tern at Norwick.  Black-tailed Godwit at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  Kestrel (found dead) at Cullivoe.  Jackdaw at School Pines, and Bullfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell  

Whalsay: Kestrel at Challisterness.  

Out Skerries:  Short-eared Owl, Ring Ouzel, and Carrion Crow amongst lingering common migrants.  

Fetlar:  Rosefinch at Leagarth.  

North Mainland:  Kestrel at North of Voe.  

Central Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Loch of Trondravoe.  Hawfinch, and Long-eared Owl at Brae.  Hawfinch at Toogs, Burra.  Waxwing over Law Lane, Sedge Warbler, Common Sandpiper, Crossbill at Clickimin, 2 Waxwing at Burn of Sound, Sand Martin at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Cuckoo calling at Maywick.  Grasshopper Warbler at Hillwell.  Shelduck at Grutness pool.  


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Risso's Dolphin and Minke Whale at Sumburgh Head. Single Risso's moving south past Noss.  Single Orca seen off Eshaness Lighthouse.  Orca seen off Noss with no further detail.  



10th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Widespread increase in Arctic Skua sightings today.  Decreasing numbers of common migrants as they move on to breeding areas outwith Shetland.  

Unst: 2 Goldfinch at Leisure Centre.  11 Knot at the Houb.  Bar-tailed Godwit at Lund Kirk.  Singing Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Bunting at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  Carrion Crow at Cullivoe.  Wood Warbler at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  Coot at Sandwick Loch - first on island since 2010. Hen Harrier past Hamister.  

Out Skerries:  Wryneck, Garden Warbler, 7 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Reed Bunting, 3 Redstart, Whinchat, and Sand Martin of note on the island.  

FetlarNightjar at Leagarth.

North Mainland:  Common Crane in flight over Swinister, Northmavine.  

Central Mainland:  3 Waxwing at North Road, Glaucous Gull at Gilbertson Park.  

South MainlandRing-necked Duck and Little Grebe at Hillwell.  Marsh Harrier still at Rerwick Reed Bed.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale at Eshaness. Pod of Orca reported from the north mouth of Lerwick Harbour heading north.  



9th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 2 Crossbill at Halligarth.  Sand Martin and Garden Warbler near Post Office.  Pomarine and 2 Arctic Skua past Skaw.  Sand Martin at Haroldswick.  Black-tailed Godwit nr Northdale.  

Yell: Hen Harrier at Otterswick.  Kestrel at Cullivoe.  Bullfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Foula: Pomarine Skua flying north from Mailboat.  Woodchat Shrike in South Foula.  2 Garganey at Ristie.  

Whalsay:  Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail, and 5 Shelduck at Weisdale Voe. Common Sandpiper at Loch of Tingwall.  Northern Goshawk seen over Noss Sound, and Brig of Fitch.  Icterine Warbler and Greenfinch at Law Lane, Wood Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, Lerwick.  Glaucous Gull still in Lerwick Harbour.  

South MainlandRing-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Scaup at Loch of Brow.  Mallard with brood of 11 at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Risso's Dolphin off Skaw, Unst.  Pod of Orca seen from Bigga in Bluemull Sound, heading northwards.  Another report of Orca from Northlink ferry as it headed north out of Lerwick in the evening.  



7th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Short-toed Lark at Skaw.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Valyie.  Icterine Warbler and 2 Wood Warbler at Northdale pines.  Greenshank and 2 Arctic Skua at Loch of Cliff.  Bluethroat at Baliaster Burn.  Shoveler at the Houb.  Whinchat at Baltasound.  

Yell:  Icterine Warbler, Reed Bunting and 2 Wood Warbler at Cullivoe Marina plantation.  Reed Bunting at North-a-voe.  Whinchat, and Lesser Whitethroat at Windhouse.  Bullfinch at Mid Yell.  

Foula:  Yellow Wagtail and Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Mousa:  2 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

West Mainland:  Reed Bunting at Watsness.  Long dead Common Crossbill at Bridge of Walls.  

Central Mainland: Tree Sparrow at Eswick, South Nesting.  Nightingale spp at Frakkafield.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch, pair of Goosander at Clickimin Loch.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  

South MainlandWhite-billed Diver at Sandsayre, Sandwick.  Icterine Warbler at Levenwick beach road.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick.  6 Sand Martin at NW Spiggie Loch.  Hawfinch at Bakkasetter.  Common Crane beyond Quendale Dam.  2 Common Scoter on the sea at Quendale.  Tree Pipit at Hillwell.   Grasshopper Warbler and Whinchat at Sumburgh Head tree planation.   Arctic Skua and 4 Carrion Crow in off the sea at Sumburgh.  


Cetacean Sightings:   Report of pod of 5-6 Orca in Whiteness Voe first thing this morning, before heading south past Scalloway.  Minke Whale seen from foghorn at Sumburgh Head.  



8th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Northern Goshawk west of Norwick.  

Yell:  Kestrel and Arctic Skua at Cullivoe. Hawfinch at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Fetlar:  5 Tree Sparrow at Gord.  Wryneck at the Manse.  

FoulaRustic Bunting on the island.  

North MainlandWhite-billed Diver off Tangwick.  

Central Mainland:  4 Common Crossbill at Sullom.  Waxwing at Kergord.  Crossbill over Lerwick Harbour.  

South Mainland: Tree Pipit, Iceland Gull, and 4 Shoveler at Hillwell.  Dunnock at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings: Minke Whale heading north at Eshaness.  Orca pod in Bluemull Sound heading south, with 2 Orca seen close to Cullivoe Pier later.  3-4 Orca also seen from Sumburgh Head.  



4th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Ring Ouzel at Valyie.  Redstart at Leawart.  Icterine Warbler and Redstart at Northdale pines.  Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Bunting at Haroldswick Pool.  Northern Goshawk north over Haroldswick.  Redstart and Short-eared Owl at Ordaal.  Whinchat at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Crossbill and Wood Warbler at Hillend.  Pied and Spotted Flycatcher at Windhouse.  3 Common Tern at Papil.  Lesser Whitethroat at Gutcher.  

Out Skerries: Icterine Warbler, Bluethroat, 2 Wryneck, Grasshopper Warbler, Sedge Warbler, 5 Whitethroat, 8 Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Restart, 6 Reed Bunting, 4 Tree Pipit, 3 Whinchat of note on the island.  

Whalsay:  Wood Warbler at Brough.  

Fetlar:  Wryneck at Tresta.  

Foula:  Woodchat Shrike at Mucklegrind, also Bluethroat and Wood Warbler at Ham.     

Central Mainland: 2 Hawfinch at Busta House, Brae.  Wood Warbler, and Waxwing at Kergord main plantation.  (Deceased) Bittern found in North Burn of Gremista.  Wood Warbler at Law Land, male Red-backed Shrike, Hawfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Helendale, Greenfinch at Clickimin,  all Lerwick.  2 Waxwing at Sound.  Whinchat, 2 Redstart, 4 Crossbill, Common Sandpiper and 3 Fieldfare at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.

South Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, and Tree Pipit at Hoswick.  Wryneck, 2 Redstart, Siberian Chiffchaff at Geosetter.  Red-backed Shrike in Spiggie garden.  Wood Warbler at Setter, Spiggie.  Whinchat at Loch of Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Quendale.  2 Lesser Whitethroat, Redstart and Kestrel over Dalsetter.  Red-backed Shrike, Redstart and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Sumburgh Hotel.  Reed Bunting and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  6-10 Risso's dolphin off north side of Noss.  



5th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Spread of common migrants continues throughout the isles.  Sardinian Warbler in private garden.  

Unst:    Common Redstart at Haroldswick.  Icterine Warbler at Northdale.  Short-eared Owl at Baltasound.  

Yell: 7 Black-tailed Godwits at Whale Firth Burn.  Lesser Whitethroat at North Aywick.  Turtle Dove and 2 Crossbill at Hillend. Kestrel at Sand Water, Gutcher.  Waxwing at Burravoe, and House Martin at Ulsta.  

Out Skerries: Highlights of Bluethroat, Icterine Warbler, 5 Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Kestrel, 8 Whinchat, 2 Black Redstart, 7 Redstart, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Ring Ouzel, and 3 Reed Bunting on the island.

FoulaShorelark on the island.

West Mainland:  Redstart, singing Wood Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at Engamore, West Burrafirth.  250 Eider and 50 Long-tailed Duck off Ness of Bixter.  

Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  Wood Warbler at Vidlin plantation.  Hawfinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Pintail at Ness of Sound Pond.  Red-backed Shrike, Hawfinch, Wood Warbler and Tree Pipit at Helendale House, Waxwing at Sandveien, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Hawfinch in Sandwick.  Wryneck in Clumlie Road near Picnic Press.  Redstart, Dunnock amongst other migrants at Geosetter.  2 Common Tern and Red-backed Shrike at Spiggie.  Stock Dove north of Quendale Mill.  


** White-billed Diver seen off White Hill Light House, and another from MV Resolute off Out Skerries**


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen off Brother Isle heading north.  Later 3 were seen off Gossaburgh, Yell.  


Insect Sightings:  A Giant Leopard Moth caterpillar was found in a B&B in Lerwick, likely stowed away in a visitor's luggage from New York. 



6th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Shoveler past Buness.  2 Jackdaw over Setter's Hill Estate.  Coue's Arctic Redpoll at Halligarth.  

Yell:  Icterine Warbler and 2 Wood Warbler at Cullivoe Marina.  Wood Warbler at Sunnyside and Bellevue, Mid Yell and at Camb.  

WhalsayThrush Nightingale in private Symbister garden, present since 4th.  

Fetlar:   Redstart and Reed Bunting at Funzie.  

Central Mainland:  Drake Mandarin at Sullom Voe Terminal (no access).  Hawfinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway. Whinchat at Eswick, South Nesting.  Red-backed Shrike, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Helendale House, Waxwing at Sandveien, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEastern Subalpine Warbler at Quendale Mill. Stock Dove, Jackdaw and Wood Warbler at Hillwell.  Short-eared Owl at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Orca heading north past Eshaness at midday, and 7 seen at 3pm heading north. 4 Risso's Dolphin off east side of Sumburgh Airport.  



3rd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

The big fall of common migrants continued apace today.  Here's some of the highlights!  Daily totals of spotted and Pied Flycatcher, Wryneck, Redstart and Blackcap to follow...   

Unst:  Pied Flycatcher at Valyie.  Bullfinch at Daisy Park.  Waxwing and Goldfinch at Halligarth.  Marsh Harrier around Ordaal.  Hen Harrier and Peregrine above North Dale.  Glaucous Gull and Whinchat at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  Sand Martin at Buness.  

Yell:  Blue Fulmar from Yellsound Ferry.  Wood Warbler in Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  Bluethroat, Icterine Warbler, 7 Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Grasshopper Warbler, Wood Warbler, 3 Whinchat, Jack Snipe, and Lesser Redpoll on the island.   

Central MainlandGreen-winged Teal at Loch of Trondravoe.  Goldfinch and Repoll at Swinning, Vidlin.  Wood Warbler at Vidlin plantation.  6 Waxwings at Islesburgh Hostel, Wood Warbler at Helendale, Whinchat and Wood Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEastern Subalpine Warbler at Scatness.  Reed Bunting and Common Sandpiper at Sannick.  Wryneck and Wood Warbler at North Punds, Levenwick.  Wryneck and Marsh Harrier at Geosetter.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick.  ~50 Arctic Tern north over Spiggie.  Female Red-backed Shrike at Culsetter, and a male at Sumburgh Hotel. Wryneck at Ringasta and at Hillwell.  Singing Reed Bunting, singing Water Rail, Wood Warbler, 2 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and 2 Black-tailed Godwit and Linnet at Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Quendale Quarry.  Grasshopper Warbler, 5 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Whinchat, 2 Reed Bunting at Quendale.  Whinchat at Virkie Willows. Wryneck at Grutness garden.  


Insect Sightings:  Peacock and Red Admiral butterflies at North Road, Lerwick.  Greater Waterboatman photographed in a garden today ) on Nature In Shetland Photo Group FB page.  Small influx of migrant Silver Y and Diamond-back moths was noted.



2nd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Carrion Crow at Skaw.  Black Redstart, and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Norwick.  Singing Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick Pool.   

Yell:  Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.  Long-eared Owl at Breckon.  

Whalsay:  Redstart and Pied Flycatcher at Skaw.  

Out Skerries:  Red-backed Shrike, 11 Lesser Whitethroat, 12 Common Whitethroat, Dunnock, Whinchat, 3 Tree Pipit, Great Spotted Woodpecker off the sea, all on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Wryneck (dead) at East Burrafirth. Continental Coal Tit, Hawfinch, Pied and Spotted Flycatcher, and singing Chiffchaff at Helendale house, Crossbill, 3 Reed Bunting and Merlin in Clickimin area, Osprey over Law Lane, heading north,  7 Waxwing at Sandveien, and 2 Hawfinch at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler and Ring Ouzel at Noness,  and Whinchat at Sannick, Sandwick.  Female Cuckoo at Hoswick burn.  Redstart, Whinchat, 2 Spotted Flycatcher at Maywick Road.  3 Spotted Flycatcher, Sparrowhawk, Siberian Chiffchaff, Redstart, Tree Pipit, and Fieldfare at Geosetter.  Green Sandpiper at Channerwick. North Road at Boddam had 3 Pied Flycatcher, and Redstart, with Wood Warbler at the voe head.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick reed bed, then later at Culsetter/Brake.  Hawfinch at Scousburgh.  Drake Garganey at SE Spiggie, later moving to NW Spiggie.  Also at Spiggie Loch Goosander, Common Scoter, Scaup and 14 Goldeneye. 4 Jackdaw, Redstart, and Lesser Whitethroat at Bakkasetter.  7 Whimbrel and Black-tailed Godwit at Ringasta.  Stock Dove, Wood Warbler, and Wryneck at Hillwell.  Icterine Warbler, Wryneck, and Lesser Whitethroat at Quendale Mill, and Wryneck at the dam, also Ring Ouzel, Whinchat, Tree Pipit all Quendale.  Whitethroat at Dalsetter.  Red-backed Shrike at Eastshore, Virkie.  Osprey over Scatness.  Lesser Whitethroat at Grutness.  6 Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, and Dunnock between Grutness and Sumburgh Head.  


Insect Sightings:  Red Admiral at Daisy Park, Baltasound, Foula, Bridge end, Burra and at Law Lane, Lerwick.  Several species of Hover flies recorded at Lerwick Flower park today, plus 2 migrant Diamond-backed Moths.  Silver Y moth at Geosetter, nr. Bigton, and Norwick, Unst.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale seen between Ulsta and Toft heading south, another off Levenwick, and off Mousa.  Pod of Orca heading through Yell Sound heading northwest.  



1st May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Short-eared Owl at Baltasound.  Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl at Loch of Cliff.  Common Redstart at Northdale.  Marsh Harrier at Ronan.  Kestrel at Daisy Park.   Greenshank over Buness.  Short-eared Owl at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.  Ring Ouzel at Basta.  Ring Ouzel at Burn of Otterswick.  28 Brambling at Hillend, Mid Yell.  Whimbrel near Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  3 Waxwings at Hamister.  6 Pink-footed Geese at Vatshoull Loch.  

Out Skerries:  Green Sandpiper, 3 Ring Ouzel, 5 Redstart, 4 Pied Flycatcher, Yellowhammer, 3 Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Tree Pipit, 40+ Fieldfare, 2 Redpoll spp.  Kestrel and Sparrowhawk of note on the island.   

Central Mainland:  3 Goldfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  Osprey over Sand Water.  Pied Flycatcher at Twatt.  Redstart at Toogs, Burra.  Goldfinch at Sletts Park, and Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Common Tern, Great Spotted woodpecker, Sedge Warbler, 4 Tree Pipit, 5 Fieldfare, 5 Reed Bunting, 3 Sparrowhawk, Clickimin area, Lerwick.  

West Mainland: 2 Goldfinch and Willow Warbler at Watsness.  

South Mainland:  Stock Dove at Mail, Cunningsburgh.  Pied Flycatcher at Hoswick.  3 Goldfinch at Geosetter.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick reed bed.   Pied Flycatcher and 2 Ring Ouzel at Mossy Hill, Scousburgh.  Red-backed Shrike at Channerwick.  6 Pink-footed Geese at Loch of Brow.  Redstart at Bakkasetter.  Pied Flycatcher, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Tree Pipit and 2 Knot at Virkie.  Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, 2 Arctic Skua, Black Redstart, Tree Pipit, Sedge Warbler between Grutness and Sumburgh.  


Insect Sightings:  Painted Lady Butterfly and Red Admiral Butterfly at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.  Red Admiral at Noness, Sandwick.  


Cetacean Sightings:  2 Minke Whale off Dale of Walls, West Mainland.  



