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30th June 2018

Unst: Black-headed Bunting at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Greenshank at Garth, South Nesting. 11 Goosanders at Weisdale Voe.




29th June 2018

Central Mainland: Common Sandpiper at Loch of Gonfirth.




27th June 2018

Unst: Marsh Warbler at Norwick. Tree Sparrow at Northdale.


Central Mainland: 13 Goosanders at Weisdale Voe.




26th June 2018

Unst: Black-headed Bunting and Marsh Warbler at Norwick. Rose-coloured Starling at Baltasound. Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth. Tree Sparrow at Northdale. Carrion Crow at Haroldswick.


Fetlar: Hobby at Tresta. Golden Oriole at Houbie.


Central Mainland: 2 Siskins at South Nesting.




28th June 2018

Fetlar: Rose-coloured Starling at Brough. Golden Oriole at Tresta.




24th June 2018

South Mainland: White-tailed Eagle reported flying north at Gulberwick. Fieldfare at Grutness. 3 Bar-tailed Godwits at Virkie.


Unst: Glaucous Gull near Muckle Flugga.


West Mainland: 2 Common Sandpipers at West Burrafirth.




23rd June 2018

Unst: Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth.




22nd June 2018

Unst: Glaucous Gull, Siskin and Sanderling at Norwick.


South Mainland: 2 Long-tailed Ducks at St Ninian's Isle.




21st June 2018

Unst: Black-headed Bunting at Norwick.


South Mainland: Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie.




25th June 2018

Unst: Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth.


South Mainland: 2 Pintails at Boddam. Robin at Sumburgh Hotel.


West Mainland: Siskin at West Burrafirth.




20th June 2018

Unst: Black-headed Bunting at Norwick.


Out Skerries: Rose-coloured Starling.


South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness. Little Gull at Scatness. Willow Warbler at Bakkasetter.


Central Mainland: 2 Siskins at Girlsta.



16th June 2018

South Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling at Gulberwick. Ring-billed Gull at Hillwell. Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness.


Unst: Rose-coloured Starling at Baliasta. Barnacle Goose and Pink-footed Goose at Burrafirth.


Central Mainland: Common Crossbill and Pied Flycatcher at Sandgarth.


Yell: 2 Barnacle Geese at Cullivoe.




15th June 2018

South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness.


Unst: Snowy Owl reported at Skaw. Greenfinch and 3 Sanderling at Haroldswick.




17th June 2018

South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness. Reed Bunting at Cunningsburgh.


Unst: Marsh Warbler at Baltasound. Siskin, Chiffchaff and Sanderling at Norwick.




18th June 2018

South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness.


Central Mainland: 2 Siskins at South Nesting.




19th June 2018

Central Mainland: 2 Siskins at South Nesting.




13th June 2018

Unst: Rose-coloured Starling at Baliasta.


Out Skerries: Rose-coloured Starling.


South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness. Osprey flew east over Sumburgh Hotel.


Central Mainland: 8 Goosanders at Loch of Voe.




14th June 2018

South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness.


Unst: Long-tailed Duck and 6 Sanderling at Skaw.




12th June 2018

South Mainland: Snow Goose (of unknown/suspect origin) at Grutness. Rose-coloured Starling at Scatness.


Unst: Rose-coloured Starling and Iceland Gull at Baliasta. Marsh Warbler at Baltasound. Greenfinch at Haroldswick.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole at Feal Burn.




11th June 2018

Unst: Rose-coloured Starling at Baliasta.


South Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling at Scatness.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole and 2 Chiffchaffs at Feal Burn.


Central Mainland: Cuckoo at Valayre.


Yell: 12 Sanderling at Cullivoe.




10th June 2018

South Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling at Scatness. Red-backed Shrike at Fladdabister. 3 Sandwich Terns at West Voe of Sumburgh/Grutness/Virkie. Swift at West Voe of Sumburgh. 7 Sanderling at Grutness.


Out Skerries: Rose-coloured Starling.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole, Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff at Feal Burn.


Unst: Marsh Warbler at Baltasound. 13 Barnacle Geese at Skaw. 5 Pink-footed Geese at Burrafirth.


Whalsay: Curlew Sandpiper at Brough.


Noss: Cuckoo.



9th June 2018

Unst: Marsh Warbler and Peregrine at Baltasound. Marsh Warbler at Haroldswick. Pintail and Kestrel at Uyeasound. 5 Pink-footed Geese and 3 Barnacle Geese at Lamba Ness. 2 Barnacle Geese at Westing.


