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31st March 2018

South Mainland: Treecreeper at St Ninian's Isle. Stonechat at Boddam. Hawfinch and Dunnock at Bakkasetter. Dunnock at Cunningsburgh.


Central Mainland: Black Redstart at Sound, Lerwick. Long-eared Owl at Scalloway.


Unst: Sandwich Tern, Chiffchaff, Greenfinch, Grey Wagtail, 2 Hawfinches and 2 Yellowhammers at Norwick. Long-eared Owl, Chiffchaff and Grey Wagtail at Baltasound. Jackdaw at Uyeasound. 2 Water Rails and 2 Jack Snipe at Haroldswick. Grey Wagtail at Skaw. Grey Wagtail at Westing.


Bluemull Sound: drake Surf Scoter.


Whalsay: Chiffchaff at Isbister. Blue Tit, Dunnock and Woodcock at Skaw.


Yell: Chaffinch at Gutcher. Chaffinch at Cullivoe. Chaffinch at Breckon. Chaffinch at Gloup.




27th March 2018

West Mainland: Red Kite reported at West Burrafirth. White-tailed Eagle reported at Sandness.


Central Mainland: Siskin, Wood Pigeon, Dunnock, 3 Bramblings and 3 Chaffinches at North Road, Lerwick.


South Mainland: Brambling at Cunningsburgh.


Yell: Pied Wagtail at Gutcher.




26th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Shoveler at Spiggie. 2 Siskins at Cunningsburgh.


West Mainland: White-tailed Eagle photographed at Aith.


Central Mainland: White-tailed Eagle reported at Sand Water. 12 Common Redpolls at Law Lane, Lerwick. Glaucous Gull at Lerwick harbour.


Yell: Great Tit at North Sandwick. Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe. 2 Goosanders at Gutcher. Iceland Gull at Loch of Littlester.


Whalsay: Mistle Thrush at Hamister.


Bluemull Sound: Puffin.


Unst: White Wagtail at Norwick.


Burra: Siskin, Dunnock and 12 Chaffinches on Trondra.




28th March 2018

Central Mainland: Hawfinch, Bullfinch and Blackcap at Kergord. Hawfinch at Sandgarth. Hawfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick.


South Mainland: 2 Reed Buntings at Bakkasetter.


Yell: Dunnock at Gutcher.




29th March 2018

Widespread arrival of thrushes today, mainly Blackbirds and Fieldfares, along with smaller numbers of Song Thrushes and Redwings.


South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Lapland Bunting at Spiggie. Mistle Thrush, Woodcock, Water Rail, Wood Pigeon, 3 Dunnocks and 20 Robins at Sumburgh Farm. Chiffchaff at Quendale. Iceland Gull at Sandwick. 2 Chaffinches at Toab. 2 Chaffinches at Cunningsburgh. Chaffinch and Wood Pigeon at Bakkasetter.


Central Mainland: White-tailed Eagle between Girlsta and Sand Water. Hawfinch, Chiffchaff, Wood Pigeon and 2 Chaffinches at Sandgarth. Glaucous Gull at Lerwick.


Yell: Chiffchaff at Gutcher.


Unst: Glaucous Gull at Skaw. Glaucous Gull at Lamba Ness. Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.


Burra: Iceland Gull at West Burra.


Fetlar: Dunnock at Funzie.




30th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Yellowhammer, Mistle Thrush and Grey Wagtail at Rerwick. Goldcrest at Sumburgh. Chaffinch at Swinister, Sandwick. Dunnock and 5 Chaffinches at Cunningsburgh.


West Mainland: Red Kite reported again at West Burrafirth. Sparrowhawk at Sand.


Unst: Hawfinch at Norwick. Glaucous Gull at Norwick. Mistle Thrush, Chaffinch and Grey Wagtail at Hermaness.


Central Mainland: Hawfinch at Law Lane, Lerwick. Mistle Thrush at Upper Kergord. Goldfinch at Scalloway. Great Skua at Toft.


Yell: Woodcock, Chaffinch and 3 Iceland Gulls at Cullivoe. Chaffinch at Gloup.


Whalsay: Chiffchaff and Dunnock at Marrister. Woodcock at Skaw.