26th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw (2), Valyie (3), Westing(4), Baliasta (2), Halligarth (2), Setter's Hill Estate (2), Hunter's Wood (4), Haroldswick, Unst;  Basta, Bugarth, Yell; Out Skerries (7); Fetlar;  North Collafirth, North Mainland; Burn of Gremister (2), Anderson High School, Clickimin, Central Mainland; Melby, West Mainland;  South Voxter, Hoswick, Swinister Burn, Fleck, Fladderbister, Hillwell, Quendale Mill, Sumburgh Hotel, South Mainland; 

Marsh Warbler reported at Mandeville, Uyeasound, and Halligarth, Norwick, Unst: Camb, Hillend, Yell; Hillswick, North Mainland;  South Voxter, Swinister Burn (2), Fladderbister, Hillwell, Sumburgh Farm (2), South Mainland;

Icterine Warbler reported at Norwick, Unst: Gutcher, Cullivoe, Hillend, Yell; Out Skerries (8): Fetlar; Whalsay; Trondra, Burravoe in Brae, Hayfield House (2), Clickimin (2), Central Mainland; Melby, West Mainland;  South Voxter, Bigton, Orca and Swinister Burn (3), Quendale, Hillwell, Sumburgh Trees, South Mainland; 


Unst:  2 Turtle Dove at Valyie. Reed Warbler and Goldfinch at Norwick.  Osprey at Snarravoe.  Golden Oriole at Hunter's Wood.  Bullfinch, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Golden Oriole and 2 Goldfinch at Halligarth.  Glaucous Gull over harbour, and Honey Buzzard over Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Sparrowhawk over Mid Yell Voe.  

Out Skerries: Corn Bunting , Nightjar, Common Rosefinch,  and Common Swift on the island.  

Foula:  2 Rustic Bunting on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Reed, Sedge and 2 Garden Warbler at Clickimin, with 2 Goosander overhead.  

West Mainland:   Crossbill at Sandness.  

South MainlandRed-footed Falcon briefly at Swinister Burn, also a Nightjar, Kestrel, Common Rosefinch. Swift at Sandwick. 3 Crossbill at Geosetter. Hobby at Boddam, and later at Bakkasetter. Golden Oriole and Reed Warbler, Turtle Dove, and Hen Harrier at Quendale.  2 Sedge Warbler and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell. Common Rosefinch at Exnaboe.  3 Common Swift and Black Redstart at Sumburgh Head.  2 Goldfinch and Sedge Warbler at Sumburgh Farm.  Long-eared Owl at Toab.  3 Goldfinch at Virkie Willows.  4 Barnacle Geese and 6 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen in Yell Sound heading NW late in the day.  



27th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Burrafirth, Northdale, Halligarth, Valyie (2), Baliasta and Skaw, Unst; Funzie, Aithness, Fetlar; Out Skerries (7); Gremista, Billister (dead), Central Mainland; Sumburgh, Quendale (2), Exnaboe (3), Dunrossness, Sandwick (3), Hillwell, Scatness, Maywick (3), South Mainland.

Marsh Warbler reported at Baliasta (2), Unst; Out Skerries; Sumburgh, Scatness, Exnaboe, Clevigarth, Sandwick (2), Maywick, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Daisy Park (2), Baliasta, Unst; Burravoe (2); North Mainland; Sandness, West Mainland; Out Skerries (8); Marrister (2), Whalsay; Sound (2), Swinning, Central Mainland; Maywick, Levenwick, Geosetter, Sandwick, Cunningsburgh (2), Quendale (2), South Mainland.


Unst:  Curlew Sandpiper at Easting Beach. Spotted Flycatcher and Hen Harrier at Northdale. Brambling at Millfield. Spotted Flycatcher at Baliasta and Pied Flycatcher at Skaw.

Fetlar: Sedge Warbler singing at Tresta.

YellBlyths Reed Warbler at Burravoe. 

Out SkerriesNightjar still, Tufted Duck, and similar migrant numbers to yesterdays counts. 

Bressay: Montague's Harrier East of Cruister Hill. 

North Mainland:  Garden Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff at Burravoe, Brae. 

Central MainlandRed-rumped Swallow East of Vidlin then flew East. 3 Bar-headed Geese at Laxfirth. 

West Mainland:   Hawfinch, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap Lesser Whitethroat and 2 plus Redpoll sp. at Sandness.  

South Mainland: Hen Harrier, Turtle Dove, Sedge Warbler, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler at Quendale. Common Rosefinch and Whinchat at Boddam. Spotted Flycatcher and Garden Warbler at North Town, Exnaboe. Tree Sparrow at Sumburgh Farm.  6 Barnacle Geese over Hillwell. 5 Black-tailed Godwits at Spiggie. Drake Pintail at Scatness. Osprey North over Sumburgh Hotel.


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca (single animal) went past Sumburgh Head and lost to the West beyond Horse Island. 2 Risso's Dolphin went North past Westing, Unst. 5 Orca lingered off Hermaness for a few hours moving slowly South,



28th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw, Halligarth, Unst; Foula (2); Fetlar (2); Swining, Lunna,  Pullars Quarry, Central Mainland; Clumlie, Hillwell, Sumburgh Farm (2), Sandwick, South Mainland. 

Marsh Warbler reported at Wind House, Yell; Foula (2); Voxter, Clickinmin Loch, Central Mainland; Scatness, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Wind House, Cullivoe (2), Yell; Foula; Brough, Whalsay; Brae, North Mainland; Sound, Clickimin Loch, Swinning, Central Mainland;  Maywick (3), Quendale, Levenwick, Bigton (2), Sandwick, South Mainland


UnstGreen-winged Teal flew South from Alma. Osprey at Snaravoe, 9 Swallows at Skaw. Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Sparrowhawk at Valyie.

Yell: Honey Buzzard and Lesser Whitethroat at Cullivoe. Willow Warbler at Windhouse.

Out Skerries: Turtle Dove

Foula: Nightjar at Ham. 2 Swift over Ristie and Goosander, Rosefinch, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Redwing, Canada Goose and Pink-footed Goose also on the island.

Bressay: Montague's Harrier still just South of Gunnista.

Central Mainland:  Reed Warbler at Clickimin Loch. 2 Crossbill over Sound. 4 House Martin at Lower Voe. Osprey South over Girlsta. 

West Mainland:   Grey-headed Wagtail at Norby.

South Mainland: Golden Oriole and Common Sandpiper at Dalsetter. Hobby flew over Mainlands, Dunrossness. Lesser Whitethroat at Levenwick. Turtle Dove, Hen Harrier, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler and a Reed Warbler at Quendale. 2 Reed Buntings at Bakkasetter. A Red-throated Pipit flew South, 2 Garden Warbler and a Spotted Flycatcher along Maywick Valley. Pair of Pintail at Scatness. House Martin South over Noness.


Cetacean Sightings:  

Three Orca, one Bull, seen from Toft - Ulsta ferry heading North. 


Other Wildlife Sightings

Basking Shark seen from Good Shepherd 12 miles South of Sumburgh,


29th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 


Unst: Thrush Nightingale at Millfield. Honey Buzzard still in Uyeasound area. Icterine Warbler singing behind Baltasound Post Office. Red-backed Shrike at Burrafirth. Marsh Warbler and Sedge Warbler at Halligarth. Short-eared Owl at Hermaness and Haroldswick. Kestrel at Little Heog. Red-backed Shrike at Uyeasound Hall. Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.Icterine Warbler still Daisy Park.

Yell: Quail at Tittynans Hill.

Fetlar: Montague's Harrier flew over Funzie. Red-backed Shrikes at Baelens and Tresta. Icterine Warbler at Aithness.

Out Skerries: Turtle Dove, 2 Marsh Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, 4 Red-backed Shrike, 5 Icterine Warbler, 10+ Spotted Flycatcher and 8 Garden Warbler.

WhalsayBlack-throated Diver and Carrion Crow at the golf club.

Foula: Short-eared Owl at Ristie.

North Mainland: Icterine, Marsh and 2 Garden Warblers singing at Hillswick. 

Central Mainland:  Honey Buzzard flew South over Sullom Voe Terminal. Hawfinch at Kergord.

South Mainland: 2 Honey Buzzard together at Quendale, also Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler and Icterine Warbler as well as a Hobby between Quendale and Hillwell.  Ring-necked Duck still at Hillwell, also 6 Shoveler, Spotted Flycatcher, Garden and Sedge Warbler in area. Golden Oriole still at Dalsetter. Quail singing at Swinister. Red-backed Shrike and Icterine Warbler Bigton. Red-backed Shrike and Pied Flycatcher at Geosetter. 2 Swift and 4 House Martin at Sumburgh Head. Sedge Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher at Maywick.11 Black-tailed Godwits at Spiggie. Short-eared Owl at St. Ninians. Red-backed Shrike at Rerwick. 


Cetacean Sightings:  

4 Orca heading South off Cluster, Fetlar. 8-12 Risso's Dolphins South of Bressay Light. Unidentified Dolphin pod between Toft and Ulsta. An unidentified Whale species was seen going North West past Whalsay golf course. 7-8 Minke Whales lunge feeding 5km of Eshaness.


30th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 



Unst: Common Sandpiper at Uyeasound. Icterine Warbler along Hamar Road. Quail singing at Brakefield Methodist Kirk. Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.

Fetlar: Red-backed Shrike at Fetlar ferry terminal.

Whalsay: Icterine Warbler at Marrister. Also Spotted Flycatcher.

North Mainland: Scaup at Braewick. 2 Icterine Warbler at Burravoe and 1 at the Communtiy Wood, Brae.

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Stromfirth. 2 Shelduck at Sandgarth. Marsh Warbler at Clickimin Loch, Lerwick. 

West Mainland:   Lesser Whitethroat at West Burrafirth

South MainlandHoney Buzzard flew around the South End late morning. House Martin, 2 Red-backed Shrike and a Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Head. Red-backed Shrike, Quail, Sparrowhawk and 2 Garden Warblers along Swinister Burn. Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler and Brambling at Hoswick. Ring-necked Duck still and Marsh Harrier at Hillwell. 5 Black-tailed Godwit at Scatness. 


Cetacean Sightings:  

A small group of Risso's Dolphins were seen South of Bressay by the South-bound passengers on the Northlink Ferry. 4-5 Harbour Porpoises were seen heading to Bressay from the Ness of Sound.


25th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Northdale (6), Norwick (2), Halligarth (2), all Unst:  Gutcher (2), Yell;  Head of Ronas Voe, North Mainland: Melby, Tresta, West Mainland;  Moss Bank, Wethersta in Brae, Sea Road, Burn of Gremister, Lerwick, Wester Quarff (2), Central Mainland; Cunningsburgh, Levenwick (2), Noness and Swinister, Sandwick, Geosetter, Spiggie Loch, Hillwell, Quendale (2) South Mainland;

Marsh Warbler reported at Haroldswick Pool,  Norwick (2), Unst: Hillend, Mid Yell;  Skaw, Whalsay;  Hillswick, North Mainland;  Anderson High School, Burn of Sound, Gulberwick Kirk, Central Mainland; Levenwick, Bigton, Geosetter, Quendale, Scatness, Sumburgh Farm (2), South Mainland.  

Icterine Warbler reported at Norwick, Cameron Cottage, all Unst; Gutcher, Cullivoe (2), Yell: Funzie, and Aithness, Fetlar:  Marrister, and Skaw, Whalsay;  Mossbank, and Sound, Lerwick, Central Mainland;  Leebitton, Quendale (2), Geosetter, Sumburgh Farm and Hotel, Grutness, Scatness (3), South Mainland.  


Unst:  4 Swift at Hermaness.  16 Barnacle Geese past Skaw.  Whinchat, and Green-winged Teal and Grey-headed Wagtail at the mires, Northdale. Swift at Saxa Vord.  Brambling, Swift, 2 Turtle Dove and Bluethroat at Millfield, and Sedge Warbler, and 2 Goldfinch, Norwick.  Crossbill at Baltasound. Honey Buzzard and Osprey touring the island.  Cuckoo and Great Reed Warbler at Haroldswick.  Golden Oriole  and Sedge Warbler at Halligarth.  

Yell:  Hen Harrier at Gutcher,  Sedge Warbler at Cullivoe.  Golden Oriole and Kestrel at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  2 Swifts on the island.  

Foula:  Rustic Bunting on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Osprey and Swift at Voe.  Golden Oriole at Kergord, Nightjar at Weisdale Chapel.  Velvet Scoter at Loch of Stromfirth.  

West Mainland:  2 Magpie in Sandness.  

South Mainland:  Wood Sandpiper at Levenwick.  4 Barnacle Geese and 7 Swift at Noss, Spiggie.  Little Stint at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow over Brow Marsh. Sandwich Tern at Dalsetter.  Golden Oriole, Marsh Harrier, Turtle Dove, and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Redstart at Sumburgh Head.  Manx Shearwater 3 miles south of Sumburgh Head, from the Good Shepherd.  


Cetacean Sightings:  At least 3 Orca moving south past Muness, Unst.  



23rd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstGreen Warbler again, and 2 Icterine, Garden, and Wood Warbler, and Red-backed Shrike at Valyie, Norwick. 

Yell:  2 Red-backed Shrikes and Icterine Warbler at Otterswick.  4 House Martin at Mid Yell.  Red-backed Shrike at Basta. 

Fetlar:  Rosefinch at Aith and Tresta, 6 Icterine and Marsh Warbler, 6 Red-backed Shrike on the island.

Whalsay:  4 Icterine, Wood, and Reed Warbler, Bluethroat and Red-backed Shrike at Skaw.  2 Marsh Warbler at Grunitaing.  Red-backed Shrike at Isbister.   

Out Skerries:  4 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh, Icterine, Garden Warbler on the island.  

Noss: Icterine, Bluethroat, 3 Red-backed Shrike, Cuckoo and Thrush Nightingale on the island.    

Central Mainland: 2 Red-backed Shrike at South Voxter, Brae.  25 Goosander at Loch of Stromfirth.  3 Swift over Tingwall Loch, and Scaup there too. Swift over Law Lane, Icterine at Hayfield House and at Swarthoull, Sound, and Marsh Warbler at North Loch Drive, and Red-backed Shrike at West Hall,  Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Icterine, Bluethroat at Dale of Walls, with Red-backed Shrike at Mid Dale. Rustic Bunting and Marsh, Reed and 2 Garden Warbler at Cruisdale, and Red-backed Shrike at Bousta, with Marsh and Icterine Warbler singing at Turrifield, all Sandness.  

South Mainland:  6 House Martin, 2 Bluethroat and Red-backed Shrike at Noness, and Hobby, Wood Warbler and Whinchat at Sandwick, Wood Warbler at Levenwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Swinister Burn, Mail, Cunningsburgh and Levenwick beach. 2 Red-backed Shrike at Boddam. Rosefinch at Ellister, and Hobby at Maywick. Icterine Warbler at Orca Inn, Bigton, Maywick Valley (2), Clumlie Loch (2), Geosetter, Loch of Spiggie, Noss Farm (2), and Spiggie Hotel, with Red-backed Shrikes at Maywick Valley (2), Geosetter and Culsetter.  Turtle Dove, Reed and Icterine Warbler at Quendale Mill, and Ring-necked Duck in the dunes.  Waxwing at Dalsetter.  Bluethroat, 4 Icterine Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow and Bluethroat at Toab, and Bluethroat, 3 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Icterine Warbler and Nightjar at Exnaboe.  Bluethroat, Icterine, Wood, and Reed Warbler, 2 Swift at Scatness.  Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Farm, and Swift, Icterine, and Bluethroat at Sumburgh Hotel.  Red-backed Shrike and Rosefinch at Sumburgh Head trees.  



24th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Red-backed Shrike reported at Skaw (2), Norwick (3), Shore station, Northdale (2), Millfield, Heritage Centre (2), Baltasound (3), Haroldswick, and Halligarth, all Unst; North-a-Voe (2), Gutcher, Basta, Windhouse, Mid Yell (2), Burravoe, all Yell;  Fetlar (5); Whalsay (8); Out Skerries (10); Noss (3); Dale, and Dale of Walls, Burn of Aith (2), West Mainland: Hillswick, North Mainland;  Eswick in South Nesting;  Dale, Brae Community Woodland (2), Gremister, Ladies Drive (3), and Staney Hill, Ladies Drive (2) Burn of Sound, Lerwick, Central Mainland:  Swinister Bun (2), Spiggie (2), Levenwick (2), Boddam (2), Hillwell, Quendale (3), Scatness, Exnaboe, South Mainland.

Icterine Warbler reported at Skaw, Baltasound, Norwick (3), Haroldswick (2), all Unst; Hillend, Cullivoe, Yell; Aithness, Fetlar;  Whalsay (2); Out Skerries (12); Noss (3);  Michaelswood, West Mainland;  Scatsta Farm, Ladies Drive, Lerwick; Hoswick, Bigton (2), Clumlie, Boddam, Geosetter, Virkie, Sumburgh Farm (2), Sumburgh Head, Exnaboe (2), Scatness (5) South Mainland;

Marsh Warbler reported at Skaw (2), Norwick (2), all Unst; Noss;  Sandness, West Mainland; Scatsta Farm, Peerie Oversund Park, Ladies Drive, Lerwick, Central Mainland; Levenwick, Grutness, Hillwell (2), Quendale, Sumburgh Farm,  Scatness, South Mainland.  


Unst:  Turtle Dove, Black Redstart, Bluethroat, Wood Warbler and Hawfinch at Norwick.  Osprey over Burrafirth.  Rosy Starling at Valyie, Norwick and Haroldswick.  2 Goldfinch, Sedge Warbler, Golden Oriole at Halligarth, and Waxwing at Baltasound.  