South Mainland: Little Stint at Virkie. Red-backed Shrike at Fladdabister. 3 Manx Shearwaters from the Good Shepherd 6 miles SSW of Sumburgh Head.



8th June 2018

South Mainland: Ring-billed Gull at Hillwell. Red-backed Shrike at Fladdabister.


Out Skerries: Rose-coloured Starling, House Martin and 2 Chiffchaffs.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole and 2 Chiffchaffs at Feal Burn.


Unst: Marsh Warbler at Baltasound. Pintail and 5 Barnacle Geese at Uyeasound.


Yell: 4 Barnacle Geese at Cullivoe.




7th June 2018

Fetlar: Golden Oriole at Feal Burn.


Whalsay: Marsh Warbler at Skaw.


South Mainland: Quail at Voxter, Cunningsburgh. Common Crossbill at Scousburgh.


West Mainland: Cuckoo at Bixter.


Unst: Pintail at Uyeasound.




5th June 2018

South Mainland: Snowy Owl at Twarri Field/Hallilee, between Bigton and Levenwick. Marsh Warbler at Scatness.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole, 2 Garden Warblers and 2 Chiffchaffs at Feal Burn.


Unst: Marsh Warbler at Baltasound. Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Redstart at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Kestrel at Frakkafield.




6th June 2018

South Mainland: Icterine Warbler at Scatness.


Unst: Marsh Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Sparrowhawk at Baltasound. Kestrel and Pied Flycatcher at Norwick.


Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Firth.


Yell: 12 Sanderling at Cullivoe. 2 Sanderling at Gutcher.




3rd June 2018

Fetlar: Golden Oriole, Marsh Warbler, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher at Feal Burn.


Central Mainland: Golden Oriole at Sandgarth. Gadwall at Garth.


South Mainland: Red-backed Shrike at Fladdabister. Wood Pigeon at Bakkasetter. Garden Warbler at Ocraquoy.


Out Skerries: Red-backed Shrike and 2 Common Redpolls.


Unst: Marsh Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Willow Warbler and Sedge Warbler at Skaw.




4th June 2018

South Mainland: Ring-billed Gull at Hillwell. Quail at Cunningsburgh.


Fetlar: Golden Oriole at Feal Burn.


Out Skerries: Red-backed Shrike.


Central Mainland: 3 Brent Geese at Lunna.


Yell: 17 Sanderling at Cullivoe.




2nd June 2018

South Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Scatness. Golden Oriole at Bigton. Marsh Warbler and Little Stint at Virkie. Marsh Warbler and Red-backed Shrike at Quendale. 2 Barnacle Geese at Grutness. 2 Red-necked Phalaropes off Compass Head.


Out Skerries: 2 Icterine Warblers, Red-backed Shrike, Reed Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Water Rail, 2 Sand Martins and 2 Linnets.


Central Mainland: Mandarin Duck at Loch of Tingwall. Pied Flycatcher at Loch of Voe.


Unst: Red-backed Shrike and Spotted Flycatcher at Haroldswick.


Fetlar: Pied Flycatcher and Garden Warbler at Tresta. Spotted Flycatcher and Garden Warbler at Feal Burn. Garden Warbler at Funzie.



1st June 2018

Unst: Great Reed Warbler and 3 Willow Warblers at Baltasound. Black-throated Diver and 2 Marsh Warblers at Norwick. 2 Tree Sparrows and 2 Willow Warblers at Northdale. Lesser Whitethroat at Burrafirth. Sedge Warbler at Haroldswick.


West Mainland: Common Nightingale, Honey Buzzard and Icterine Warbler at Mid Dale.


Out Skerries: Rose-coloured Starling, Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler, Reed Warbler and Tree Pipit.


South Mainland: Red-breasted Flycatcher and Marsh Warbler at Virkie. Marsh Warbler at Quendale. Icterine Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. Reed Bunting at Geosetter. Red-backed Shrike and 2 Pied Flycatchers at Scousburgh.


Bressay: Marsh Warbler and Chiffchaff at Gorie.


Fetlar: Red-backed Shrike, Spotted Flycatcher, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler at Feal Burn. Pied Flycatcher at Aithness. Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler at Funzie. Chiffchaff and Lesser Whitethroat at Tresta.


Central Mainland: Red-backed Shrike near Voe.


Yell: Hawfinch at Mid Yell. 12 Sanderling at Cullivoe. Pied Flycatcher at West Yell. Chiffchaff and Garden Warbler at Otterswick.


Noss: Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Garden Warblers and 3 Willow Warblers.



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