North Mainland: Slavonian Grebe at Mavis Grind.


Fetlar: Dunnock at Funzie. Chaffinch at Houbie.




24th March 2018

South Mainland: Stonechat at Grutness. 3 Mistle Thrushes at Sumburgh Head. 2 Iceland Gulls at Scatness.


Unst: Stonechat at Burrafirth. Iceland Gull at Easter Loch. Wood Pigeon at Baltasound.


Whalsay: 2 Mistle Thrushes, 2 Chaffinches and 2 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoull. 2 Common Redpolls at Brough .


Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gulls at Shetland Catch, Lerwick.




23rd March 2018

Unst: Grey Wagtail at Skaw.


Whalsay: Water Rail at Marrister. Water Rail at Vatshoull.


South Mainland: Wood Pigeon at Sumburgh Hotel.




22nd March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and Water Rail at Spiggie. Siskin at Cunningsburgh.


Unst: Stonechat and 2 Mistle Thrushes at Burrafirth. Mistle Thrush, Grey Wagtail and Song Thrush at Baltasound. Iceland Gull at Easter Loch.


Central Mainland: 2 Blue Tits and 2 Dunnocks at Law Lane, Lerwick. Iceland Gull at Lerwick harbour.


Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe. Hen Harrier at Windhouse.




21st March 2018

Unst: Stonechat, Chaffinch and 3 Glaucous Gulls at Burrafirth.


Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe.




25th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe and sinensis Cormorant at Spiggie. Sandwich Tern, Stonechat, Wood Pigeon, Pied Wagtail and Pink-footed Goose at Quendale. Mistle Thrush and Carrion Crow at Sumburgh Farm. Pied Wagtail at Grutness.


Fetlar: Wheatear at the airstrip.


Whalsay: Mistle Thrush and 2 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoull.


Unst: Dunnock and Chaffinch at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Siskin at Weisdale.


Burra: Wood Pigeon on Trondra.


Yell: Coot and Wood Pigeon at Cullivoe.




20th March 2018

Unst: Stonechat at Burrafirth.


South Mainland: Chaffinch at Bakkasetter.



16th March 2018

Unst: Black Redstart and 2 Mistle Thrushes at Norwick.


South Mainland: Dunnock at Scatness.


Yell: Song Thrush at Gloup.




15th March 2018

Whalsay: Coues's Arctic Redpoll and 6 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoul. Mistle Thrush, Snow Bunting and White Wagtail at Newpark. Mistle Thrush and 2 Dunnocks at Skaw. 2 Common Redpolls at Brough.


Central Mainland: Pintail at Pullars Loch, Lerwick.


South Mainland: Song Thrush at Scatness.


Fetlar: Song Thrush at Aithness.




17th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. 2 Mistle Thrushes at Noness. Greenfinch and 2 Song Thrushes at Hestingott.


Whalsay: Coues's Arctic Redpoll, 2 Common Redpolls and 3 Chaffinches at Skibberhoull. Mistle Thrush at Newpark. Glaucous Gull at North Voe. 2 Snow Buntings at Brough. Dunnock at Marrister.


Unst: Hawfinch at Baltasound. Black Redstart and Mistle Thrush at Norwick. Snow Bunting at Lund.


Central Mainland: 12 Mistle Thrushes at Kergord.


Yell: Iceland Gull at Cullivoe.




18th March 2018

Central Mainland: Great Crested Grebe at Vassa Voe. 3 Mistle Thrushes at Sands of Sound, Lerwick.


Unst: Mistle Thrush and 6 Snow Buntings at Norwick. Jack Snipe at Baltasound.


South Mainland: Mistle Thrush and 2 Pied Wagtails at Ireland. Song Thrush at Hestingott. Song Thrush at Scousburgh. Chaffinch at Cunningsburgh. Pied Wagtail at Sandwick.


Yell: Iceland Gull at Cullivoe. Song Thrush at Gloup.


North Mainland: 2 Slavonian Grebes at Mavis Grind.


Whalsay: Dunnock at Skaw.




19th March 2018

Foula: Little Ringed Plover at South Ness.