Yell:  2 Common Scoter at Mid Yell Voe, 2 Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting and Golden Oriole at Hillend, and at North-a-Voe, Mid Yell.  

FetlarWoodchat Shrike at Leagarth. Kestrel at Aith.  

Whalsay:  Bluethroat and Sedge Warbler, Cuckoo and 7 House Martin on the island.  

Out Skerries:  2 Swift, 2 Redstart, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Long-eared Owl, Wood Sandpiper, 6 Garden Warbler and 9 Spotted Flycatcher on the island.  

Noss: Sedge Warbler and 3 Bar-headed Geese on the island (relocated from Lerwick Harbour earlier).  

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail at Lower Voe.  2 Goosander in Weisdale Voe.  

South Mainland: Honey Buzzard and Rosefinch at Sandwick.  Little Stint and Whinchat at Virkie.  Red-rumped Swallow and Cuckoo at Quendale.  4 Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Coot and Ring-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Redstart and 2 Garden Warbler at Sumburgh Head.  Rosefinch, Bluethroat at Scatness.  


Mammal Sightings:  2 Nathusius Pipistrelle flying around Bakkasetter, South Mainland.   4 Risso's Dolphin by South Nesting.  Minke Whale off Mousa Sound.  



22nd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstGreen Warbler at Valyie, Norwick.  

YellThrush Nightingale at Moarfield, Cullivoe.  

Out Skerries:  Icterine Warbler on the island.  

Whalsay:  Icterine Warbler at Skaw.  

FetlarWoodchat Shrike at Aithness.  Bluethroat at Mires of Houbie, with Icterine and 4 Red-backed Shrikes also present.   

NossThrush Nightingale, Marsh Warbler, Bluethroat and 3 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Central Mainland: Icterine and Golden Oriole at Burravoe, Brae.  Icterine Warbler at Frakkafield.  Honey Buzzard over Longland, Lerwick.  

South MainlandHobby near Levenwick.  Icterine and Marsh Warbler at Orca Inn, Hoswick. Icterine Warbler at Swinister Burn, Sandwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Clumlie Cake Fridge.  Icterine Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. Eastern Subalpine Warbler at Hillwell.  Bluethroat and Icterine Warbler at Sumburgh Hotel, also Sumburgh Farm, Toab, Boddam (2), Quendale Mill,   Turtle Dove and Reed Warbler at Quendale Mill.  Marsh Warbler at Virkie.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen off the Noup of Noss.  



21st May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Marsh Warbler, Red-backed Shrike, Golden Oriole and Waxwing at Houlland.  Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Sedge Warbler at Skaw.  Red-backed Shrike at Millfield, and Valyie, with 2 Icterine and Hawfinch also there, Norwick.  Sedge Warbler at Halligarth.  Red-backed Shrike at Haroldswick, Baltasound and at the Houb.   

YellThrush Nightingale at Cullivoe.  

Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler at Greenfield Place, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Osprey over Cunningsburgh.  Icterine Warbler at Scatness, and Bakkasetter. 


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Orca were seen for a number of hours within Lerwick Harbour.  



20th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Marsh Warbler at Valyie, Norwick.  Red-backed Shrike and Marsh Warbler at Haroldswick.  Bullfinch, Sedge Warbler and Long-eared Owl at Halligarth

Yell:  Garden Warbler at Cullivoe.  

Noss:  Hen Harrier over the island towards Bressay. 

Bressay:  Garden Warbler at Voehead.   

North MainlandBlack-throated Diver at Ronas Voe.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Njugals Water and Kergord.  

West Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Park Hall.  

South Mainland: Ring-necked Duck, Coot, Wood Sandpiper, and Sedge Warbler  at Hillwell. Red-backed Shrike at Quendale Mill.  Red-breasted Flycatcher (deceased) at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Risso's Dolphin at Levenwick.  Minke Whale off Sumburgh head.  



19th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Wood Warbler, 3 Red-backed Shrike at Skaw, and 2 at Norwick. Turtle Dove, Icterine, 2 Sedge and Marsh Warbler, Tree Sparrow too at Halligarth.  Goldfinch at Cameron Cottage.  Sandwich Tern, Marsh Warbler and Red-backed Shrike at Haroldswick.  Glaucous Gull south past Skaw.  

Yell:  Golden Oriole and Garden Warbler at Hillend, Mid Yell.  2 Red-backed Shrike at Breckon and Gutcher.  Icterine Warbler at Camb.  Sedge, Marsh and Garden Warbler at Basta.   

Out Skerries:  2 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart, Crossbill and decreasing numbers of common migrants on the island.  

Whalsay:  Icterine Warbler and 6 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Fetlar:  Red-backed Shrike at Aithbank, Feal and Aith.  

Central Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Uradale.  Short-eared Owl at Laxo.  Marsh Harrier at Toft. Hen Harrier over Girlsta Loch.  Red-backed Shrike at West Hall, 5 Crossbill at Burn of Sound, Marsh, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Greenfield Place, Lerwick.  Long-eared Owl at Gulberwick.  

South Mainland:  2 Red-backed Shrike at Billister.  Black-tailed Godwit at Swinister, and Red-backed Shrike at Sandwick.  Kestrel at Cunningsburgh, and Skelberry, Boddam.  Red-backed Shrike at Fleck.  Red-backed Shrike at Setter, Spiggie.  Ring-necked Duck, Wood Sandpiper, Marsh and Sedge Warbler at Hillwell. 2 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh and Reed Warbler at Quendale.  Icterine Warbler at Hestingott.  2 Red-backed Shrike and 2 House Martin at Sumburgh Head. 


Cetacean Sightings:  12+ Risso's Dolphin off Aithsetter.  Minke Whale from Out Skerries Ferry.  Risso's Dolphin off Eshaness and off the Bard at Bressay.  



18th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstShore Lark at Holm of Skaw.  Hen Harrier at the Houb, and 2 Red-backed Shrike, Baltasound.  Marsh Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike at Millfield, Norwick.  Another Hen Harrier and Turtle Dove at Haroldswick.  Kestrel at Saxa Vord.  

Yell: Garden Warbler at Cullivoe and at Belleview, Mid Yell.  Golden Oriole at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  5 Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler and Blue-headed Wagtail on the island.

Fetlar:  2 Red-backed Shrike at Aith and 1 at Funzie Mires.   

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail at Voe.  5 Crossbill at Helendale, and Hawfinch at North Loch Drive, Lerwick.  

North Mainland:  3 Common Scoter at Hillswick.  

South Mainland: Red-backed Shrike at Sannick, Voxter and Cunningsburgh.  Cuckoo at Levenwick beach.  Red-backed Shrike at Channerwick, Fleck, and at Spiggie House, 2 at Virkie.  Little Bittern at Brow Marsh, Bakkasetter.  Ring-necked Duck and Marsh Warbler at Hillwell.  Marsh Harrier, Iceland Gull, 7 Red-Backed Shrike and Sedge Warbler at Quendale.  7 Barnacle Geese, Common Rosefinch, Cuckoo, Peregrine, 2 Red-backed Shrike and Sedge Warbler at Scatness.  Garden Warbler and Short-eared Owl at Grutness.  Marsh Harrier at Hoswick.  Red-backed Shrike at Boddam Voe.  


Of interest:  ~64 Red-backed Shrikes were reported across Shetland yesterday.  Fair Isle also recorded 32.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale off Mousa.  Pod of Orca off Mousa, and off Sumburgh Head.  Risso's Dolphin off Noss.  



17th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Major influx of Red-backed Shrikes today in Shetland.  Here's a breakdown of sightings...  

Unst:  Singles at Skaw, Ordale, Northdale, Valyie, at the Brewery, Sotland, Baltasound, Balisata, and Burrafirth, 2 at Haroldswick. 

Whalsay: 2 at Skaw and 2 at Vevoe.  

Out Skerries:  4+ on the island.  

Fetlar:  Single at Baelens.  

Central Mainland:   Singles at Scatsta Farm, Mossbank, Swining, Frakkafield, 

West Mainland:  Single at Sandness.  

South Mainland: Singles at Gulberwick, Hoswick, Greenmow, Ireland, Rerwick, Bigton, Fleck, Boddam, Mossy Hill, Geosetter, Culsetter, Setter, Williamsetter, Scatness, Grutness, 8+ at Quendale, 2 at Hillwell, and 2 at Mainland's Shop.


Other notable sightings for today:

Unst:  Wryneck at Valyie.  Marsh Warbler at Kirkaton, Baliasta, and at Cameron Cottage.  2 Sandwich Tern at Haroldswick.  Kestrel at Westing turning.  Red-breasted Flycatcher at Baliasta.  White-billed Diver off Sound Grunay.  

Yell:  Marsh Warbler at Cullivoe. Cuckoo at Mid Yell.  Kestrel at Sand Water, Hen Harrier at Breckon.  Garden Warbler at Camb.  

Whalsay:  Marsh Warbler at Skaw.  Marsh Warbler at Arisdale burn.  

Fetlar:  Bluethroat at Aith Bank,  Hawfinch at Tresta, and Marsh Warbler at camping bod.  

Out Skerries:  Blue-headed Wagtail on the island.  

Bressay:  Singing Blackcap, Redpoll, and Sedge Warbler at Voehead.  Singing Willow Warbler at Crueton.  

Central Mainland:  Greywagtail at Swining.  Marsh Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEuropean Bee-eater initially at Hestingott, then relocated to Sumburgh Head.  Marsh Warbler at Hoswick Burn.  Nightingale trapped at Hillwell was identified as a Thrush Nightingale. The Nightingale, in Greenmow, Cunningsburgh, as also been identified at Thrush Nightingale.  Marsh Warbler at Hillwell pumping station and another at Grutness.  Icterine Warbler at Sandwick, at Exnaboe and at Hestingott.  Marsh Harrier and 2 Marsh Warbler at Quendale.  Kestrel at Toab.  Stock Dove at Sumburgh Farm.  Marsh Warbler at Sumburgh Head.  Sedge Warbler, Marsh Warbler and Garden Warbler at Grutness.  



Cetacean Sightings: Minke Whale seen from Skerries ferry not far from Muckle Skerry.  Pod of Orca off the Holm of Skaw, Unst heading east past Norwick and Clibberswick.   



16th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

With favourable winds continuing, more migrants have arrived today - notably a large number of Shrikes.  

Unst:  Icterine Warbler at Shore Station.  Red-backed Shrike at Setter's Hill Estate and at North Dale.  Bonaparte's Gull at Skaw.

Yell:  Red-backed Shrike and Cuckoo at Hillend.  

Whalsay:  Red-backed Shrike at Skaw and at Vevoe.  

Fetlar: Rosefinch at Tresta.  Marsh Warbler at Aith camping bod and Funzie Willows.  Red-backed Shrike and Nightjar at Feal Burn.  

Out Skerries:  Marsh Warbler and 2 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

North Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at North Roe.  

West Mainland:  Sedge Warbler at Dale of Walls.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo and Long-eared Owl at North Staney Hill, Icterine Warbler at Lerwick Power Station, Red-backed Shrike and Black Redstart at Gremister Farm, Lerwick.  Red-backed Shrike at Wester Quarff.  

South Mainland: 2 Red-backed Shrike, 2 Icterine Warbler and Common Nightingale at Greenmow, and Red-backed Shrike at Hellli ness,  Cunningsburgh.  Cuckoo, Red-backed Shrike at Swinister Burn, and another at Scousburgh.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick.  2 Red-backed Shrike at Brow Marsh.  Grey Plover and Red-backed Shrike at Dalsetter.  Ruff at Spiggie Loch, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, Green-winged Teal and Wood Sandpiper at Setter Marsh, Spiggie.  Common Nightingale and Red-backed Shrike at Hillwell.  Red-backed Shrike at Quendale.  Red-backed Shrike at Eastshore, Virkie.  Black Redstart at Toab.  Red-backed Shrike, Cuckoo and Marsh Warbler at Scatness.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca pod passed north by Skaw, Whalsay, seen from Fivla ferry.  



15th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Sedge Warbler at Shore station.  Bonaparte's Gull at Norwick.  Icterine Warbler at Millfield.  Yellowhammer at Halligarth.  2 Quail at Haroldswick.  

Yell: 17 Tree Sparrow at Cullivoe.  Marsh Harrier over Bluemull Sound.  

WhalsaySubalpine-type warbler at Marrister.  

Out Skerries:  Kestrel and decreasing numbers of common migrants on the island.  

Noss:  Bluethroat on the island.  

Bressay:  Hen Harrier at Gorie.  

North Mainland:  Carrion Crow at Swinister, North Mavine.  

West Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Stanydale, Bridge of Walls.  

Central Mainland:   Tree Sparrow at Burravoe, Brae.  2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Longland, and Sedge Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.   

South Mainland:  2 Cuckoo at Swinister Burn.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick.  Ring-necked Duck at Wood Sandpiper at Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Grutness Pool.  


Insect Sightings:  Painted Lady Butterfly in Out Skerries.  



14th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

UnstBonaparte's Gull at Norwick Beach.  Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick.  Green-winged Teal at Baltasound.  

Yell:  14 Tree Sparrow still in Cullivoe.  Singing Willow Warbler at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  Bluethroat, Crossbill, Icterine Warbler, Hawfinch, Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge and Garden Warbler of note on the island.  

Whalsay:  Wood Sandpiper at Skaw.  

FetlarNightjar at the Manse, Red-backed Shrike at Tresta, and Red-necked Phalarope on the island.   

Foula:  Bluethroat and Flava Yellow Wagtail on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo in Kergord.  Sparrowhawk at Norbister, Burra.    

South Mainland: Short-eared Owl at Cunningsburgh, and later at Bigton.  Cuckoo at Hoswick Burn.  Marsh Harrier in aerial display over Setter, Sandwick.  Greenshank and Whinchat at Clumlie.  Pallid Harrier at Channerwick, and later at Levenwick.  Black-necked Grebe at Hillwell.  Cuckoo and Sandwich Tern at Scatness.  Bluethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Between 3 and 6 Orca were seen late afternoon, on east side of Sumburgh Head, heading northwards.  


Insect Sightings:  The beginnings of a large influx of migrant Sliver Y moths has begun with multiple sightings across Shetland.  This moth flies by day, as well as night, feeding on whatever flowers it can find.  



13th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Red-backed Shrike at Skaw.  Stock Dove at the mires, and 11 Tree Sparrow both at Norwick. Hawfinch at Brewery.  

Yell:  14 Tree Sparrow at Cullivoe.  Carrion Crow at West Yell. Cuckoo at Windhouse.  3 Tree Sparrow and 10 Siskin at Hillend, Mid Yell. 

Whalsay:  Bluethroat at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Cuckoo at Garth, South Nesting.  Cuckoo calling at Kergord.

West Mainland:  2 Knot and 14 Dunlin at Sand Beach.   

South MainlandPallid Harrier seen at Levenwick and Setter, Sandwick.  Wood Sandpiper flew out of Sumburgh Hotel towards the Head.  Hobby at Grutness.  



12th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 2 Carrion Crow at Police House, Baltasound.  Garganey at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell: 3 Tree Sparrow at Hillend.  14 Tree Sparrow and Carrion Crow at Cullivoe.  2 Red Grouse near the Ward of Otterswick.  Kestrel south of Arisdale Burn.  

Whalsay: Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  European Bee-eater at Tripwell.  

Out Skerries:  3 Wryneck, Sedge and Icterine Warbler, Long-eared Owl, Reed Bunting, Merlin and 3 Arctic Tern of note on the island.  

NossCommon Nightingale on the island.   

Central Mainland:  3 Tree Sparrow at Vidlin plantation.  Waxwings and Woodcock freshly dead at Kergord.  Notable count of 84 Razorbill off Mair's Pier, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Levenwick.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick. 2 Little Stint and 5 Knot at Spiggie Hide. Marsh Harrier at Setter Marsh.  Ring-necked Duck still at Hillwell.   7 Carrion Crow at Quendale Mill.  



11th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Shorelark at Skaw headland.  Short-eared Owl at Valyie and Skaw, 20 House Martin also there.  Hen Harrier, Pintail and Sandwich Tern at Norwick.  Black-tailed Godwit at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  Kestrel (found dead) at Cullivoe.  Jackdaw at School Pines, and Bullfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell  

Whalsay: Kestrel at Challisterness.  

Out Skerries:  Short-eared Owl, Ring Ouzel, and Carrion Crow amongst lingering common migrants.  

Fetlar:  Rosefinch at Leagarth.  

North Mainland:  Kestrel at North of Voe.  

Central Mainland:  Marsh Harrier at Loch of Trondravoe.  Hawfinch, and Long-eared Owl at Brae.  Hawfinch at Toogs, Burra.  Waxwing over Law Lane, Sedge Warbler, Common Sandpiper, Crossbill at Clickimin, 2 Waxwing at Burn of Sound, Sand Martin at Pullar's Loch, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Cuckoo calling at Maywick.  Grasshopper Warbler at Hillwell.  Shelduck at Grutness pool.  


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Risso's Dolphin and Minke Whale at Sumburgh Head. Single Risso's moving south past Noss.  Single Orca seen off Eshaness Lighthouse.  Orca seen off Noss with no further detail.  