Unst: Iceland Gull at Easter Loch. Snow Bunting at Westing.


South Mainland: Dunnock at Scousburgh. Chaffinch at Hestingott.


Fetlar: Song Thrush at Funzie.




13th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie. Peregrine at Dalsetter.


Central Mainland: Waxwing at Brae. Glaucous Gull at Scalloway. Iceland Gull at Lerwick.




14th March 2018

South Mainland: Mistle Thrush at Dalsetter. Scaup at Boddam.


Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe. 2 Goosanders at Sand Water.


Fetlar: Water Rail at Funzie.




12th March 2018

Unst: 2 Mistle Thrushes at Haroldswick.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Lerwick.


South Mainland: Chaffinch at Scatness.




11th March 2018

Whalsay: Coues's Arctic Redpoll at Skibberhoul. 2 Mistle Thrushes at Hamister.


Unst: Mistle Thrush at Haroldswick.


Yell: Iceland Gull at Cullivoe.




10th March 2018

Fetlar: Stonechat at Funzie.


Central Mainland: Waxwing at Brae. 6 Blue Tits at Gressy Loan, Lerwick. 3 Greenfinches at Sound, Lerwick. Iceland Gull at Lerwick harbour. Lesser Black-backed Gull at Strand.


Yell: Great Tit at North Sandwick. Iceland Gull at Gutcher. 2 Goosanders at Sand Water.



9th March 2018

Whalsay: White-tailed Eagle at Hamister. Coues's Arctic Redpoll at Skibberhoull. Woodcock at Skaw.


Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe. 2 Goosanders at Sand Water.


South Mainland: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Coot and 2 Shovelers at Hillwell. Lesser Black-backed Gull at Virkie.



8th March 2018

Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Lerwick.


Yell: Iceland Gull at Cullivoe.


South Mainland: Siskin and Common Scoter at Scatness.




7th March 2018

Central Mainland: Sinensis Cormorant at Loch of Clickimin.




5th March 2018

South Mainland: Pied-billed Grebe at Spiggie.


Whalsay: White-tailed Eagle, Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Skaw Taing. Coues's Arctic Redpoll and 12 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoull. Water Rail at Marrister.


Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Breiwick, Lerwick. Sparrowhawk at Strand.


Yell: Iceland Gull at Gutcher. Iceland Gull at Vatsetter.




6th March 2018

Central Mainland: Pintail at Pullars Loch, Lerwick.




3rd March 2018

Whalsay: White-tailed Eagle at Isbister. Coues's Arctic Redpoll and 13 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoull. 5 Jack Snipe at Skaw.


South Mainland: Bullfinch at Hoswick. 10 Snow Buntings at Scatness. 51 Skylarks at Sumburgh Hotel. 50 Skylarks at Toab.


Central Mainland: Great Tit at Wadbister; also Jack Snipe found dead there. 7 Goosanders at Weisdale Voe.


Yell: 2 Iceland Gulls, Woodcock and 34 Snow Buntings at Gutcher. Jack Snipe found dead at Cullivoe.




4th March 2018

South Mainland: Glaucous Gull and Jack Snipe at Hillwell. Sinensis Cormorant at Spiggie. Lesser Black-backed Gull at Virkie.


Central Mainland: 2 Dunnocks, 2 Bramblings and 7 Chaffinches at North Road, Lerwick.


Yell: Jack Snipe at Cullivoe.




2nd March 2018

Whalsay: Coues's Arctic Redpoll and 13 Common Redpolls at Skibberhoull. 2 Woodcocks and 4 Jack Snipe at Skaw.


Yell: King Eider at Mid Yell.


Bluemull Sound: Surf Scoter.


Central Mainland: 4 Glaucous Gulls, 2 Iceland Gulls, Woodcock and 2 Jack Snipe at Lerwick.


South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Sandwick. Scaup at Boddam. Common Scoter at Grutness. 87 Skylarks at Sumburgh Hotel. Jack Snipe at Virkie. 2 Jack Snipe at Boddam. 6 Chaffinches at Bakkasetter.


Unst: Goldcrest at Baltasound.



1st March 2018

Unst: Jack Snipe and 10 Skylarks at Baltasound.



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