10th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Widespread increase in Arctic Skua sightings today.  Decreasing numbers of common migrants as they move on to breeding areas outwith Shetland.  

Unst: 2 Goldfinch at Leisure Centre.  11 Knot at the Houb.  Bar-tailed Godwit at Lund Kirk.  Singing Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Bunting at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  Carrion Crow at Cullivoe.  Wood Warbler at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  Coot at Sandwick Loch - first on island since 2010. Hen Harrier past Hamister.  

Out Skerries:  Wryneck, Garden Warbler, 7 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Reed Bunting, 3 Redstart, Whinchat, and Sand Martin of note on the island.  

FetlarNightjar at Leagarth.

North Mainland:  Common Crane in flight over Swinister, Northmavine.  

Central Mainland:  3 Waxwing at North Road, Glaucous Gull at Gilbertson Park.  

South MainlandRing-necked Duck and Little Grebe at Hillwell.  Marsh Harrier still at Rerwick Reed Bed.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale at Eshaness. Pod of Orca reported from the north mouth of Lerwick Harbour heading north.  



9th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 2 Crossbill at Halligarth.  Sand Martin and Garden Warbler near Post Office.  Pomarine and 2 Arctic Skua past Skaw.  Sand Martin at Haroldswick.  Black-tailed Godwit nr Northdale.  

Yell: Hen Harrier at Otterswick.  Kestrel at Cullivoe.  Bullfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Foula: Pomarine Skua flying north from Mailboat.  Woodchat Shrike in South Foula.  2 Garganey at Ristie.  

Whalsay:  Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Grey Wagtail, and 5 Shelduck at Weisdale Voe. Common Sandpiper at Loch of Tingwall.  Northern Goshawk seen over Noss Sound, and Brig of Fitch.  Icterine Warbler and Greenfinch at Law Lane, Wood Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, Lerwick.  Glaucous Gull still in Lerwick Harbour.  

South MainlandRing-necked Duck at Hillwell.  Scaup at Loch of Brow.  Mallard with brood of 11 at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  4 Risso's Dolphin off Skaw, Unst.  Pod of Orca seen from Bigga in Bluemull Sound, heading northwards.  Another report of Orca from Northlink ferry as it headed north out of Lerwick in the evening.  



7th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Short-toed Lark at Skaw.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Valyie.  Icterine Warbler and 2 Wood Warbler at Northdale pines.  Greenshank and 2 Arctic Skua at Loch of Cliff.  Bluethroat at Baliaster Burn.  Shoveler at the Houb.  Whinchat at Baltasound.  

Yell:  Icterine Warbler, Reed Bunting and 2 Wood Warbler at Cullivoe Marina plantation.  Reed Bunting at North-a-voe.  Whinchat, and Lesser Whitethroat at Windhouse.  Bullfinch at Mid Yell.  

Foula:  Yellow Wagtail and Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

Mousa:  2 Red-backed Shrike on the island.  

West Mainland:  Reed Bunting at Watsness.  Long dead Common Crossbill at Bridge of Walls.  

Central Mainland: Tree Sparrow at Eswick, South Nesting.  Nightingale spp at Frakkafield.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch, pair of Goosander at Clickimin Loch.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  

South MainlandWhite-billed Diver at Sandsayre, Sandwick.  Icterine Warbler at Levenwick beach road.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick.  6 Sand Martin at NW Spiggie Loch.  Hawfinch at Bakkasetter.  Common Crane beyond Quendale Dam.  2 Common Scoter on the sea at Quendale.  Tree Pipit at Hillwell.   Grasshopper Warbler and Whinchat at Sumburgh Head tree planation.   Arctic Skua and 4 Carrion Crow in off the sea at Sumburgh.  


Cetacean Sightings:   Report of pod of 5-6 Orca in Whiteness Voe first thing this morning, before heading south past Scalloway.  Minke Whale seen from foghorn at Sumburgh Head.  



8th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Northern Goshawk west of Norwick.  

Yell:  Kestrel and Arctic Skua at Cullivoe. Hawfinch at Belleview, Mid Yell.  

Fetlar:  5 Tree Sparrow at Gord.  Wryneck at the Manse.  

FoulaRustic Bunting on the island.  

North MainlandWhite-billed Diver off Tangwick.  

Central Mainland:  4 Common Crossbill at Sullom.  Waxwing at Kergord.  Crossbill over Lerwick Harbour.  

South Mainland: Tree Pipit, Iceland Gull, and 4 Shoveler at Hillwell.  Dunnock at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings: Minke Whale heading north at Eshaness.  Orca pod in Bluemull Sound heading south, with 2 Orca seen close to Cullivoe Pier later.  3-4 Orca also seen from Sumburgh Head.  



4th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Ring Ouzel at Valyie.  Redstart at Leawart.  Icterine Warbler and Redstart at Northdale pines.  Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Bunting at Haroldswick Pool.  Northern Goshawk north over Haroldswick.  Redstart and Short-eared Owl at Ordaal.  Whinchat at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Crossbill and Wood Warbler at Hillend.  Pied and Spotted Flycatcher at Windhouse.  3 Common Tern at Papil.  Lesser Whitethroat at Gutcher.  

Out Skerries: Icterine Warbler, Bluethroat, 2 Wryneck, Grasshopper Warbler, Sedge Warbler, 5 Whitethroat, 8 Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Restart, 6 Reed Bunting, 4 Tree Pipit, 3 Whinchat of note on the island.  

Whalsay:  Wood Warbler at Brough.  

Fetlar:  Wryneck at Tresta.  

Foula:  Woodchat Shrike at Mucklegrind, also Bluethroat and Wood Warbler at Ham.     

Central Mainland: 2 Hawfinch at Busta House, Brae.  Wood Warbler, and Waxwing at Kergord main plantation.  (Deceased) Bittern found in North Burn of Gremista.  Wood Warbler at Law Land, male Red-backed Shrike, Hawfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Helendale, Greenfinch at Clickimin,  all Lerwick.  2 Waxwing at Sound.  Whinchat, 2 Redstart, 4 Crossbill, Common Sandpiper and 3 Fieldfare at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.

South Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, and Tree Pipit at Hoswick.  Wryneck, 2 Redstart, Siberian Chiffchaff at Geosetter.  Red-backed Shrike in Spiggie garden.  Wood Warbler at Setter, Spiggie.  Whinchat at Loch of Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Quendale.  2 Lesser Whitethroat, Redstart and Kestrel over Dalsetter.  Red-backed Shrike, Redstart and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Sumburgh Hotel.  Reed Bunting and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  6-10 Risso's dolphin off north side of Noss.  



5th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Spread of common migrants continues throughout the isles.  Sardinian Warbler in private garden.  

Unst:    Common Redstart at Haroldswick.  Icterine Warbler at Northdale.  Short-eared Owl at Baltasound.  

Yell: 7 Black-tailed Godwits at Whale Firth Burn.  Lesser Whitethroat at North Aywick.  Turtle Dove and 2 Crossbill at Hillend. Kestrel at Sand Water, Gutcher.  Waxwing at Burravoe, and House Martin at Ulsta.  

Out Skerries: Highlights of Bluethroat, Icterine Warbler, 5 Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Kestrel, 8 Whinchat, 2 Black Redstart, 7 Redstart, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Ring Ouzel, and 3 Reed Bunting on the island.

FoulaShorelark on the island.

West Mainland:  Redstart, singing Wood Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at Engamore, West Burrafirth.  250 Eider and 50 Long-tailed Duck off Ness of Bixter.  

Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  Wood Warbler at Vidlin plantation.  Hawfinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Pintail at Ness of Sound Pond.  Red-backed Shrike, Hawfinch, Wood Warbler and Tree Pipit at Helendale House, Waxwing at Sandveien, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Hawfinch in Sandwick.  Wryneck in Clumlie Road near Picnic Press.  Redstart, Dunnock amongst other migrants at Geosetter.  2 Common Tern and Red-backed Shrike at Spiggie.  Stock Dove north of Quendale Mill.  


** White-billed Diver seen off White Hill Light House, and another from MV Resolute off Out Skerries**


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca seen off Brother Isle heading north.  Later 3 were seen off Gossaburgh, Yell.  


Insect Sightings:  A Giant Leopard Moth caterpillar was found in a B&B in Lerwick, likely stowed away in a visitor's luggage from New York. 



6th May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Shoveler past Buness.  2 Jackdaw over Setter's Hill Estate.  Coue's Arctic Redpoll at Halligarth.  

Yell:  Icterine Warbler and 2 Wood Warbler at Cullivoe Marina.  Wood Warbler at Sunnyside and Bellevue, Mid Yell and at Camb.  

WhalsayThrush Nightingale in private Symbister garden, present since 4th.  

Fetlar:   Redstart and Reed Bunting at Funzie.  

Central Mainland:  Drake Mandarin at Sullom Voe Terminal (no access).  Hawfinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway. Whinchat at Eswick, South Nesting.  Red-backed Shrike, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wood and Icterine Warbler at Helendale House, Waxwing at Sandveien, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEastern Subalpine Warbler at Quendale Mill. Stock Dove, Jackdaw and Wood Warbler at Hillwell.  Short-eared Owl at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Orca heading north past Eshaness at midday, and 7 seen at 3pm heading north. 4 Risso's Dolphin off east side of Sumburgh Airport.  



3rd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

The big fall of common migrants continued apace today.  Here's some of the highlights!  Daily totals of spotted and Pied Flycatcher, Wryneck, Redstart and Blackcap to follow...   

Unst:  Pied Flycatcher at Valyie.  Bullfinch at Daisy Park.  Waxwing and Goldfinch at Halligarth.  Marsh Harrier around Ordaal.  Hen Harrier and Peregrine above North Dale.  Glaucous Gull and Whinchat at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  Sand Martin at Buness.  

Yell:  Blue Fulmar from Yellsound Ferry.  Wood Warbler in Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  Bluethroat, Icterine Warbler, 7 Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Grasshopper Warbler, Wood Warbler, 3 Whinchat, Jack Snipe, and Lesser Redpoll on the island.   

Central MainlandGreen-winged Teal at Loch of Trondravoe.  Goldfinch and Repoll at Swinning, Vidlin.  Wood Warbler at Vidlin plantation.  6 Waxwings at Islesburgh Hostel, Wood Warbler at Helendale, Whinchat and Wood Warbler at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South MainlandEastern Subalpine Warbler at Scatness.  Reed Bunting and Common Sandpiper at Sannick.  Wryneck and Wood Warbler at North Punds, Levenwick.  Wryneck and Marsh Harrier at Geosetter.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Channerwick.  ~50 Arctic Tern north over Spiggie.  Female Red-backed Shrike at Culsetter, and a male at Sumburgh Hotel. Wryneck at Ringasta and at Hillwell.  Singing Reed Bunting, singing Water Rail, Wood Warbler, 2 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and 2 Black-tailed Godwit and Linnet at Hillwell.  Bluethroat at Quendale Quarry.  Grasshopper Warbler, 5 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Whinchat, 2 Reed Bunting at Quendale.  Whinchat at Virkie Willows. Wryneck at Grutness garden.  


Insect Sightings:  Peacock and Red Admiral butterflies at North Road, Lerwick.  Greater Waterboatman photographed in a garden today ) on Nature In Shetland Photo Group FB page.  Small influx of migrant Silver Y and Diamond-back moths was noted.



2nd May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Carrion Crow at Skaw.  Black Redstart, and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Norwick.  Singing Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick Pool.   

Yell:  Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.  Long-eared Owl at Breckon.  

Whalsay:  Redstart and Pied Flycatcher at Skaw.  

Out Skerries:  Red-backed Shrike, 11 Lesser Whitethroat, 12 Common Whitethroat, Dunnock, Whinchat, 3 Tree Pipit, Great Spotted Woodpecker off the sea, all on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Wryneck (dead) at East Burrafirth. Continental Coal Tit, Hawfinch, Pied and Spotted Flycatcher, and singing Chiffchaff at Helendale house, Crossbill, 3 Reed Bunting and Merlin in Clickimin area, Osprey over Law Lane, heading north,  7 Waxwing at Sandveien, and 2 Hawfinch at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler and Ring Ouzel at Noness,  and Whinchat at Sannick, Sandwick.  Female Cuckoo at Hoswick burn.  Redstart, Whinchat, 2 Spotted Flycatcher at Maywick Road.  3 Spotted Flycatcher, Sparrowhawk, Siberian Chiffchaff, Redstart, Tree Pipit, and Fieldfare at Geosetter.  Green Sandpiper at Channerwick. North Road at Boddam had 3 Pied Flycatcher, and Redstart, with Wood Warbler at the voe head.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick reed bed, then later at Culsetter/Brake.  Hawfinch at Scousburgh.  Drake Garganey at SE Spiggie, later moving to NW Spiggie.  Also at Spiggie Loch Goosander, Common Scoter, Scaup and 14 Goldeneye. 4 Jackdaw, Redstart, and Lesser Whitethroat at Bakkasetter.  7 Whimbrel and Black-tailed Godwit at Ringasta.  Stock Dove, Wood Warbler, and Wryneck at Hillwell.  Icterine Warbler, Wryneck, and Lesser Whitethroat at Quendale Mill, and Wryneck at the dam, also Ring Ouzel, Whinchat, Tree Pipit all Quendale.  Whitethroat at Dalsetter.  Red-backed Shrike at Eastshore, Virkie.  Osprey over Scatness.  Lesser Whitethroat at Grutness.  6 Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, and Dunnock between Grutness and Sumburgh Head.  


Insect Sightings:  Red Admiral at Daisy Park, Baltasound, Foula, Bridge end, Burra and at Law Lane, Lerwick.  Several species of Hover flies recorded at Lerwick Flower park today, plus 2 migrant Diamond-backed Moths.  Silver Y moth at Geosetter, nr. Bigton, and Norwick, Unst.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale seen between Ulsta and Toft heading south, another off Levenwick, and off Mousa.  Pod of Orca heading through Yell Sound heading northwest.  



1st May 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Short-eared Owl at Baltasound.  Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl at Loch of Cliff.  Common Redstart at Northdale.  Marsh Harrier at Ronan.  Kestrel at Daisy Park.   Greenshank over Buness.  Short-eared Owl at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.  Ring Ouzel at Basta.  Ring Ouzel at Burn of Otterswick.  28 Brambling at Hillend, Mid Yell.  Whimbrel near Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  3 Waxwings at Hamister.  6 Pink-footed Geese at Vatshoull Loch.  

Out Skerries:  Green Sandpiper, 3 Ring Ouzel, 5 Redstart, 4 Pied Flycatcher, Yellowhammer, 3 Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Tree Pipit, 40+ Fieldfare, 2 Redpoll spp.  Kestrel and Sparrowhawk of note on the island.   

Central Mainland:  3 Goldfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  Osprey over Sand Water.  Pied Flycatcher at Twatt.  Redstart at Toogs, Burra.  Goldfinch at Sletts Park, and Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Common Tern, Great Spotted woodpecker, Sedge Warbler, 4 Tree Pipit, 5 Fieldfare, 5 Reed Bunting, 3 Sparrowhawk, Clickimin area, Lerwick.  

West Mainland: 2 Goldfinch and Willow Warbler at Watsness.  

South Mainland:  Stock Dove at Mail, Cunningsburgh.  Pied Flycatcher at Hoswick.  3 Goldfinch at Geosetter.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick reed bed.   Pied Flycatcher and 2 Ring Ouzel at Mossy Hill, Scousburgh.  Red-backed Shrike at Channerwick.  6 Pink-footed Geese at Loch of Brow.  Redstart at Bakkasetter.  Pied Flycatcher, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Tree Pipit and 2 Knot at Virkie.  Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, 2 Arctic Skua, Black Redstart, Tree Pipit, Sedge Warbler between Grutness and Sumburgh.  


Insect Sightings:  Painted Lady Butterfly and Red Admiral Butterfly at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.  Red Admiral at Noness, Sandwick.  


Cetacean Sightings:  2 Minke Whale off Dale of Walls, West Mainland.  



29th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  16 Brambling at Uyeasound.  Sedge Warbler at Millfield.  Short-eared Owl at Skaw.  Harrier spp over and Sparrowhawk at Northdale.  Reed Bunting and Willow Warbler at Haroldswick Pool. Short-eared Owl at hostel garden.  

Out Skerries:  Wryneck, 7 Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, 26 Swallow, 3 House Martin, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Dunnock, 19 Fieldfare, Sparrowhawk and 3 Song Thrush notable on the island. 

Whalsay:  House Martin at Banks, Brough.   Hawfinch at Skaw and Isbister.  Jackdaw at Hamister.  Whinchat and Ring Ouzel at Grunitaing.  

Yell:  Redpoll at Cullivoe.  Ring Ouzel at Mid Yell.  

Noss:  2 Ring Ouzel, 3 Redstart, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 4 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff and 2 Robin on the island.  

North Mainland:  Drake Mandarin Duck at Sandvoe, North Roe.  Arctic Skua at Eshaness.  

Central Mainland:  20 Siskin, 2 Redpoll and un-ringed Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe.  Grey Wagtail, at Uradale, and 19+ Siskin at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Coot at Asta Loch, Tingwall. Ring Ouzel at Staney Hill, Sand Martin and Swallow at Clickimin, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Quail along a track at West Burrafirth.  

South Mainland:  Redstart and 2 Tree Pipit at Geosetter.  Ring Ouzel at Ness Boating Club.  2 Ring Ouzel, Tree Pipit and Blackcap at Sumburgh Head.  Common Tern at Grutness.  


A colour-ringed Black-tailed Godwit seen at Hillwell and Spiggie was ringed as a chick in Iceland in 2012.


Cetacean Sightings:

5+ Orca were seen south of Belmont heading northward. A single male Orca was seen in the area earlier.  



30th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  9 Carrion Crow at Skaw.  Osprey at Burrafirth, and later at Loch of Cliff.  Arctic Skua, Redstart and Linnet at Norwick. Whinchat and House Martin at Millfield.  Hawfinch, Pied Flycatcher and Waxwing at Setter's Hill Estate.  3 Carrion Crows at Hamar.  Goldfinch at Skibladnir, and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Haroldswick Pool.  Marsh Harrier over Baltasound. Whinchat at Ungirsta Mires.  Hen Harrier at Quoys.  Lapland Bunting and Garden Warbler at Easting.  Common Tern at Uyeasound.  

Out Skerries: Wryneck near Housay Houses.  2 Ring Ouzel, Greenfinch, 2 Reed Bunting, Dunnock, 2 Tree Pipit, 3 Sand Martin, 4 House Martin and 11 Swallow also on the island.  

Yell:  Ring Ouzel and Dunnock at West Sandwick.  

Central Mainland:  Greenfinch, 2 Goldfinch, 40 Siskin and 20 Brambling at Burravoe, Brae.  Hawfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  Barnacle Goose at Lunna Kirk.  Pied Flycatcher and Blackcap at Eswick, South Nesting.  Pied Flycatcher and Song Thrush at East Trondra.  Pied Flycatcher at Frakkafield.  3 Waxwing at Sandveien, Pied Flycatcher at Helendale Drive, singing Willow Warbler at Clickimin.    

West Mainland:  5 Siskin at Watsness.  

South Mainland:   Stock Dove at Mail, Cunningsburgh.  2 Tree Pipit at Geosetter.  Ring Ouzel at Scousburgh Hill.  Marsh Harrier at Rerwick reed bed.  2 Shoveler at NW Spiggie.  Shoveler at Setter.  Goldfinch, Song Thrush and 3 Blackcaps at Bakkasetter.  Lesser Whitethroat, Whinchat, Reed Bunting, 6 Blackcap at Virkie.  Common Tern, and 64 Long-tailed Duck at West Voe.  Garganey, 2 Gadwall, Redstart, and Common Tern at Grutness.  Dunnock and Ring Ouzel at Sumburgh Head.  


Insect Sightings:  White-tailed, Buff-tailed, Shetland and Garden Bumblebee's seen at Otterswick, Yell.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Orca containing the male 034 was seen initially under the bridge at Trondra, before heading out of Scalloway, being seen from Reawick, Skeld, and eventually past Westerwick.  Another report of 3 Orca was seen heading north past Eshaness.  



27th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  3 Ring Ouzel on slopes above Leawart, Norwick, and another 2 at Millfield.  Ring Ouzel and Jackdaw at Skaw.  4 Common Crossbill at Trolla Water.  Osprey at Hermaness. Peregrine over Baltasound.  

Out Skerries:  Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Reed Bunting, Black Redstart, 4 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 4 Brambling, 7 Chaffinch and 25+ Wheatear on the island.   

Yell:  Osprey over Mid Yell, heading south over Reafirth valley.  4 Siskin, 8 Brambling and Blackcap at Hillend.  

Whalsay:   Carrion Crow at West Loch.  Goldfinch at Marrister.  

Bressay:  5 Pink-footed Geese at Hoversta.  

Noss:  3 Willow Warbler and Redstart on the island.  

Central Mainland:  7 Siskin at Mulla, Voe. Goldfinch at Bridge End, Burra.  17 Siskin in Ladysmith Drive, Scalloway.  Mandarin Duck at Loch of Tingwall. 5 Siskin at North Road, Greenfinch at Law Lane, 2 Linnet at Gilbertson Park, Crossbill over towards the flower park, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  11 Siskin at Cunningsburgh.  4 Shoveler and Hen Harrier at Spiggie. Wryneck at Bakkasetter. Gadwall, Carrion Crow, Swallow and 4 Shoveler at Hillwell.  Willow Warbler and Wryneck at Dalsetter.  Un-ringed Sparrowhawk at Toab.  Shelduck, Mute Swan and Swallow at Grutness.  


Cetacean Sightings:

A pod of 3 or more Orca were seen heading south east out of Bluemull Sound.  


***Request for sightings:  With the first confirmed breeding attempt of Magpie in Shetland, please report any sightings of Magpie, away from Sandness on the West Mainland, to our county recorder at Magpie Sightings***



28th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Ring Ouzel at Vallafield, and Bullfinch at the Manse, Baltasound.  Hen Harrier over Skaw, and later Valyie, Norwick.  2 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, 15 Brambling, 3 Siskin, 3 Chaffinch at Valyie, Norwick.  Carrion Crow at Uyeasound, Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.  2 Ring Ouzel, Bullfinch, 4 Redwing, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, and Siskin at Halligarth.  Osprey south over Alma.  2 Blackcap at Maudeville, and Swallow at Uyeasound.  

Out Skerries: Lesser Whitethroat, 7 Chaffinch, Blackcap, 10 Chiffchaff,  7 Robin, 2 Dunnock, 8 Wheatear, Song Thrush, 2 Redwing, 2 Brambling on the island.  

Yell:   Sparrowhawk at Cullivoe.  

Bressay:  2 Blackcap at Voehead.  

North Mainland:  Song  Thrush, Chiffchaff, 2 Brambling and Blackcap at South Voxter.  

Central Mainland:  Arctic Skua at Loch of Strom.  19 Siskin, 2 Brambling and Chaffinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Reed Bunting at South Burn of Gremista.  Pied Flycatcher at Law Lane.  Fieldfare, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Blackcap, Willow Warbler, 3 Siskin, Brambling, 6 Redpoll, and Sparrowhawk at Clickimin.  2 Puffin off Fjara.  

South Mainland:  Sparrowhawk, 3 Chiffchaff, Blackcap, at Hoswick.  2 Puffin and 2 Great Northern Diver in Hoswick bay.  Shoveler at NW Spiggie.  Hawfinch, Pied Flycatcher and Blackcap at Scousburgh.  2 Redstart, 2 Chiffchaff and 2 Blackcap at Geosetter. 5 Blackcap, 3 Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler, Brambling. Chaffinch and Collared Dove at Quendale.  Dunnock, 2 Willow Warbler, Blackcap, 2 Siskin, and 2 Shoveler at Hillwell. ~100 Long-tailed Ducks still in West Voe.  Redstart at Sumburgh Farm.  Wryneck, Chiffchaff, 2 Shelduck, 33 Sanderling at Grutness.  22 Wheatear, 2 Siskin and Brambling around Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:

Pod of Orca were seen from Sumburgh Head this afternoon before heading south.  


Insect Sightings:  Large White Butterfly was in a garden in Scalloway.  An Early Bumblebee was in a garden in Catfirth.  Buff-tailed Bumblebee was at Halligarth.  



26th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Small groups of finches are still present in the isles, and summer breeding bird sightings gradually increasing, with widespread Whimbrel, first Common Sandpiper of year, joining the variety of ducks and seabirds.  


Unst:  2 Common Sandpiper at Haroldswick beach.  2 Gadwall flew over Ordaal towards Mill Loch.  

Out Skerries: Yellowhammer, Ring Ouzel, Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff, 3 Brambling, 4 Chaffinch, Redwing, 10 Wheatear, Dunnock and Black Redstart on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Hawfinch and Common Redpoll at Swining, Vidlin.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Black-tailed Godwit at Loch of Tingwall.  Flock of 18 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Long-tailed Duck, Razorbill and Guillemot fishing off Huxter, Weisdale Voe.  

South Mainland: 12 Whimbrel over, Slavonian Grebe, 7 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Scaup, Great Northern Diver, 9 Black-tailed Godwit, and 2 Shoveler at NW Spiggie.  Chiffchaff and Blackcap at Symblisetter, Spiggie.  2 Shoveler, and Drake Gadwall at Setter.  Goosander at Brow Loch.  Snow Bunting at Scatness.  Short-eared Owl at Sumburgh airport.  Dunnock at tree planting site at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:

3 Minke Whale off Whalsay.  6 Porpoise off Beosetter.  Dolphins seen from Unst Ferry.  


***Request for sightings:  With the first confirmed breeding attempt of Magpie in Shetland, please report any sightings of Magpie, away from Sandness on the West Mainland, to our county recorder at Magpie Sightings***



24th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2 Black-tailed Godwit at Easter Loch.  Great Grey Shrike at Northdale.  

Yell:  Snow Bunting and Merlin at Gutcher.  Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff at Cullivoe.  5+ Redwing at Camb.  

Central Mainland:  Lesser Redpoll at Mulla, Voe.  

South Mainland:  Whimbrel over Hoswick.  Arctic Skua, 2 Shoveler, Great Skua and 8 Swallow at north end of Spiggie.  Green-winged Teal and 6 Pink-footed Geese and White-fronted Goose at Setter Marsh, Spiggie.  6 Brambling, 10 Linnet, 1 Siskin and Shoveler at Hillwell/Brake.  5 Great Skua and 2 Whimbrel at Dalsetter.   Greenshank at Virkie.  'Blue' Fulmar at Sumburgh Head.  



25th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Great Grey Shrike still, out in the marsh, at Northdale.  8 Barnacle Geese at Burrafirth.  

Central MainlandCoal Tit at Burravoe, Brae.  Common Tern at Loch of Strom.  White-tailed Eagle seen over Scalloway, then flying east over Law Lane heading towards Bressay.  

West Mainland:  A pair of Magpie at Sandness is the first breeding record of this species in Shetland.  

South Mainland:  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Dalsetter.  Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie.  Green-winged Teal and 2 Shoveler still at Setter, Spiggie. Hen Harrier at Bakkasetter.  Black-tailed Godwit and 2 Shoveler at Hillwell.  11 Whimbrel in field near Exnaboe.  Waxwing at Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:

Single male Orca reported off Scousburgh was identified as 018.  He slowly made his way around St Ninians over several hours.  



23rd April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Dunnock at Uyeasound.  

Yell: Snow Bunting Gutcher.  Merlin and Chiffchaff at Cullivoe.  2 Barnacle Geese at Gloup.   

North Mainland:  10 Black-tailed Godwit at Braewick, Eshaness.  

Central Mainland:  Yellowhammer at Stendaal, South Nesting.  First Common Tern of the year at Weisdale.  

South Mainland: 9 Great Skua on Mousa.  Arctic Skua at Sandwick.  Goldfinch at Dalsetter. Goosander on Loch of Brow.  Greenshank and 3 Godwit at Hillwell.  Drake Green-winged Teal still at Setter, Spiggie.  Drake Blue-winged Teal associating with a Eurasian Teal at Scatness pools, and a Whimbrel calling overhead.    



20th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Blackcap and 2 Chiffchaff at Valyie, and 7 Barnacle Geese at Norwick.  Sparrowhawk and Willow Warbler at Halligarth.  

Yell: Hawfinch still at Hillend, Mid Yell and another at Burravoe.  

Fetlar:  Sparrowhawk at Aithness.  

Whalsay:  2 Great Skua at Huxter Loch.  

Bressay:  3 Pink-footed Geese at Hoversta.  

FoulaGreen-winged Teal still on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Adult White-tailed Eagle seen at Laxo, then later near over Kames heading south.  Grey Wagtail at Voe.  Quail still in garden at Kellister, Weisdale.  Hawfinch at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  Blackcap at Burn of Sound, Willow Warbler at Clickimin, and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  

South Mainland:  Great Skua at Cunningsburgh.  Another and a Wheatear at Sandwick.  Drake Gadwall and 6 Pink-footed Geese at Spiggie.  Lesser Whitethroat at Bakkasetter.  Ruff, Hen Harrier, Little Grebe and 2 Shoveler at Hillwell.  Short-eared Owl and Willow Warbler at Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:

8-10 Risso's Dolphin off Levenwick heading north towards Sannick.  



21st April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

New birds arriving today with the brief respite in the northerly winds.  


Unst:  6 Pink-footed Geese at Haroldswick.  Lesser Whitethroat at Haroldswick Pool.  

Yell: Sparrowhawk at Belleview, with Hawfinch and Sparrowhawk at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries: 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, Yellowhammer, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling, Wheatear, 5 Redwing, and Grey Heron on the island.  

Foula:  Pair of Green-winged Teal still on the island.  

Central MainlandWhite-billed Diver off Kirkabister, South Nesting.  2 Pintail at Sandy Loch, Chiffchaff at Helendale, and Redwing at Ronald Street, and 6 Brambling at North Road, Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  13 Knot moulting into summer plumage below Bixter Cemetery.  

South Mainland:  2 White-fronted and 6 Pink-footed Geese, 3 summer plumaged Black-tailed Godwit, drake Green-winged Teal, and 3 Pintail at Setter Marsh, Spiggie.  Pair of Shoveler at NW Spiggie, and 3 Scaup on the loch.  Drake Pochard at Hillwell.  


Cetacean Sightings:

At least 4 Orca sighted from Yell ferry at lunchtime.  Last seen off Ulsta at 6pm.  



22nd April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  7 Barnacle Geese at Burrafirth.  Common Whitethroat and Chiffchaff at Haroldswick Pool bushes, and Sparrowhawk and Great Skua at Valyie.  

Yell: 2 Barnacle Geese at Gloup.  Dunnock, Robin and 8 Redwing at Gutcher.  

FoulaGreen-winged Teal at Hametoun, and Little Egret at Ham.  

Central Mainland:  Great Spotted Woodpecker still at Helendale.  

South Mainland:  7 Whimbrel over Dalsetter.  4 Pintail and 3 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie.  Iceland Gull, 4 Shoveler and Little Grebe at Hillwell.  


Cetacean Sightings:

4-5 Orca seen from Compass Head, Sumburgh appear to be from a non-catalogued pod previously seen off Orkney in 2019.  6 or more Orca seen from the Skerries ferry at a similar time.  



19th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell: Hawfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

West Mainland:  9 Lesser Black-backed Gull near Bixter.  

Central Mainland:  Hawfinch, Lesser Whitethroat and Rook on bird feeders at Stendaal, South Nesting.  White Wagtail at Clickimin, and Great Spotted Woodpecker still at Helendale.  

South Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Ocraquoy.  Hen Harrier at Brow Marsh.  Little Grebe, Shoveler and Rook at Hillwell.  


Cetacean Sightings:

3 Orca were reported from Sumburgh head travelling north. 

Another report from late evening, of Orca at Skeld Voe, West Mainland.  



17th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Northerly and Southerly-feel to the sightings today!  


UnstArctic Redpoll at Clingera.  Barnacle Goose at Loch of Cliff, and Lesser Whitethroat and House Martin at Haroldswick pool.  Blackcap (found deceased) at Uyeasound. 

Yell: Pied Wagtail and Chiffchaff at Cullivoe.  Pied Wagtail and Bullfinch at Gutcher.  6 Brambling at Hillend, and Chiffchaff and Bullfinch at Bellevue, Mid Yell.  Glaucous Gull at Laxa Burn.  

North Mainland:  Siskin at Gluss.  

FoulaGreen-winged Teal still on the island plus Great Tit, Bullfinch, Hawfinch, Dunnock, 4 Barnacle Geese and 2 Siskin.    

West Mainland:  ~400 Eider, 18 Long-tailed Ducks, 6 summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver in Tresta Voe.  

Central Mainland:  Chiffchaff at Mulla, Voe.  Quail in a garden in Kellister, Weisdale, and Jackdaw at Kergord.  Wheatear at South Staney Hill, and Little Gull still at Mair's Pier, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Lesser Whitethroat and Willow Warbler at Culsetter, Spiggie.  



18th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  4 Pink-footed Geese at Haroldswick.  

Yell: Hawfinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

North Mainland:  Great Skua at South Voxter.  

Foula: Female Chaffinch ringed in Haland, Norway on 13th April 2023, is still on the island.  

Central Mainland: Quail still in garden in Kellister, Weisdale.  Hawfinch and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.  

South Mainland: Male Hen Harrier flew north over Stove.  Whimbrel at Virkie.  Hen Harrier and 4 Scaup at Spiggie.  



16th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

 It appears that the northerly cold airflow has temporarily halted northwards migration!

Yell: 6 Brambling and Song Thrush at Mid Yell.  

Central Mainland:  Hawfinch at Mulla, Voe.  2 Hawfinch, Goldfinches and Bramblings still at Stendaal, South Nesting.  6 Brambling, 5 Siskin, 2 Chaffinch and Goldfinch at Scalloway.  

South Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat at Hoswick.  Chiffchaff at Swinister.  Blue Tit at Dalsetter.  



15th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:   Brambling, Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and 2 Swallow at Hillend.  Rook, and 5 Chaffinch at Gutcher.  2 Siskin and 2 Redwing at Cullivoe.  Hen Harrier between Aywick and Gossaborough.  

Central Mainland:  Lesser Whitethroat at Eswick, and Hawfinch at Stendaal, South Nesting.  Hawfinch at Strand.  Little Gull still at Shetland Catch area.  

Bressay:  Tundra Bean and 5 Pink-footed Geese still on island.  

South Mainland:  Long-eared Owl at Scousburgh.  Iceland Gull and pair of Shoveler at Hillwell.  Black-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie.  



14th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Great White Egret between Buness and Halligarth.  Great Skua over, and 4 Pink-footed Geese at Heritage Centre.  Pink-footed Goose at Northdale.  Sand Martin and 3 Swallow at Skibhoul.

Yell:  4 Chaffinch at Gutcher.  Pied Wagtail at Cullivoe.   

Foula:  2 Green-winged Teal on the island.  

Fetlar:  Siskin and Goldcrest at Gord.  Chaffinch at Tresta.  Great Skua at Funzie.  2 Wheatear at Aith, and 3 Wheatear and Brambling at Aithness.  

Bressay:  Tundra Bean Goose still at Keldabister.  

Out Skerries:  Puffin, 4 Great Skua, 8 Dunnock, 7 Swallow, 14 Redwing, 4 Robin, 15 Chaffinch, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Wheatear, 3 Wood Pigeon, Song Thrush and Carrion Crow on the island.  

Central Mainland:  Hawfinch at Stendaal, South Nesting. 4 Siskin, Chaffinch in North Road, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, and summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe at Sands of Sound, Lerwick.  Little Gull at Shetland Catch.  

South Mainland:  3 Swallow, 5 Wheatear and Carrion Crow at Boddam.  Hen Harrier at Bakkasetter. Greenshank and Great Skua at NW corner of Spiggie Loch.  8 Swallow, 4 House and Sand Martin, Pied Wagtail and Wheatear at West Voe.  Jackdaw at Toab.  


Cetacean Sightings:

27's Pod of Orca initially sighted in Mangaster, and then off Muckle Roe before heading southwards to Aith Voe. Eventually they reached Norby and Melby in Sandness, before being lost to sight of Papa Stour.   

Risso's Dolphin off Dalsetter, South Mainland.  




13th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  4 Snow Bunting Baltasound.  Sand Martin at Burrafirth, and Skibhoul, along with 4 Swallow there too.  

Yell:  3 Siskin, 3 Chaffinch and 2 Wood Pigeon at Cullivoe.  

Central Mainland:  2 Goldfinch at Sandgarth, Dale.  'Littoralis' ssp Rock Pipit at Laxo Ferry terminal.  9 Goldfinch and 5 Brambling at Stendaal, South Nesting.  Summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe on Loch of Hellister, Weisdale. Goldfinch and Great Spotted Woodpecker in Scalloway.  

West Mainland:  2 Great Skua at Bixter.  Great Skua and Chiffchaff at Dale of Walls.  Yellowhammer with Twite flock at Watsness.  

South Mainland:   3 Chiffchaff and Merlin at Hoswick burn.   Swallow at Fladdabister.  2 Wheatear at Levenwick. 2 Wheatear, 2 Siskin and House Martin at Boddam Voe. 3 Wheatear at Sumburgh Head.  Willow Warbler at Bakkasetter.  Yellowhammer near to Hillwell.  



11th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Fetlar:  Grey Wagtail at Aith.  

North Mainland:  Collared Dove at Ollaberry.  

Central Mainland:  Dunnock, Siskin, Chaffinch, 4 Goldfinch and Collared Dove at Stendaal, South Nesting.  Sparrowhawk with red colour ring seen at Veensgarth.  7 Wheatear at Kettla Ness.  Little Gull at Fish Market, and 3 Brambling, 2 Chaffinch and 2 Siskin at North Road, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Brambling and Sisking still at Orcaquoy.  Arctic Tern still Channerwick.  Common Scoter off Scord Beach, 3 Swallow at West Voe.  


Cetacean Sightings:

27's pod of Orca were spotted early evening in Mousa Sound, heading south.  They were followed southwards into Sannick and Hoswick, and lastly off Levenwick. 



12th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Tree Sparrow at Millfield, Norwick.  4 Barnacle Geese at Sotland.  Yellowhammer at the Shore Station.  

Yell:  2 Wheatear and 3 Chaffinch at Cullivoe.  2 Goldfinch, Siskin and Sparrowhawk at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Central Mainland:  White-tailed Eagle reported over Brae flying towards Voe.  Swallow at Eswick, Great Skua at Loch of Benston, and Hawfinch and 6 Goldfinch at Stendaal, South Nesting.  2 Great Northern Diver and 2 Swallow off the Lodberries, Lerwick.  2 Pied Wagtail at Fjara.  

West Mainland:  Peregrine near Bixter.  

South Mainland:  3 Siskin, Brambling, Chaffinch and Chiffchaff at Ocraquoy.  Brambling at Dalsetter, House Martin at Boddam.  Goldfinch, Song Thrush, 2 Siskin and 2 Blackcap at Bakkasetter.  2 Yellowhammer and Sparrowhawk at Hillwell.  Great Skua, 4 Swallow and Blackcap at Virkie.  


Cetacean Sightings:

27's Pod of Orca initially spotted at Garderhouse, West Mainland early evening, before tracking along the coast towards Silwick.  



10th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Sparrowhawk at Sotland, 2 House Martin and 4 Snow Bunting at Ordaal. 2 Siskin, and 7 Chaffinch at Valyie. 2 Swallow at Haroldwick. Goldfinch at Uyeasound.

Yell: Siskin, Chiffchaff, and 3 Chaffinch at Sellafirth. Blackcap at Gutcher.

Bressay: Tundra Bean and 2 Pink-footed Geese at Keldabister.

Fetlar: Swallow at Houbie.

Central Mainland: Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, Siskin and Yellowhammer at Mulla, Voe. Rough-legged Buzzard over Knab, Lerwick heading towards Bressay. Mistle Thrush at North Staney Hill, and 3 Redwing at Clickimin. Merlin over Voe of Sound. Swallow at Wester Quarff.

South Mainland: Goldfinch, Siskin and Chiffchaff at Ocraquoy. Kestrel and Goldfinch at Cunningsburgh. Hawfinch, 2 Siskin, 4 Chaffinch, Dunnock and Song Thrush at Brakefield Road, Sandwick. 3 Chiffchaff at Hoswick burn. 71 Purple Sandpiper at Moast Beach, Scatness. 6 Swallow at Clumlie. 2 House Martin, Swallow, and Wheatear at Boddam. Wheatear and Dunnock at Sumburgh Head.



9th April 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2Jackdaw and Great Skua at Skaw.  Iceland Gull at Ordaal.  Swallow and Yellowhammer at Norwick.  2 Brambling, 3 Swallow, Sand Martin, Willow Warbler and Wheatear at Haroldswick.  6 Snow Bunting at Clivocast.  Chiffchaff at the Shore Station.  2 House Martin at Nordalea.  Goldfinch at Uyeasound.  

Fetlar:  Wheatear at Aithness.  

Yell:  3 Goldfinch, Dunnock, 10 Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Sparrowhawk at Hillend, and Pied Wagtail at Linkhouse.  

Central MainlandCoal Tit at Brae Community Woodland.  Yellowhammer at Mulla, Voe. Blackcap at Weisdale.  Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, 2 Goldfinch, Brambling, 6 Chaffinch at Eswick, and Yellowhammer, Dunnock, Siskin, 6 Goldfinch, Chaffinch at Stendaal, and Glaucous Gull at Loch of Benston, South Nesting. Goldfinch at Scalloway.  3 Siskin at Bridge End, and Wheatear at Meal Beach, Burra.  Crossbill, Hawfinch, Siskin and Dunnock at North Staney Hill plantation.  

West Mainland:  2 Wheatear at West Burrafirth.  

South Mainland:   Hawfinch at Brakefield Road, Sandwick.  Greenshank and Grey Wagtail at Virkie.  Pochard at Hillwell.  Puffins seen at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:

8 Risso's Dolphin off Holm of Skaw, Unst.  Single Porpoise at Score Point, Bressay.  



30th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Black Redstart and 2 Pied Wagtail at Norwick beach, with 2 Hawfinch at Valyie.  

Yell: Hawfinch, Brambling, 10 Chaffinch and Glaucous Gull at Hillend, Mid Yell.  

Bressay:  2 Siskin, 2 Chaffinch, Dunnock and Goldcrest in Voehead.  

Central Mainland:  Brambling, 2 Siskin, Chaffinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker and 2 Robin in Scalloway.  Sparrowhawk, Brambling, Dunnock and Chaffinch at Eswick.  Long-eared Owl at Veensgarth.  Glaucous, Iceland and Little Gull at Shetland Catch.  Hawfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Mistle Thrush at Bakkasetter.  Bittern still at Hillwell in NW corner viewable from roadside with patience, also Iceland Gull.  Northern Wheatear, Mistle Thrush, Stonechat, Black Redstart, 2 Dunnock, 21 Robin, 5 Goldcrest, 6 Siskin, 6 Chaffinch, 10 Song Thrush, 7 Fieldfare, White Wagtail and Puffin between Sumburgh Head and Grutness. 10 Long-tailed Duck, 12 Purple Sandpiper and 16 Sanderling at Grutness.  2 Pintail at Setter Marsh, Spiggie.  2 Linnet, 2 Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Pied Wagtail at Virkie.  Further Black Redstart of the sea in the late afternoon off Grutness.  



17th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Completely different weather conditions today with fog and high winds making birding challenging!  

Unst:  Mistle Thrush, Redwing and 7 Chaffinch at Valyie.  

Central Mainland:  Carrion Crow at Veensgarth.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, with 2 Blue Tit at Clickimin.  

South Mainland:  Stonechat at Grutness Pier.  



16th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Plenty of birders were out and about today in glorious sunshine! 

Unst:  7 Chaffinch, and Robin at Valyie.  Stock Dove at Halligarth.   

Yell:  4 Mistle Thrush and 2 Redwing at Mid Yell School.  4 White-fronted Geese at Burravoe. 

Whalsay:  Water Rail at Marrister.  

Central Mainland:  Little Gull at Lerwick Marina, Glaucous at Mair's Pier, with Iceland Gull on shore at Bressay.  Pink-footed Goose still Loch of Asta, Tingwall. 

West Mainland:  16 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Red-throated Diver, 3 Great Northern Diver and 8 Long-tailed Duck at Melby Beach, Sandness.  

South MainlandEurasian Bittern in Eel Burn,  and Iceland Gull both Hillwell.  Pied Wagtail and Stonechat at Quendale.  Stonechat at Bakkasetter.  Stonechat at Sumburgh (1st) quarry.  Short-eared Owl in the dunes, and 170 Long-tailed Duck still at West Voe.  3 White-fronted Geese at Brow Loch, and Stonechat at Brow Marsh.  3 Scaup, 3 Coot, 3 Red-throated Diver and summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie.  



19th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Kumlien's Gull and Chiffchaff at Uyeasound.   

Yell:  2 Wood Pigeon at Hillend.  Chiffchaff and Stonechat at Otterswick.  Glaucous Gull, Mistle Thrush and Goldcrest at Mid Yell.  East Yell Hall area held 60+ Fieldfare, 50+ Redwing and Blackbird, plus Common Redpoll.

Foula:  Great White Egret on the island.   

Bressay:  2 Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest and 8 Redwing at Voehead.  

Whalsay:  350 Fieldfare, 400 Redwing, 200 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush on the island, including,  2 Pink-footed Geese, 5 Chaffinch, 4 Goldcrest, 5 Wood Pigeon.  Hawfinch and Siskin at Symbister.  White Wagtail at Hamister.  

Central Mainland:  Waxwing at Stendaal, South Nesting.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale,  Wood Pigeon numbers increasing.  3 Blue Tit at Clickimin.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Westerloch Drive. Chiffchaff at Greenfield Place.  All Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Chaffinch and Stonechat at Sannick. 3 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.  Stonechat at Brow Marsh.  Chiffchaff and Pied Wagtail at Grutness.  



18th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Reverse migration in play across Shetland today!  

Yell:  2 Waxwing, Sparrowhawk, Mistle Thrush, 20 Fieldfare, 25 Redwing, 2 Robin and Goldcrest at Mid Yell.  Brambling at Windhouse, and 2 Wood Pigeon at West Sandwick.  

Whalsay:  Chaffinch, Robin, Song Thrush, Woodcock, 3 Goldcrest, 55 Fieldfare, 60 Redwing and 40 Blackbirds at Skaw.  Robin, Wood Pigeon, Goldcrest, and Chiffchaff at Skibberhoull.  80 Fieldfare, 110 Redwing, and 50 Blackbird in Hamister valley.  

Bressay:  Chiffchaff and 3 Goldcrest in Voehead.  

Central Mainland:  Waxwing at Stendaal, South Nesting.  2 Waxwing at North Lochside, Chiffchaff and 2 Blue Tit at Clickimin, and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Little Gull at Mair's Pier.  

South Mainland:  Dunnock at Brakefield Road, Sandwick.  Mistle Thrush and 18 Blackbird at Dalsetter.  Robin, Chaffinch and Goldcrest at Setter, Spiggie.  Chiffchaff, 2 Stonechat, 2 Chaffinch, 5 Goldcrest, 4 Song Thrush, 5 Woodcock, 90 Redwing, 125 Fieldfare, 120 Blackbird in Sumburgh to Grutness area.   



15th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  5 Chaffinch, Robin, Fieldfare and Redwing at Valyie.  

Yell:  Merlin at Sellafield.  Grey Wagtail at Quendale.  

Central Mainland:  Pink-footed Goose still Loch of Asta, Tingwall.  



14th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 


Yell:  Snow Bunting at Gutcher.    

Central Mainland:  3 Blue Tit at Clickimin.  Drake Goosander at Loch of Strand.  9 Pink-footed Geese at East Nesting.  

South Mainland:  Dunnock, Sparrowhawk and Blue Tit at Brakefield Road, Sandwick.  American Wigeon X Wigeon is a Setter, Spiggie.  



13th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Kumlien's and Iceland Gull at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell:  2 Chaffinch and Robin at Gutcher.  White-fronted Goose at Burravoe.  

West Mainland:  Stonechat at Burn of Lunklet.  

Central Mainland:  Pied Wagtail at Viking Compound.  Pink-footed Goose at Loch of Asta, Tingwall.  6 Skylarks in fields near Loch of Tingwall.  A hybrid male American Wigeon X Wigeon was at Spiggie, near Noss turning, with large flock of Eurasian Wigeon.  



12th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  2 Chaffinch and Robin at Gutcher.  White-fronted Goose at Burravoe.   


11th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  6 Chaffinch at Valyie.  

Central MainlandWhite-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay, east of Ling Skerry.  Short-eared Owl at East Burra. 

South Mainland: Merlin and Woodcock at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings: 3 Orca reported from Yell ferry and later reported south of Lunning between Dury Voe and Whalsay.  Pod of Porpoise at South Nesting Bay.  



10th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  6 Chaffinch, Fieldfare and Redwing at Valyie.  King Eider still on Bluemull Sound.  

Yell:   Glaucous and 2 Iceland Gull at Cullivoe Pier.  2 Wood Pigeon at Brekon.  

Whalsay:  Stonechat at Skaw.  

Bressay:  Dunnock and Water Rail at Voehead.  

Central Mainland:  Dunnock at Eswick, South Nesting.  13 Wood Pigeon at Seafield.  Blue Tit and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Goldfinch at East Voe, Scalloway.  

South Mainland:  Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush at Hestingott.  3 Mistle Thrush and Stonechat at Toab.  



9th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  2 Mistle Thrush at Hillend, Mid Yell.  Glaucous and Iceland at Hascosay Sound.  Drumming Snipe heard at Aywick. 

Bressay:  Song Thrush and Dunnock at Voehead.  

West Mainland:  Hen Harrier at Murrister, flew towards Stanydale.  Sparrowhawk at Footabrough.  

Central Mainland:  Little Gull at Lerwick Marina.  4 Brambling at Law Lane.  

South Mainland:  2 Mistle Thrush and 3 Stonechat at Toab.  Common Guillemot first time back on the cliffs at Sumburgh Head.  2 Stonechat, 3 Robin, 2 Brambling and Merlin at Grutness.   123 Long-tailed Duck and Skylark singing at West Voe.  4 Mistle Thrush together in field by Toab memorial hall.  



8th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Stonechat at Halligarth.  Water Rail in Baltasound.  Stonechat at Uyeasound.  

Whalsay:  White-fronted Goose at Burns.  2 Mistle Thrush and Magpie at Skibberhoull.  Mistle Thrush at Newpark.  2 Stonechat at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Hen Harrier and Green-winged Teal at Loch of Trondravoe, South of Scatsta.  Pink-footed Goose at Houss, Burra.  Dunnock at North Road.  2 Iceland and 2 Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  15 Purple Sandpiper at Voe of Sound.  

South Mainland: Mistle Thrush at Hoswick Burn. Stonechat at Teevliks, Levenwick.  22 Bar-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie.  14 Sanderling at Grutness.  3 Mistle Thrush at Sumburgh Head.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Orca were spotted off Sumburgh Head today, but there were no further details.  



7th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Water Rail at Ordaal.  6 Chaffinch and Redwing at Valyie.  

Yell: Song Thrush at Cullivoe, 3 Wood Pigeon at Breckon, and Snow Bunting at Gutcher.  

Bressay:  Dunnock at Voehead.  

Central MainlandGreen-winged Teal at Loch of Trondravoe, South of Scatsta.  Barnacle Goose at Loch of Tingwall.  3 Blue Tit and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  2 Glaucous Gull near small boat Marina.  6 Wood Pigeon at Veensgarth.  

South Mainland: Stonechat at Noness, Sandwick.  Common Crane in dunes east of Hillwell.  2 Stonechat, Grey Wagtail, Woodcock and 2 Wood Pigeon at Quendale.  Pied Wagtail at Brake. Mistle Thrush at Bakkasetter.  Stonechat at Grutness.  



6th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Kumlien's Gull at Easter Loch, plus Redwing and 8 Skylark.  

Yell: Stonechat at Cullivoe, and Sparrowhawk and 2 Chaffinch at Hillend.  

Foula:  10+ White-fronted Geese on the island.  

Central Mainland:  2 Chaffinch at Grostane.  Flock of 3 Blue Tit at Clickimin Loch, Great Spotted Woodpecker still Helendale.  Little Gull and 2 Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  

South Mainland: 2 Stonechats at Spiggie.  Common Crane still in dunes at Quendale.  Stonechat at Boddam Voe.  Goosander and Iceland Gull at Hillwell.  



4th March 2024

Spring migration is picking up pace with records of Stonechat, Woodpigeon and a Chiffchaff reported today.  


Bird Sightings: 

Yell: Chaffinch at Bellevue, Mid Yell.  2 Snow Bunting at Gutcher.  

Whalsay:  2 Stonechat at Skaw and 2 Woodpigeon at Burns.  

South Mainland: Stonechat, Chiffchaff and 11 Woodpigeon at Hoswick Burn.  Common Crane still at Quendale, and Stonechat at Bakkasetter.  



5th March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  3 Chaffinch at Valyie. Stonechat at North Ayre, Haroldswick.  5 Skylark at Uyeasound.  

Yell: Glaucous Gull at Papil Bay, Cullivoe, and 2 Snow Bunting at Brough, Cullivoe.  

Whalsay:  Stonechat at Symbister meadow.  

Central Mainland:  3 Cormorant at Clickimin.  2 Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch. 

South Mainland: Hen Harrier at Spiggie.  Common Crane at Quendale.  2 Iceland Gull at Hillwell.  Dunnock at Sandwick.  



3rd March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  4 Chaffinch at Valvie.  2 Barnacle Geese at Haroldswick.  Water Rail at Baltasound.  

Yell:  Snow Bunting at Gutcher.  

Whalsay:  Woodcock at Skaw.  

Central Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose still Leebitton.  Ringtail Hen Harrier at Bakkasetter.  Common Crane in the dunes near Toab, Quendale with Merlin, 3 Iceland Gull (including 1 adult) and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Hillwell.  Stonechat at Hestingott.  Tundra Bean Goose at Exnaboe.  



2nd March 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Glaucous Gull south through Easting.  


Central Mainland:    Little Gull and 1 Iceland at Shetland Catch, and 2 Glaucous Gull at Heogan, Bressay.  

West Mainland:  Bullfinch at Michealswood, Aith.



1st March 2024

Bird Sightings: 


Yell:  Merlin at Gutcher.  

Whalsay:  3 Common Scoter off Vatshoull.  

Central Mainland:  Barnacle Goose at Tingwall Loch.  

South Mainland:  Glaucous Gull 2mile south of Sumburgh Head from Good Shepherd.  



29th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Kumlien's Gull and Glaucous Gull at Uyeasound.  Iceland Gull past Belmont.  

Yell:  3 Snow Bunting at North Sandwick.  

Central Mainland:  Little Gull still close in to Mair's Pier, Lerwick.  



28th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  3 Chaffinch at Valyie.  

Yell:  4 Common Scoter at Gutcher.  

FetlarBlack-throated Diver at Brough Lodge, and Grey Plover at Loch of Funzie.  

Central Mainland:  Common Guillemot on Loch of Freester, South Nesting.  Jackdaw at West Voe O'Skellister.  2 Northern Bullfinch at Quoys, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Pale-bellied Brent Goose now long-staying at Wart, Sandwick. Hen Harrier hunting on east side of Spiggie, and Snipe heard drumming there too.  



27th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Hen Harrier at Laxa Burn, Mid Yell.  4 Snow Bunting at North Sandwick.  Peregrine at Galtigarth.  

Central Mainland: Short-eared Owl close to High School in Brae.  Little Gull along rock armour to north of Shetland Catch.  

Bressay:  Sparrowhawk at Voehead.  

South Mainland:  Tundra Bean at Exnaboe, is same individual from Sumburgh Farm.  



26th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  3 Chaffinch at Valyie. 

Yell:  2 Skylark at Cullivoe, a possible 'Viking Gull', 2 Common Scoter and Glaucous Gull at Gutcher.    

Central Mainland:  Flock of 300+ starlings seen flying south of North Road, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Snow Bunting at Old Scatness.


Cetacean Sightings:  5 Risso's Dolphin and a pod of 10 White-beaked Dolphin seen off Aywick, Yell today.  Pod of porpoise off Lund in Unst.  



25th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Carrion Crow at Cullivoe pier, and 6 Common Scoter at Gutcher.  

North Mainland: 126 Curlew at Gluss.  

Central Mainland:  Little Gull still at Mair's Pier, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  

South Mainland: Merlin at Spiggie.  Rook at Hestingott, and Stonechat, Grey Wagtail and 2 Iceland Gull at Quendale. 



24th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Goosander on Wester Loch, and 4 Tufted Duck on Easter Loch, Uyeasound.  

Central Mainland:  Merlin at Grostane, and Sparrowhawk and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Helendale, Lerwick. 

West Mainland:  11 Slavonian Grebe off the Ness of Bixter, Tresta.   Sparrowhawk at West Burrafirth.  

South Mainland: Hen Harrier flew over Brow Loch towards Clumlie.  Slavonian Grebe and Iceland Gull at Spiggie.  Tundra Bean Goose at Exnaboe.  Merlin at Virkie.  



23rd February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Central Mainland:  63+ Purple Sandpiper off Fjara.  

South Mainland: Blue Tit at Swinister, Sandwick. 


Cetacean Sightings:  Pod of Orca, subsequently identified as the '140's' seen from Filla ferry on route to Vidlin today.  The Shetland Cetacean Group say it is the least known and recorded pods visiting Shetland waters, with only a handful of records since 2011.  They were last seen in April 2019.



22nd February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Whalsay:   Magpie still around Skibberhoull area.  

Yell:  Iceland Gull at Mid Yell, and later same bird at Gutcher.  Iceland also at Cullivoe pier.  

Central Mainland:  2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale (both female).  30+ Purple Sandpiper near Fjara.  

South Mainland: Hen Harrier at Hoswick.  


Cetacean Sightings:  The 27's pod of Orca initially seen off Vatsetter Voe, Mid Yell before travelling down east side of Yell on past Ulsta, last reported in middle of Yell Sound heading northwards.  



21st February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 2 Barnacle Geese south of Ungirsta.  Canada Goose still at Buness.  Iceland Gull south through Westing.  Iceland and Kumlien's Gull at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Skylark at Cullivoe.  Lesser Black-backed Gull at Mid Yell.  

North Mainland: 15 Chaffinch and Wood Pigeon at Gluss.  



19th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2nd calendar year drake King Eider east of Sound Gruney, Bluemull with White-billed Diver also present.  2 Bar-tailed Godwit at Wester Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell:  Hen Harrier at East Yell Kirk.   

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Little Gull, Kumlien's and Glaucous Gull still present in Lerwick Harbour.  

South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose still present at Sumburgh Farm.   Peregrine at Hillwell.  Hen Harrier at NW Spiggie.  


Cetacean Sightings:  The 27's pod of Orca were initially picked up at Sella Ness, Sullom Voe Oil Terminal before touring in towards Voxter Voe, before heading back out towards Toft then Ulsta, before once again heading south past Outrabister, toward Lunna Ness.  



20th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Canada Goose still at Buness.  Pink-footed Goose at Clingera.  

Whalsay:  Peregrine at Brough.  Wood Pigeon and Magpie at Skibberhoull.  

Central Mainland:  8 Bar-tailed Godwit at Sellaness, and 7 Woodcock in plantation opposite Valleyfield Guest House near Brae.  7 Knot at Old Fish Farm, Breiwick, Goldeneye on Pullar's Loch.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, 3 Mute Swan briefly on Clickimin before relocating to near Pullar's Loch.  


Cetacean Sightings:  27's pod of Orca seen initially in Vidlin Voe before heading northwards on the east side of Linga.  Last seen heading towards Cullivoe, North Mavine.  



18th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Hen Harrier and Merlin at Mid Yell.   

Bressay:  7 Bar-tailed Godwit near Gardie Mansion.  

West Mainland:  3 Woodcock, Hen Harrier and 10 Red Grouse at Burn of Lunklett.  

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker in Scalloway.  Little Gull , Glaucous and Kumlien's Gull at Shetland Catch.  

South Mainland: Pale-bellied Brent Goose still at Leebitten.  Tundra Bean Goose still at Sumburgh Farm.  14 Bar-tailed Godwit and 8 Shelduck at Virkie.  Merlin, and Common Crane in fields between Hillwell and Quendale Farm, with 1st winter White-fronted Goose with Greylag flock also still present at Quendale Mill.   



17th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Hen Harrier at Mid Yell.   

North Mainland:  30 Snow Bunting, Woodcock, and 18 Golden Plover at Ronas Hill.  

Central Mainland: 27 Collared Doves were in Scalloway. 120+ Curlew at Loch of Tingwall.  Dunnock at North Road, and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Song Thrush at Hoswick.  Common Crane still in Quendale Dunes.  Tundra Bean Goose still at Sumburgh Farm.  


Cetaceans:  A pod of 4-5 Orca were in Whalefirth, Yell today.  



16th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Hen Harrier at Mid Yell.  

Out Skerries:  3 Woodcock and Water Rail on the island.  Notably very few Snipe and no Jack Snipe were seen.  

Central Mainland: Little Gull still at Shetland Catch.  

South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose with Greylags at Hoswick Burn.  Short-eared Owl at Brow Marsh. Hen Harrier at Noss, Spiggie.  Iceland Gull at NE Spiggie Loch.  Common Crane re-found on the Toab side of Quendale.  1st winter White-fronted Goose at Quendale Farm.  Merlin at Grutness.   


**Yesterday the remains of the Red-necked Grebe that was seen for a number of days close to shore in Quendale Bay, was discovered on Quendale beach.  It is thought it had been predated.  Measurements of the bird were taken by Andrew Harrop and Roger Riddington which confirmed suspicions that this bird, a male,  was of the American subspecies Podiceps grisegena holboellii.  This would be the 2nd British record if accepted.**



15th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Skylark at Cullivoe.  Iceland Gull at Mid yell pier.  Another Iceland Gull at Hillend.  

South Mainland: The remains of the Red-necked Grebe were found on Quendale beach today.  Common Crane in fields near Quendale Mill.  Iceland Gull at Virkie.  



14th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Oystercatcher numbers really beginning to build now across Shetland.  

North MainlandSnowy Owl and 2 Woodcock on Ronas Hill. 13 Common Scoter at Ronas Voe. 

Yell:  2 Velvet and 2 Common Scoter in Sullom Voe, and Velvet and 4 Common Scoter in Yell Sound (all seen from a boat survey).  

Whalsay:  Mistle Thrush at Skibberhoull.  

Central Mainland: Hen Harrier at North Nesting flying towards Laxo.  2 Bullfinch at Bakland, and Blue Tit at Law Lane, Lerwick. 

South Mainland: Iceland Gull at Leebitten.  Common Crane and Mistle Thrush at Quendale (presumably relocated from Fair Isle) along with a Hen Harrier over the dunes.   Total of 18 Great Northern Diver in Quendale Bay.  



13th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Canada Goose at Buness.  2 Barnacle Geese at Haroldswick.  Kumlien's Gull at beach in Uyeasound.  

Central Mainland: Little Gull, along with Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  A flock of 35 adult Kittiwake were resting on the water near the head of Weisdale Voe.  



12th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Continued influx of Oystercatcher and Skylark today.  

Whalsay:  2 Mistle Thrush at Sandwick Loch.  

Central Mainland: Little Gull at Shetland Catch.  Great Spotted Woodpecker still Helendale.  Pink-footed Goose still at Loch of Tingwall.  

South Mainland: 2 Snow Bunting above Hoswick.  Common Scoter off Scord Beach.  Mistle Thrush, Wood Pigeon and Pink-footed Goose at Hillwell.  Short-eared Owl, Sparrowhawk and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Quendale.  Mistle Thrush near Brake/Ringasta.  



11th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2 Barnacle Geese at Burrafirth.

Central Mainland: 2 Iceland, Glaucous and Little Gull at Shetland Catch.  



10th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Woodcock at Hermaness.  Moorhen at Uyeasound.  

Central Mainland: 2 Short-eared Owl at Easter Heogland, Burra.  Black-throated Diver at Brettabister, South Nesting Bay.  Little Gull, 2 Iceland and 2 Glaucous Gull Shetland Catch and Marina.  

Bressay:  Sparrowhawk at Voehead.   

South Mainland: Red-necked Grebe still off Garths Bank, Quendale Voe.  Interesting duck at Boddam thought to be a 2nd generation Green-winged Teal x Eurasian Teal.  



9th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Water Rail at Burrafirth.  Bullfinch and Merlin at Baltasound.  Kumlien's Gull on Easter Loch, and Chaffinch at Haroldswick.  

Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe.   

South Mainland: Red-necked Grebe still off Garths Bank, Quendale Voe. 



8th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Iceland Gull and Woodcock at Cullivoe.  

Central Mainland: Blue Tit still at Brae.  Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe.  Black-bellied Dipper still Burn of Lunklett.  

South Mainland: Red-necked Grebe still off Garths Bank, Quendale Voe.  Hen Harrier at Virkie.  Glaucous Gull at Sumburgh Head.  



7th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Goosander on Easter Loch.

Central Mainland: 2 Blue Tit at Clickimin.  2 Bullfinch around The Sletts.  

South Mainland: Red-necked Grebe still off Garths Bank, Quendale Voe.  Iceland Gull at Scatness.  3 Common Scoter at Boddam Voe.  Scaup at Loch of Brow. Grey Wagtail and 2 Woodcock at Quendale.  Great Northern Diver and 2 Coot at Spiggie Loch.  3 Woodcock at Geosetter.  Hen Harrier reported from East Longfield, Dalsetter, and at Geosetter.  15 Rooks at Bigton.  



6th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Iceland Gull at Easter Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell: Hen Harrier between Mid Yell and Vatsetter.  

Central Mainland:  Iceland Gull over Trondra bridge.

South Mainland: Red-necked Grebe still at the westside of Quendale Bay.  



5th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Goosander on Wester Loch, before moving to Easter Loch.  Water Rail at bridge and Iceland Gull at the beach, both Burrafirth.

Yell: 11 Common Scoter at Cullivoe.  6 Common Scoter at Basta Voe.  Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Mid Yell.  

Whalsay:  Sparrowhawk at Skaw and Water Rail at Marrister.  

Bressay:  Barnacle Goose and Chaffinch at Voehead.  

Central MainlandWhite-billed Diver still off Housabister, South Nesting Bay.  Jack Snipe at Pullar's Loch.  Brambling at Law Lane.  Jackdaw at Kergord.  

South Mainland: Water Rail, Woodcock and Merlin at Swinister Burn.  Red-necked Grebe at westside of Quendale Bay.  


Mammal sightings:  Porpoise are very much in evidence in South Nesting Bay - one of the best and regular places to view large numbers of these small cetaceans.  



4th February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell: Sparrowhawk at Hillend. 

North Mainland:  Sparrowhawk and 7 Chaffinch at Gluss.  Snow Bunting at Ollaberry.  

Central Mainland:  Blue Tit now at Clickimin.  Blue Tit also at Brae.  4 Bar-tailed Godwit at Scatsta.  

South Mainland: Common Scoter at Sandsayre, and Sparrowhawk at Cunningsburgh.  Glaucous Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Quendale.  Hen Harrier at North end of Spiggie.  Tundra Bean Goose still at Sumburgh Farm.  


Mammal sightings:  Risso's dolphin east of Sumburgh Head from the Lookout.  f



3rd February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Glaucous and Iceland Gull at Westing.  

Central Mainland:  Little Gull and Iceland Gull at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Kestrel in Maywick.  Tundra Bean Goose still at Sumburgh Farm.  2 Glaucous Gull still just north of Virkie.  



2nd February 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Central Mainland:  45 Tufted Duck, Greater Scaup, 2 Coots and Pink-footed Goose at Loch of Tingwall.  

South Mainland:  Tundra Bean Goose and Glaucous Gull at Sumburgh Farm.  



1st February 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: White-billed Diver off Skaw.  Iceland Gull at Westing, and another at Dam Loch, Uyeasound.  

Yell:  18 Common Scoter at Wick of North Garth, Black-throated Diver, 2 Red-throated Diver and 2 Iceland Gull at Gutcher.  

South Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose still Sanick.  Lesser Black-backed Gull at Hillwell, and Glaucous Gull at Virkie.  



31st January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

The widespread arrival of Oystercatchers, and the first Lesser Black-backed Gull of the year must mean lighter nights as we head towards spring!  

WhalsayBlack-throated Diver at Skaw.  

Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gull and Glaucous Gull at Lerwick Harbour.  

West Mainland: Common Scoter at Melby.  

South Mainland: Iceland Gull at north end of Spiggie.  Lesser Black-backed Gull near Bakkasetter.  Pale-bellied Brent Goose near Sand Lodge, Sandwick.  



30th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Brae.  Pink-footed Goose and 2 Coot still at Loch of Tingwall.   Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.  

Bressay:  2 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling and Water Rail at Voehead.  

South Mainland:  9 Snow Bunting at Hoswick.  


Mammals:  Pod of Orca was seen off Norwick, Unst.  



29th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Bar-tailed Godwit at the Houb.  4 Oystercatcher at Easting.  3 Redpoll sp. over Uyeasound. 

Yell:  Male Hen Harrier at West Sandwick.  

Central Mainland: White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay.  Pink-footed Goose at north end of Loch of Tingwall. 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk, Blue Tit and Great Tit at Helendale area.  Glaucous Gull at Mair's Pier. 40+ Purple Sandpiper now near Fjara, Lerwick. Snow Bunting and Goldfinch at Banaminn, Burra.  

West Mainland:  13 Knot at Effirth Voe.  

South Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose still near the Wart, and Woodcock, Sandwick.  7 Snow Bunting above Hoswick. Hen Harrier at Clumlie. Dark blue neck-collared Greylag V Z1 is now at Boddam.  


Mammals:  Pod of Orca was seen off Norwick, Unst.  



28th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gull at Westing.

North Mainland:  Sparrowhawk at Hillswick.  Woodpigeon and 10 Chaffinch at Gluss.  

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Iceland Gull at Mair's Pier.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.

Bressay:  Chaffinch at Voehead.    

West Mainland:  Merlin at West Burrafirth.   

South Mainland:  Sparrowhawk at Ringasta and another over Cunningsburgh. Common Scoter at Leebitton., and Pale-bellied Brent Goose near Sand Lodge.  2 Shelduck and Iceland Gull at Boddam.  Merlin at Sandwick.  2 Glaucous Gull north of Virkie feeding on dead Greylag Geese.  



27th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  4 Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Westing.  Iceland Gull and Kumlien's Gull at Uyeasound. 

Bressay:  Sparrowhawk at Voehead.  

Central Mainland: 2 Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Mair's Pier.  

West Mainland:  Merlin at West Burrafirth.   

South Mainland:  2 Glaucous Gull at Virkie.  


Mammals:  No sign of Beluga Whale today.   



26th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

YellBlack-throated Diver at Gutcher.  4 Snow Bunting at north burn of Otterswick.  Sparrowhawk at Hillend.  

Bressay:  6 Bar-tailed Godwit on the island.  

Central Mainland: 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  Song Thrush found dead in Lerwick.  

West Mainland:  Glaucous Gull at Loch of Melby.   

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull at Dalsetter and 2 Song Thrush.  



25th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yell:  Merlin at Hillend and another at Sound.  

North Mainland:  Goosander at Loch of Urafirth.  12 Common Scoter at Ronas Voe.  12 Chaffinch and Woodcock at Gluss. Grey Plover at Tangwick West Beach, Eshaness.  

Bressay:  2 Chaffinch at Voehead.  

Central Mainland: Black-throated and White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay.  Jackdaw at Kergord. 2 Coot at Loch of Tingwall.  Glaucous Gull at Mair's Pier.  Blue Tit, Great Tit and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale. 

West Mainland:  Merlin at West Burrafirth.   

South Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Sandwick. Pink-footed Goose at Swinister Burn. Iceland Gull at Dalsetter.  8 Common Scoter at West Voe.  Hen Harrier at Hillwell.  Sparrowhawk at Scatness.  


Mammals:  Amazingly, the Beluga Whale is still near Hillswick.  All indications are that it is in good condition.  



24th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  2 Moorhen at Norwick.  

Yell:  Merlin at Hillend and another at Sound.  

Central Mainland: Blue Tit (ringed) at Brae.  2 Great Spotted Woodpecker and Blue Tit at Helendale. 

West Mainland:  Merlin at West Burrafirth.   

South Mainland:  Common Scoter at Leebitton.  4 Rooks at Bigton.  Barnacle Goose at near Spiggie Hotel.


Mammals:  Amazingly, the Beluga Whale is still near Hillswick.  All indications are that it is in good condition.  



23rd January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Carrion Crow at Baltasound, and 2 Barnacle Geese at Haroldswick.  Glaucous Gull on Burrafirth beach and a Peregrine, 2 Iceland Gull and Bar-tailed Godwit at Uyeasound.   

YellBlack-throated Diver at Gutcher along with 13 Common Scoter.  9 Common Scoter at Basta Voe. 

FetlarBlack-throated Diver off Hamarsness.  

South Mainland:  Common Scoter at Leebitton.  4 Rooks at Bigton.  Barnacle Goose at near Spiggie Hotel.


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale is still near Hillswick.



22nd January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Kumlien's Gull, 2 Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.  

Yell:  12 Common Scoter off Gutcher.  

Central Mainland:  Sadly, a Eurasian Bittern found dead in vicinity of Lerwick Power Station.  Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale, Lerwick.  Glaucous Gull at Gremister, Lerwick.  Blue Tit at Brae.

South Mainland: 5 Iceland gull and 2 Glaucous Gull at NW corner of Spiggie.  Glaucous Gull at south end of Spiggie.  European White-fronted Goose at Ringasta with 2 domestic geese.  



21st January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Kumlien's Gull and 2 Iceland Gull at Easter Loch.  

South Mainland:  134 Long-tailed Duck, Glaucous Gull at West Voe, and another at Virkie.  Merlin at Grutness. Ringtail Hen Harrier at Sumburgh Farm.  Hen Harrier and Goosander at Sandwick.  


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale is still at Sand Wick, near Hillswick.



20th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Canada and 2 Barnacle Geese at Haroldswick.  Water Rail at Houb.  Kumlien's Gull and Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.  Glaucous Gull at Loch of Cliff, and 47 Goldeneye on sea a Burrafirth.   

Central Mainland:  2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  

South Mainland:  Waxwing at Virkie. 


Dark Blue neck collared Greylag Goose V Z1 seen at Fleck on 07.01.2024 was ringed as a 2nd year female at Sveslingane, Haram in Norway on 06.07.2019.  It was last seen at Dalsetter on 01.09.2022. 


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale still at Sand Wick, near Hillswick.



19th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Woodcock at Halligarth and 4 Jack Snipe at the Houb.   

North Mainland:  Chaffinch taken by Sparrowhawk at Gluss.  

South Mainland:  Woodcock at Hillwell.  2 Song Thrush at Dalsetter.  


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale still at Sand Wick, near Hillswick.



18th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Woodcock at Skeo Taing.  

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Mulla in Voe. 2 Hen Harrier at Sandgarth.  Chaffinch at Catfirth, and 12 Common Scoter over Loch of Benston.  2 Bullfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick.  

South Mainland:  Sparrowhawk and Jack Snipe at South Cunningsburgh.  Woodcock and 2 Jack Snipe at Spiggie.  Grey Plover at Hoswick Beach and Little Gull still at Sandsayre.  Woodcock at Dalsetter.  


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale again at Sand Wick, near Hillswick for its second day.  



17th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Bullfinch at Ordaal.  Meadow Pipit and Skylark at the Houb.  

North Mainland:  12 Chaffinch at Gluss.  Redwing at Ollaberry.  

Bressay:  Water Rail, Redwing and Chaffinch at Voehead.   

West Mainland:  2 Woodcock at Watsness.  2 Chaffinch at Kalliness, Weisdale.  

Central Mainland: Chaffinch at Eswick, South Nesting.  Greenfinch at Bakland, Lerwick.  Bittern flying over Trondra heading towards Scalloway.  

South Mainland:  Water Rail, Woodcock and 2 Jack Snipe at Swinister Burn, Sandwick.  2 Goldfinch at Peerie Voe, Spiggie.  Tundra Bean Goose over Virkie.


Mammals:  A Beluga Whale has been at Sand Wick, near Hillswick today.  



16th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  5 Jack Snipe, Purple Sandpiper, 10 Dunlin and Skylark at the Houb.  

North Mainland:  Chaffinch in Ollaberry.  

Bressay:  Brambling at Crueton.  

Central Mainland: Blue and Great Tit with Brambling in a garden in Lerwick. 

South Mainland:  23 Snipe, 6 Skylark, and 3 Jack Snipe at Boddam, with another at Dalsetter.  Iceland and Glaucous Gull at Pool of Virkie.  6 Goldfinch at Bigton.  Little Gull still at Sandsayre, Leebitton.  



15th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Glaucous and Iceland Gull at Westing.   

Yell: Sparrowhawk at Hillend, and 2 Dunlin at Vatsetter.   

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker and Dunnock at Helendale, with Greenfinch also Lerwick.   

South Mainland:  Barnacle and Pink-footed Geese at Hillwell.  Glaucous Gull north end of Spiggie.  4 Snow Bunting at Boddam.  Little Gull still at Sandsayre.  



14th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Iceland Gull at Westing.  Glaucous Gull and Moorhen at Norwick.

Yell: Sparrowhawk at Hillend.  

Central Mainland: 2 Redpoll at Lerwick.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch.  

South Mainland:  Little Gull and Glaucous Gull at Sandsayre and Pale-bellied Brent Goose south of Sand Lodge.  3 Glaucous Gull from Sumburgh Head Lookout.  110 Long-tailed Duck at West Voe.  


Mammals:  Humpback Whale approx. 1km east of Sumburgh Head.  



13th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  2 Glaucous Gull at Westing.  Iceland Gull at salmon cages in Uyeasound.  Bullfinch at Daisy Park.  4 Blue Fulmar and 5 Little Auk past Skaw.  

Yell: 2 Common Scoter at Gutcher.  

West Mainland: Black-bellied Dipper still at Burn of Lunklet. 

Central Mainland: 9 Grey Heron at Catfirth.  Glaucous Gull at Lerwick Marina.  

South Mainland:  Little Gull and Glaucous Gull at Sandsayre.  Red Kite heading north past Sandwick.  



12th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  2 White-fronted and Canada Geese West of Buness.  Dunnock, Song Thrush and 2 Redpolls at Millfield.  

Yell: Snow Bunting at Gutcher.  Peregrine at Bastavoe.  Great Crested Grebe at Mid Yell.  Sparrowhawk at Cullivoe and Merlin at Gloup.   

Central Mainland: 6 Cormorant at Clickimin.  Winter plumage Red-throated Diver on Loch of Tingwall.  



11th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  2 Moorhen at Norwick.  

Yell: Iceland Gull at Cullivoe Pier.  Great Crested Grebe still Mid Yell Voe.  3 Velvet and 3 Common Scoter at sea in Bluemull triangle.  

North Mainland:  Hen Harrier at Gluss.  

Central MainlandBlack-throated Diver off South Nesting Bay.  4 Cormorant and Goldeneye at Clickimin, with 20+ Purple Sandpipers, 40+ Ringed Plover, 8 Knot and Dunlin along from The Sletts to Seafield, Lerwick. 

West Mainland:  Black-bellied Dipper still Burn of Lunklet, East Burrafirth.

Bressay:  Barnacle Goose at Keldabister.  

South Mainland:  2 Shelduck at Boddam Voe.  Pale-bellied Brent Goose near Sand Lodge, Sandwick.  Pink-footed Goose north of Hillwell.  Black Redstart at West Voe. Iceland Gull at Quendale beach.  



10th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst: Bullfinch at Daisy Park, then Setter's Hill Estate.  Canada and Pink-footed Goose at Halligarth.  Jack Snipe at Houb.  

YellGreat Crested Grebe still with Great Northern Diver and 'Viking' Gull (Herring/Glaucous Gull hybrid) at Mid Yell Voe.  Merlin at Sellafirth. 

North Mainland:  15 Chaffinch at Gluss.  

Central Mainland:  Long-eared Owl at Sandgarth.  Mistle Thrush again at Kergord. 

West MainlandBlack-bellied Dipper at the Burn of Lunklet, East Burrafirth.  

South Mainland: 11 Scaup Loch of Brow.  Carrion Crow at Bigton.  



9th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Bullfinch at Daisy Park.  Canada Goose near Buness Pier.  

YellGreat Crested Grebe at Linkhouse Pier, Mid Yell.  Snow Bunting at Gutcher.  Black-throated Diver and 18 Common Scoter in Bluemull Sound.  

Bressay:  Woodcock at Gorie.  

Central Mainland: Coot and Pink-footed Goose still at Loch of Tingwall.  Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch. 

West MainlandBlack-throated Diver at Skelda Voe.  Great Skua seen 30miles west of Foula.

South Mainland:  Iceland Gull, 3 Purple Sandpiper and 6 Long-tailed Duck at Sandsayre, Merlin at Sanick.  Black-throated Diver and 4 Little Auk from Good Shepherd, 2.5ml from Sumburgh Head.  2 Iceland Gull at NW Spiggie, along with 2 Scaup, Slavonian Grebe and 2 Red-throated Divers.  


Mammals:  3/4 Orca south of Drongs, Hillswick.  Common Dolphin still at Mavis Grind.  3 Humpback Whales seen 30miles west of Foula.  



8th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Canada Goose and Wood Pigeon at Halligarth. 

Yell:  8 Common Scoter and Oystercatcher at Gutcher.  2 Iceland Gull at Cullivoe Pier.  On sea, numbers of Great Northern, Red-throated and a Black-throated Diver off coast towards Hamarness, Fetlar.  

West Mainland:  Glaucous Gull south end of South Nesting Bay, and a Coot on Loch of Benston.  

South Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Sanick.  11 Great Northern Divers, 130 Long-tailed Duck and 8 Common Scoter at West Voe.  8 Little Auk from Good Shepherd south of Sumburgh.  



7th January 2024

Bird Sightings:  

Unst:  Iceland Gull at Burrafirth.  Reed Bunting at Northdale.  5 Little Auk and 2 Blue Fulmar north past Skaw.  3 Chaffinch at Bruce Hall, and Merlin over hostel, with 4 North-western Redpoll at Uyeasound.  

Yell:  2 Snow Buntings and Oystercatcher at Gutcher.  

Central Mainland:  Coot still at Loch of Tingwall.  

West Mainland:  30 Snow Bunting at Norby beach.  Goosander near Bixter Cemetery.  

South Mainland:  Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Sanick.  A Red Kite initially seen at Scatness was later giving excellent views from Fleck, Boddam, and Clumlie. 2 Canada Geese, and Greylag with a blue neck collar VZ1  (awaiting details from were also at Fleck.  2 Black-throated, 4 Great Northern and 1 Red-throated Divers, along with 8 Common Scoter in West Voe, Sumburgh.  2 Shelduck and 2 Sanderling at Pool of Virkie.  



6th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Whalsay:  Goosander on Loch of Sandwick.  

Central Mainland:  Little Auk off Victoria Pier, Lerwick.  Pink-footed Goose near Loch of Tingwall.  

South Mainland: 2 Little Auk past Sumburgh Head.  2 Canada Geese at Fleck.  Black Redstart at Jarlshof.  


Mammals:  Single Risso's Dolphin past Sumburgh Head.  



5th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst:  Sparrowhawk at Ordaal.  

WhalsayMagpie still present at Skibberhoull.  

West MainlandMagpie still being seen daily at Sandness.  

South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Boddam.  


The County Recorder would be interested in any current sightings of Magpie away from Whalsay and Sandness.  Contact via email -   



4th January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

South Mainland: 2 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.  



3rd January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: 4 Chaffinch at Maundeville.  Water Rail at Baltasound.  Moorhen at Norwick.   

Bressay:  Water Rail at Voehead.  

Central Mainland: Mistle Thrush at Kergord.  Blue Tit at Helendale, Lerwick.  

South Mainland: Pink-footed Goose at Swinister.  2 European White-fronted Geese at Setter, Tundra Bean with Greylag Geese near Bakkasetter.  Hen Harrier at Boddam.  



2nd January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.  Long-tailed Duck and 3 Goldeneye on Pullars Loch. 

South Mainland: Woodcock at Grutness.  Goosander near Bigton.  



1st January 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Unst: Great Tit at Valyie.  Iceland Gull, and Merlin over Bruce Hall.  Grey Plover at Uyeasound.  2 Iceland Gull at Heogland.  Pochard at Watley.   

Bressay:  Merlin at Setter.  

Central Mainland: 12 Great Northern Diver at Es Wick, and 6 Velvet Scoter at South Nesting.  

West Mainland:  Merlin at Mid Walls. 

South Mainland: Great Crested Grebe at West Voe, Sumburgh.  2 Canada Geese at Setter, 4 Scaup and 5 Coot at Spiggie. 


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